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Everything posted by Fordy

  1. HT, Defence apart from babba isn;t that bad, midfield is whats letting us down right now no service at all
  2. God i hate gerrard why the hell carn;t he play like this for England
  3. Commentator of this stream is an arse
  4. spending more time linking it to u lot than watching it myself
  5. ah found a page if anyone wants it pm me not sure its gonna work mind but i hope it will
  6. More importantly how do i access it off the internet
  7. if its an article surley it was written before he was injured and simply not published until then
  8. Fifa rankings really are a joke if those are the reason were back to fourth
  9. wish the premiership was like that
  10. lol for some reason i thought we were playing today. i live in tutshill across the river from chepstow, and seeing as the river is the english-wales border i'm in england
  11. Hey guys any of u have a radio link for the game today or even a live stream?
  12. seriously are they that thick?
  13. i'm gonna go cry myself to sleep
  14. i may be overreacting but for the first time in a very long time i can see us going into a new season and expecting to finish outside of the top 10, and lets face it deservedly so
  15. i'm gunna be gutted if he goes i think hes gonna be a really good player in the future
  16. Martins all the way been followng him since he appeared at inter hes awsome
  17. not entirely sure i'm with u but if the internet explorer file is missing simply reinstall windows
  18. couldn;t find a better cossack on short notice
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