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Toonpack last won the day on December 20 2024

Toonpack had the most liked content!

About Toonpack

  • Birthday 06/03/1958

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  • Location
    The Kingdom of Northumbria

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  1. He did, but when they came to power those thoughts just went out the window.
  2. He who controls the treasury controls everything.
  3. I see Bannon, Farage's mate pulled the Elon "weird hand gesture" at his speech at the CPAC thing, be good if some journo asked frogface for his views on it.
  4. It was, Eddie said it in an interview
  5. Boggles the mind tbh, I'd be surprised if there was anyone on this forum who has worse ball control than him, his first touch is akin to a young kids early attempts.
  6. Pope on way out I would suspect, new GK incoming.
  7. Musk tweeting back to ..... Checks notes.... The comander of the international space station.
  8. Those with perma-tans I would guess
  9. Yes, it's in preparation for "pulling" books that will get banned by the mango Mussolini. Bezos has bent the knee.
  10. Faslane on the Clyde as well as our nuclear sub base it’s the staging port for the yank subs on North Altlantic patrol (which is a permanent thing). Hamper them if it was closed to them, of course Scottish government want it closed completely.
  11. On the menu at Heston Blumenthal's place ?
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