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Everything posted by aimaad22

  1. Well that from us was just about as embarrassing as what your lot did Bloody West Indies as well...
  2. I dont think its ultimately ever about wiping out Islam or any religion. The world power of the time needs an enemy, especially one that's as unrivalled militarily right now as the US. One thats got a massive a defence industry as they do. Europe contended itself with colonizing the world, America had the soviets to deal with for a good while. After that, well, there HAS to be something....
  3. Its not that. Well, in some ways yes. The taliban, for instance, have been branded with everything from fundamentalists to islamist extremists to islamic militants since 9/11 whereas they maintain they fight to get the invading forces out from Afghanistan. By the way, after all these years I see that the US is now again making distinction between 'good' and 'bad' Taliban which is utterly ridiculous. Probably because they're looking to set up some factions against the ISIS. The words terrorist or terrorism seem to have been reserved exclusively for muslims. The amount of coverage is also completely disproportionate and this incident has made that clear. Its a farce, as Parky's pointed out above. I'll be convinced its not if some of the things the likes of the US and Israel get up to get labelled terrorism. Or incidents like this one. Agree with Alex that its odd what takes importance these days when incidents like this happen. Well perhaps not odd, in light of the above. Unfortunate.
  4. Aye, but they do have a well rounded team right now. And I think England and the Asian teams are much weaker than last time around.
  5. According to the father of one of the victims it had nothing to do with parking. There had been priors apparently, no one thought it would go this far.
  6. If the identities had been reversed, nobody would have even asked that question. The media anyway that is.
  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/chapel-hill-shooting-the-latest-act-of-terror-has-just-been-committed-in-america-but-the-media-has-ignored-it-because-the-victims-were-muslim-10038624.html
  8. All the bigger teams get to the quarters thanks to the dumb format. After that its a lottery. The warm ups are showing it could go any way really. Australia and South Africa the favourites I think on these pitches, with New Zealand the dark horses.
  9. Exactly! The tour I singled out seemed ideal in that respect, driving you through places in Holland and Belgium with free days in Paris, Rome, Switzerland etc. Think I'd mostly just want to see the major landmarks, typical touristy stuff. Nothing too targeted. It didn't have Spain or Prague though which is a shame, but I suppose its impossible to fit in everything in that time frame. An alternate had Barcelona and Prague but no Rome which is just unacceptable. The itinerary you provided before seems just about perfect. If I decide to do it myself I'll definitely drop by for more advice. Doubt it at this stage though. Was going through the process/requirements for the Shengen visa and its an almighty pain in the arse. Going to have to look at some of the things they want over the next few days. A trip to the far east is suddenly looking quite attractive If only 34, 678,921 people hadnt heard that one before. Churchill's placenta?
  10. Aye, it does sound a bit much for two weeks, but considering how much of a pain it has become to travel to these places because of visa problems etc which is only going to get worse plus I dont know when next I'll be able to plan or afford something like this I'd rather get through some of the major cities than see a couple in detail. Going to look along the lines of what you've suggested as an alternative to taking a guided tour You all watch too much Homeland by the way
  11. It might not be exactly like the Ben Arfa situation now but its very likely to go down that road pretty soon. Difficult to be confident of any other outcome with our recent record of getting the best out of such players. He has improved a lot recently though. Starting to use his pace a little bit and taking on players now, also capable of finding a pass it seems.
  12. I've got an interesting passport, born in the Middle East, Pakistani nationality and visits to Afghanistan. Wouldnt be shocked if I get chucked off to the CIA from the Embassy down here Visa being rejected is a very real possibility in all seriousness. Public transport is a concept completely lost on me Its not a priority but considering I might be close by it'll be silly to not try and get in an extra day or so for this. Aye I'll look into that option. The amount of time on the bus involved on the tour will be a pain as well. Cheers. Rome's the place I'd be looking forward to the most. Doesn't get talked about a lot but I've heard decent things about Prague too. Thanks for the replies everyone
  13. Need some advice guys. Im planning a 2 week tour through Europe with the family. Parents took a guided tour a couple of decades back and they were very happy with it so thats the plan again. It'll be in August hopefully, one of those 10-15 day tours with 6-7 standard places, London/Paris/Rome/Switzerland etc. Ive checked out some websites, and a couple of offers from a company called ExpatExplorer seem attractive and within budget. Anybody know anything about them? Any experience anyone's had with these things or if there's a company you'd recommend, other options worth exploring etc. Or generally if there's anything you think I should know when planning something like this. I understand most of the above is well planned though if you get a tour and there's not much to worry about. I will try to append a couple of days at the end of it in England though, with the ultimate objective of perhaps making my way up to Newcastle and watching a game if the dates permit. With that in mind, what would be the best way to: Making sure I can get tickets. Is it easy to get them online? There's this fuss now about membership and all that isnt there? Fixtures come out in June, by which time I'll know the exact plan, so if there's a game could I book a ticket easily at that time? And what if there's an away fixture? Traveling arrangements. This will obviously depend upon the time of the fixture. I suppose there are regular trains? Advice for staying in the city if I have to, which I'll try to avoid keeping in mind we'll be on a very tight schedule. I know some of these questions are very general, but I hope you'e getting an idea of what Im trying to get at. The whole Newcastle thing is up in the air at the moment, if Im able to finalize it I'll be back with more questions. Im asking early right now to set aside the budget and the earlier we book the tour/flights the better, things get very iffy when you get close to the tourist season.
  14. Spot on, especially about Sammy and Sissoko. Would love to be wrong here but it seems increasingly likely that Sammy isnt going to be that much different from his older brother in terms of consistency or reliability.
  15. That is, until you look at the financial statements, then you can wank yourself silly in excitement.
  16. "can't wait for the season to be over". Something we say this time each year. It'll be the same the next. So it doesn't really matter. Lowest attendance of the season apparently.
  17. Cabella was a small positive note. Looking better with each game.
  18. Rubbish. We should have been out of sight by the time they scored. What Obertan did with that chance was just disgraceful. Load of shite. Horrible run of fixtures coming up too. Good to know we've planned for it well with a successful transfer window and the appointment of a promising head coach.
  19. This Douf. What a cheat. Pathetic
  20. Lacking creative edge here. As usual
  21. Another wonderful window. The Santon business especially
  22. Difficult to say how good a performance that was because Hull were absolutely terrible. Two good goals and a comfortable win after a long while so can't have many complaints. We're not found to beat many decent teams though. Thought Haidara and Anita did well. Cabella looking a lot more dangerous these days but still wasteful on the ball at times. Seem to say this a lot but Perez is an absolute gem. Horrible service throughout today, mostly random lumps up top. Chases everything down and makes a complete nuisance of himself.
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