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Billy Whitehurst

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Everything posted by Billy Whitehurst

  1. Trying to watch this too but it's pretty fucking terrible. Have made it to episode 10 of the first season but thinking about giving up. My Mrs describes it as a an insult to her intelligence which is a real damning indictment given some of the shit she watches. The only thing that gets us through each episode is betting on how many people are going to get killed in each episode. Going to persevere until the end of the season and then give up I think.
  2. That's where I studied and it was nowhere near that expensive. Mind you, I left just before Prince William arrived so I imagine that has bumped up the price of everything. I loved it there but there isn't much to do apart from boozing and golf.
  3. Went to the cinema twice over easter and to see Locke and Calvary. I thought both films were great. Tom Hardy and Brendan Gleeson were both excellent in the leading roles.
  4. Moved out at 17. Bought my first place at 32 which means 15 years of renting, bloody hell.
  5. Aye, my folks moved up to Scotland years ago and are absolutely convinced that the tories are doing all they can to ensure a yes vote.
  6. I wouldn't bother mate. Trying to explain anything to him is like trying to explain quantum physics to a chimpanzee.
  7. For all the shit female comedians mentioned above, I'd still rather see any of them on the show than Russell Fucking Howard (as he is officially known in the Whitehurst household).
  8. I really wanted to like this having loved pretty much everything that Winding Refn has done before. I thought it looked great but it was hopelessly pretentious and Gosling seemed to be doing a parody of his character in Drive. I know Winding Refn was experimenting in this film but I don't think it worked as I found it unwatchable at times.
  9. Good point. Too much of that for me last night evidently.
  10. I really don't get Valentine's day, it feels so contrived to me. As for Christmas, me and the other half just exchange small gifts as we don't really need anything. We spend a lot more on nephews and nieces etc as it is more fun buying for them. I enjoy the seeing the family, the boozing and drinking. I think the gift side of things is mainly for the kids.
  11. Glorious failure with the occasional moment of hope. We've been pretty much dreadful for the entire 30 years I've supported us but moments like last Saturday make it all worthwhile. Fuck knows how I'd feel if we ever won anything meaningful but it's the (albeit blind) hope that keeps me going.
  12. I've seen all four series, really liked them. Each series is about a different case so worth watching them all.
  13. So the transfer window has shown us that a) Ashley has no interest in investing in the club aside from ensuring we continue to get Premier League TV payments, Pardew is a yes man willing to say whatever he needs to to remain in a job beyond his capabilities and c) Joe Kinnear is a useless gobshite. We all knew this before the transfer window opened. As annoying as it is, it shouldn't come as a shock.
  14. I think he's a good player. Always looked quality whenever I saw him play for Wigan. If Cabaye is worth £20 then McCarthy is worth at least half of that.
  15. Stroller Ananobi notches, on fire pre-season.
  16. Yeah yeah, I know, nothing to worry about. The misery doesn't start for real until the 19th.
  17. So not far off our first 11 are 1-0 down at half time against a team who recently lost to Forfar Athletic. I now its only pre-season but fuck me that is poor.
  18. Would agree with all of this. Around/Mabillon is a great area. My Mrs' family have an apartment near Rue de Buci so we are there every month or two. Rue Guisarde (near Mabillon metro) is very good for good quality reasonably priced restaurants. Can recommend some places to watch the football too if you wish to spoil your weekend.
  19. They're not that fat, their smack heads are positively waif like.
  20. They were shite, the passing was awful. England have been shite years though. Jack Wilshere will make a difference once fit. The fact that I'm pinning my hopes on an injury prone 21 year old tells you all you need to know. We are one of the many second tier also ran countries behind the first tier of Spain, Germany, Holland and Argentina. The gulf between the first and second tier is huge though. That said, still much better than the dross Newcastle usually offer up!
  21. I'm in the minority too. Can't remember agreeing with many things he posted but he seemed a nice enough bloke if a little simple. He took the stick very well too considering how much he got, I think he'll be missed (even if it is just being missed as an easy target to take the piss out of).
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