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Toonpack last won the day on December 20 2024

Toonpack had the most liked content!

About Toonpack

  • Birthday 06/03/1958

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  • Location
    The Kingdom of Northumbria

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  1. They were always going to do a bus man, just a load of fannies giving it 2+2= 75
  2. Been a good few hours since heโ€™s posted. RIP Wyki
  3. Congrats, like I said before, they wouldn't think twice if roles reversed (and they'd do it on a Friday).
  4. First album is ok, but then Eddie went all how many more notes can I play at the speed of light in this solo, not for me. Three maybe four tunes I really like the rest is bollocks. His son's talented mind and in my twitter days he was quite funny as well. He got piled on a few times for his name Wolf Van Halen from VH zealots a good few along the lines of: "you're desecrating Eddie Van Halen, stealing his name" "but that's my real name" "It's disrespectful to Eddie, you shouldn't use it, he'd hate it" "Erm, He's my dad"
  5. Saw a documentary on him yonks ago and in one part he talked about this: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/tom-petty-lawsuit-changed-music-industry/
  6. Not a major fan by any stretch but Full Moon Fever is a canny album (only one of his I've had) but he fought the record companies and won, much to the benefit of fellow artists, similar to what Led Zep did for gig dosh. He wrote "You got it" for Orbison btw, and if the rest of the Willbury's were happy to work with him he must have had something.
  7. Fucking dragons and their fiery breath. The bane of middle perth.
  8. Plastic mags are the best sort to be, the gravy just wipes off with a bit of kitchen roll.
  9. Anyone on here appreciate this I wonder? It's only a genuine fucking xG race chart!!
  10. My dad boxed in his youth (Northumberland/Newcastle schools champion one year) and in the navy on his nat service. I always remember when I was a kid I said what would it be like to be hit by a pro, he just said "you wouldn't feel it" ... Pause ...."because you'd be dead". ๐Ÿ˜‚
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