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Everything posted by Fordy

  1. Horrible news RIP Gary, was such a cracking player for us and a really nice guy.
  2. Please correct me if I'm wrong but from my understanding the City Council own the land the stadium is built on but not the actual structure, surely if this true it must give them some ability or power to prevent this!
  3. Picked it up on the Xbox to play with my brother, been loving it so far, few problems online initially but certainly seems to be slowly sorting itself out. Been so long since i last played a Battlefield game that i had forgotten how much i prefer it over COD.
  4. always liked AMD, but in the last couple of years Intel has pulled away,
  5. Those seats with sports direct at the top look hideous
  6. surely it should have torn his hand off at the very least
  7. lol its actually Gay Porn theres a few articles on this on www.torrentfreak.com if anyone wants to know anymore
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