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Billy Whitehurst

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Billy Whitehurst last won the day on September 9 2018

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  1. Japan is like nowhere else. Have been for work a few times but only ever to Tokyo. Would love to take the family for a trip to see all of Japan but my girls are only 8 and 5 so probably need to wait a few years. If you don’t get to sumo there then there is a grand sumo tournament at The Royal Albert Hall in October. It’s only the second time it has ever been outside Japan.
  2. Likewise, loads of tickets kicking around for the away end for this one.
  3. I don’t really see alarm bells ringing after that. Brighton are bang in form and that could have easily gone either way today with the two goals ruled out. Big Joe is back and it sounds like Botman may be back for the cup final. Gordon will be a loss but he hasn’t been brilliant recently. It’s a shame to go out but I just hope someone other than Man City wins it.
  4. It’s a relatively recent one for you in fairness.
  5. I’ll have you know that I’ve actually got a PhD in ‘History of American Psychology and Spurious Ownership Rumours’ from Scumbag College.
  6. I quite like ‘Dances with Wolves’ as it happens.
  7. I think he means ‘Dances with Wolves’. ‘Dancing with Wolves’ sounds like some kind of snuff reality TV show. I for one would happily watch Lukey boy dancing in his ‘Free Henry Mauriss’ t-shirt as a rabid wolf sets about him.
  8. Can confirm this is brilliant. Just don’t expect Silver Service! Tayyabs (which is closer to Brick Lane) is great too. In both places, it’s all about the grilled meat than the curried though.
  9. We heard it a few years ago when he got a new contract at Man Utd and did exactly that.
  10. You see, this is the sort of compassion we need. Smack heads are a much maligned group, good to see someone sticking for skanky feckers.
  11. Another photoshop triumph from yourself to add to your already extensive portfolio. Less chatGPT, and more of this please. That said, if you hadn’t have mentioned that you couldn’t do chatGPT, we probably wouldn’t have noticed.
  12. The equivalent of this in our day would have been something like Stuart “Stewpot” Francis fighting Mick Mills. People should think of that whenever they’re deciding whether to watch this shite.
  13. Trippier looks ready for the glue factory.
  14. Can’t argue with that. Absolutely battered today.
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