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  1. And all achieved as an independent artist without a record label, without any traditional promotion, while in Canada getting treatment for his auto immune condition. Pretty amazing really 👍
  2. Used to love that show 👍 Maybe this one from Ren is more up the street for the folk on here
  3. Normally can't be arsed with the typing involved in commenting and replying on here, but happy to make an exception for Ren. I've rarely (if ever) been as impressed by an artist as I am by him. Hi Ren is one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen in my life! It's a live, one-take video and I would urge everyone to give it a go. His story is crazy, suffering from misdiagnosed Lyme disease for a decade. His latest track, Suicide, is a classic as well (but a heavy listen)
  4. What does DNA stand for? National Association of Dyslexics
  5. Oh I'm not going anywhere, I'm just a lazy twat, who can't be arsed typing 😂 I'm already feeling the strain tbh! As far as Clarko goes, what about the possibility that he's both a WUM and has got mental issues? Let's not rule anything out just yet.
  6. I am also a long time lurker (mainly cos I can't be arsed with all the typing involved with conversations by text), but you've achieved something remarkable Clarko. You've motivated me to put thumb to screen to agree with Kentchris, your patter really is shite!
  7. I think putting a mic on the ref would quickly get rid of the worst of the abuse towards them, as it would make the game unbroadcastable before the watershed!The sponsors and broadcasters would soon have something to say about that, and when the money talks...
  8. Everyone of them is a cunt, its all clueless younguns though to be fair, kids under 25 who frequent Newcastle Online, and people not from this area. That's not being patronising its a fuckin fact. What they'll never get is KK changed our club like not one other person on earth could, he gave us self belief, and confidence, he raised the stature of the club 10 fold in not even 2 years. You get some younger lads who understand all this because as entwined in the club as what we are, some of them though, their views come just short of deserving a slap imo. ffs I dunno, I'm kind of with Stevie on this one. I'm not actually from the area (grew up on Co. Durham/N. Yorks border) but I was living in Newcastle 93-98. One of the things I always tell people about is the buzz around the city during those Keegan years. I reckon if you're not from the area, or at least experienced that buzz then it's hard to appreciate the lift that Keegan gave to the whole area.
  9. Could be a good game for us, whatever the result. If Reading win, it's points off WBA; if WBA win, it could knock the current confidence in Reading making it a little easier for us when we play them [unless they keep winning, there will come a point when they realise they have nowt to play for] You might think Reading have nothing to play for, given that they were in the relegation zone just a few weeks ago, but if they win their two games in hand they'll only be two points off the play-offs May I suggest you re-read my post Doh! That'll teach me to skim read. Still, since they appointed Brian McDermott they've been doing a good job of winning (til today). I think we'll do well to take a point off them.
  10. Could be a good game for us, whatever the result. If Reading win, it's points off WBA; if WBA win, it could knock the current confidence in Reading making it a little easier for us when we play them [unless they keep winning, there will come a point when they realise they have nowt to play for] You might think Reading have nothing to play for, given that they were in the relegation zone just a few weeks ago, but if they win their two games in hand they'll only be two points off the play-offs
  11. I'm in for £30, but we'll need to think very seriously about the legal issues involved. I think it may have to be ruled that no individual can have more than 'one' vote in total; even if that 'one' is made up of 3 x 1/20th vote + 2 x 1/50th vote etc etc. This would mean that if you invested separately you wouldn't be able to be part of a group investment. Otherwise what's to stop Freddy Shepherd (or anyone else) from creating 100s of legal entities, each of which buys one share? I also think that a trust (or other legal entity) will need to be set up for each share that is purchased.
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