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About Angelus71

  • Birthday 09/15/1971

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  1. The new Bin Laden drink..... You need 2 shots and a splash of water!
  2. more mince than Dewhursts!!
  3. In Japan, they don't go to the beach.... The beach comes to them!!
  4. I see Newcastle united are huge in Japan at the moment....people keep running around shouting "toon army, toon army"....oh wait....I misheard them, they're shouting Tsunami, Tsunami ............................................. I know it's crap, but I've only been awake for 5 minutes.
  5. Fuck me, we complain about the size of the potholes in this state! nothing like this one.
  6. Not me.....would have been in Geordie if it was!
  7. Watch NY sanitation destroy a parked SUV!
  8. Leslie Nielsen Dies at age 84 http://www.khq.com/Global/story.asp?S=13578758 ‎"I am serious, and quit calling me Shirley"
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/golf/blog/devil_ba...urn=golf-275853
  10. Holy Shit....he survived too.
  11. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=658...ainColumnArea.0 4 year old does 1500 push ups in 40 minutes!
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