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About Yorkie-Geordie

  • Birthday 04/14/1991

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    N Yorks

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  1. why would you be considered a cult hero for wearing glasses during football? i'd just consider that moronic. Let's hope you don't take one in the face i guess. INORITE! I wasn't having a go at you, I know you're a decent lad. Yous must be pretty shite to lose 8-0 though especially considering the fact you have a good keeper. I'd turn out for you if I wasn't fuckin banned! Just to fight our corner a wee bit, them lads won every game last season so we weren't up against a bunch of mugs. We've only played a couple but it's all good fun. Thanks for your interest anyway mate and you're welcome to come and watch. Every Bill Gates FC season ticket holder gets a free copy of Windows 7, but they're selling like hot cakes atm. So chop chop.
  2. I'm the only one with glasses in that team, and am considered a cult hero for being so. Thanks for the support btw.
  3. I wasn't advocating we go for him, mate. Was just highlighting the irony.
  4. He'd have gone very nicely under our DOF/'player recruitment panel' system i would have thought.
  5. This time around, i think Steve Bruce is a much more attractive option. Done well in the transfer market, honest and passionate, and he's got what we need - the ability to stabilise a club, at managerial level at the very least. Whether or not he can ultimately take us to Top 6 level is another question. But we haven't had a sniff of that since the Bobby years in fairness, so i don't think that should be imperative in the selection criteria. We've got an excellent squad filled with quality players as far as i am concerned, and Bruce is good with funds at his request, he can find a bargain too. I'm dead impressed with the squad he's amassed at Wigan in fairness, and although they're not breaking records this season, they're stable and never going down. They should be higher than where they are, really. But as we know - the league's tight. Put Bruce in a big club and he'll do well in my opinion. I know, it reeks of Allardyce, but Bruce is a much better manager (and person) than him. It'd be questionable and i can imagine it'd receive a mixed opinion should it ever happen, but i wouldn't be against it.
  6. Do you know where to get the proper stuff from then Yorkie? Argos do a really expensive shit version of it or you've got e-bay..is ther somewhere else yoyu can the gear at reasonable prices? Would love to get into it again. Pm'd you, mate.
  7. I think i have a Subbuteo-thread radar! I could talk about the thing for ages tbh, i've grown up with it being in the house. My dad makes a living out of the game; creating teams, accessories, merchandise and the likes - he's one of the very, very few left around doing so. Some really special stuff actually, but obviously i'm gonna be bias. But anyhow, i grew up plaing the game constantly until a couple of years ago when it got too expensive getting around. Been absolutely everywhere; Brussels, Tournai, Bordeaux, Dortmund, Amsterdam playing on the European circuit. Some fantastic experiences like. Just to blow my own trumpet for a sec, i was England youth captain at the World Cup a couple of years ago. I could never play real football you see! Great game. I can understand those who never took to it though. I still tend to favour it over a game of Fifa though.
  8. Could definitely work. I wouldn't be surprised to see Keegan enforce it; as Chez says - he's probably signed Xisco to play and i can't see him dropping Oba. Imagine if Gonzalez was the dogs testicles n'all; we'd have a fucking sexy attacking team.
  9. The first team doesn't look bad at all; the only real concern of mine is the wing-back situation. There isn't adequate cover. It's disappointing that we haven't replaced Milner, but if we lose a key winger, then we've got the option to take one of those four there out - and go 4-3-3.
  10. "If Keegan is going to sign Fran Xisco, he must not forget to wear flowers in his hair." Not mine; was texted into BBC by someone earlier i think. Probably already been posted but just seen it.
  11. As bad news as the Robinho thing is for us, it's certainly worth a good laugh in Chelsea's direction. Bet they're absolutely gutted.
  12. Doubt it. Slow and steady boys. Slow and steady. I reckon we might like. I'm practically convinced with Gonzalez and Xisco; just sounds very much like Faye and Beye this time last year; as Chez pointed out. Think there may be another one in there too which we didn't necassarily see coming, probably a left-back if anything. Iain would you like to tell us if you are going to sign anyone for QPR? Fairly witty that. Took a sec but aye, not a bad effort.
  13. Doubt it. Slow and steady boys. Slow and steady. I reckon we might like. I'm practically convinced with Gonzalez and Xisco; just sounds very much like Faye and Beye this time last year; as Chez pointed out. Think there may be another one in there too which we didn't necassarily see coming, probably a left-back if anything. The only uncertainty is Xisco. I'm not convinced there will be anyone else. Being a bit of a pain here... but where am i going wrong? I thought that the Xisco thing was at the same stage as Gonzalez; ie confirmed only by their respective club; just not by us. If people are sure about Gonzalez, why not Xisco too?
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