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Bottled Dog

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Everything posted by Bottled Dog

  1. EOWEN, the HOT CHICK FROM LOTR? LOL!!!111110101010101 /Newcastle are freaking nerds. //anyway, its spelt Eowyn. //stupid shop.
  2. If as it seems that is the case, rest assured they will not be paying upwards of 15 million, which dare I say, makes us look a bit like a bunch of plonkers to be honest. Nowt new there then.
  3. It even turned sour a few times and got dragged out in the press if I remember right. He got 1.2m in compo I think. Not bad for someone who got sacked and did a crap job. 18852[/snapback] The word 'compensation' scares me about the potential sacking of Souness... There's conflicting rumours as to what the length of his contract is, but if there is a potential 5 year deal in there (performance permitting or not) then there's also the potential for 4 years worth of compo if he went tomorrow... Money better used invested in the team IMO! 18863[/snapback] Whats conflicting? As far as all reports I have seen when he signed he was given a 2 year contract with a third year on the proviso that both parties agreed to continue (much like the Kluivert deal). Have you seen any articles stating something else?
  4. So if NUFC beat manu the thing about it that would make you happy is other fans eating humble pie, not the fact we've beaten manu And one win wouldn't make anybody eat humble pie, that would take Souness getting us into the top 6 and into the uefa cup at least, other than that and anybody who has criticised him to any degree would be eating nothign at all! 18829[/snapback] You're not much fun are you mate? 18839[/snapback] Parry has hinted in the strongert terms yet that Owen will be in red again soon, and that Rafa has never been against the deal. I hope there is nothing in it but it seems that they have been quietly playing the game, unlike some others.
  5. I thought you had gone. Given up on the board and your fellow supporters. I don't know whether I can allow myself to trust you again. As to you're question, an emphatic NO. There are a hell of a lot of changes to be made before Souness in particular but Shepherd in many and possibly more important ways can turn things around in my eyes. I realise that many have only recently turned to "the dark side", but for some of us, offering us a packet of sweets will not be enough to bring a smile back to our faces.
  6. Feck me that was painful to watch. Half the team looked totally disinterested, Shearer had one decent shot but was just head down and scowls for the rest of it, Souness and Saunders looked resigned and broken. On top of that Bolton were showboating and might easily have scored more than 2. Shambles. Not surprised and not particularly angry, just numb and thoroughly disgusted at those who have continued to back the fuckers for so long.
  7. Is that a reply to me? If it is, I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Souness managed to emulate Dalgleish and Gullit? He is still a defensive master and did a lot of good stuff but Dyer and Bowyer bollixed it up for him? Wow, fair enough but surely if that's the case they should have been run out of the club asap, yet one of them got a new £80,000 a week (a week) contract and the other remains. Please explain. /Oh and neither of them were/are defenders.
  8. Not sure what good things you are suggesting but other than following Robson in overseeing the development of Taylor and overspending on the neverthless good signing Boumsong (3 defensive players out, three in, no adequate cover on the left or right), Im not sure how he has had much of a positive effect on our defence. I know stats can be misleading but the number of goals conceded in Robsons last full season 2003-4 was 40 our lowest sice we came 2nd 8 or so years ago. Last season we conceded 57, the worst since we nearly tumbled into oblivion 13 years ago.
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