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Bottled Dog

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Everything posted by Bottled Dog

  1. RODDLE*, Souness will not magically transform into Wenger or Furguson and is not the answer. Did you read the Blackburn fans posting on this forum earlier? Why to you think he felt compelled to come onto a Newcastle forum and spend time putting accross his worries. Despite that, I agree with this bit to a degree**... ...But they should accept disapointed reactions after the game if their display deserves it. *ROmantic twaDDLE **note. this only refers to the team on the pitch.
  2. ...and? What has that got to do with a topic comparing old players with their replacements (no matter how rediculously early)???? Stop shouting and getting yourself wound up . Chill out ffs.
  3. Comee on, stop being a doom monger. The Chairman needs to bring in someone who demands respect and hopefully that is what will happen. If he fails to do this then there will be anarchy and revolt and rightly so, but surely it is worth taking risks rather than sitting back in oblivious optimism and accepting the present decline.
  4. Yup, it's the boards fault but they have been aided by supporter apathy. I'm less than moved by the arguement that we should keep the status quo because there is 'nobody better out there'. Especially from those who previously wanted to give struggling managers more time as opposed to making changes in may/June (when there were better managers available, money to spend and time to spend it).
  5. Nope the long term plan we all want as 'Geordies'tm is already in place and will be played out shortly. Souness out, Shearer in. Argueing over the availability of decent managers is academic I'm afraid.
  6. Or over exaggerating it indeed. I agree entirely.
  7. After one game you can tell all that? Right little soothsayers and no mistake eh. Seriously I think he is a good player but how you can judge someone like that already is slightly disconcerting. Hell if we are going on a game by game basis to determine things, this weekend Robert got an assist, Luque didn't. Therefore Robert reigns supreme. Just as nonsensical as your support of Luque. 20873[/snapback] or the fact i've watched him perform over the years in La Liga 20880[/snapback] I have seen him play previously too. You may or may not have seen him more often but neither of us have seen him play for Newcastle before and that is primarily where my interest lies. I for one hope he is fantastic for us but I am not willing to lay down judgement on him quite yet. Nor say for certain he has surpassed Robert. /because as yet, he has not.
  8. After one game you can tell all that? Right little soothsayers and no mistake eh. Seriously I think he is a good player but how you can judge someone like that already is slightly disconcerting. Hell if we are going on a game by game basis to determine things, this weekend Robert got an assist, Luque didn't. Therefore Robert reigns supreme. Just as nonsensical as your support of Luque.
  9. Nobody is blaming him personally, he simply should not be at the club. Agree totally with your point about substitutions.
  10. spot on 20853[/snapback] Not that I disagree per se, but might I ask why?
  11. It's not Souness' fault, he was told that he was good. /Blame the voices. //...or George Weah.
  12. Murrey did the press questions. Not for the first time.
  13. Viana? No wait, Souness cold shouldered him the moment they met. Nevermind eh.
  14. But it has been more than just the one day hasn't it. He is a player of great stature and a great player to have in the dressing room by the look of it but he is prone to be out of position and prone to lapses. He is not worth 8 million pounds.
  15. It is daft, but people are comparing him with Robert and with Roberts contributions in his first few games, thats understandable. With such a big price on his head (3 times Emre) and considerably more wages, he has a lot to live up to compered to his predecessor (who seems to be doing rather well at Portsmouth). But yes, he deserves time. Something which Kluivert didn't get.
  16. No, but we had the best defensive record under them since we came second (as oppposed to last year which was the worst for 13 years or so).
  17. So Faye is Shit, Baba is shit, Emre is a crock along with his 80,000 pound a week signing Dyer, Luque did less than Robert might have done and Boumsong is another Bramble but lacks Brambles passing and has less time to learn anything different. Yay, Parkers pretty good though. Forget his signings, we are desparate so far. He has 3 more games to change things for me.
  18. So if we could have brought Robert, Kluivert and and Bellamy off the bench as opposed to Ameobi, Jenas and Faye, you don't think we might have a better chance. His team is threadbare, and that is Souness' fault, nobody elses.
  19. 20581[/snapback] But of course. Right, time to trek across the moor. Coomon you buggers, work your socks off and try not to embarrass yourselves and the rest of us again. TOON TOON...
  20. Just watched him score another cracking goal. He certainly doesn't look like a player who is about to move and will more than likely stick by his club and fans. /please be wrong, please be wrong, please be wrong.
  21. I reckon 4-3-3 should be a good experiment: ..............................Given................................. Carr.........Taylor..........Boumsong..........Babyaro ..............................Parker................................ ....................Bowyer.............Emre.................... ...........Dyer.....................................Luque........ .............................Shearer............................... Just a thought... and leaving Jenas out the team it seems. 18971[/snapback] Seriously we need a striker. Swap A. Shearer for A. Nother and it would be a damn sight better. Also swapping Baba for Sum Juan Els and (barring any injuries at all) given the right guidance, it could be a cracking little side.
  22. Can he play defensive midfield? /I hear that because Al and Owen have 9 and 10 respectively he has gone for the number 99.
  23. Wow, google image search came up trumps that time.
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