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Bottled Dog

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Everything posted by Bottled Dog

  1. Bingo! /Nah, Steve 'Geordie boy' Bruce obviously. //*cough*
  2. Mourinho wants them all though. Really? That's super.
  3. Fat Fred would be gone. Did he not say that that would be the case if he fucked up on the next managerial appointment (our current perennial duffer it seems, Roeder). No, he said he'd go once we won a trophy so we're stuck with him. Nope, he said that as well.
  4. Huh, I've had a few but that makes sod all sense. Surely half the reason nobody would join us is down to our performances under the manager and to a degree, his past record pointing to future good times. /all behind the most important factor obviously, the cash we throw at them.
  5. Fat Fred would be gone. Did he not say that that would be the case if he fucked up on the next managerial appointment (our current perennial duffer it seems, Roeder).
  6. After HTT's long essay over on N-O on the ability of this man to steady the ship and take us to a position where we can again reach GREAT heights. I have to ask again for clarification of exactly what he brings to the table, and where has has brought us. We are one league result higher, 'flying' in Europe, but I still get this nagging feeling that the only result of his appointment and reign so far is a severe drop in expectations. Am I wrong? Should we be showing greater appreciation of his effect on the team, and efforts in his transfer market dealings and backroom staff appointments?
  7. Kick up the arse? That was the most embarrassing display since Sheffield United, and was a fuck sight more embarrassing than even Souness put us through.
  8. Give Roeder all the money in the world and see where the fuck it gets us. Lemon sucking tart.
  9. Much better to spend 3 million a year on Bramble. I doubt Bramble will be on £60k per week tbh That includes his Christmas bonus and use of the club canteen.
  10. Typical of Toontastic... Criticising a fellow fan.
  11. Typical of Toontastic... Criticising a fellow fan.
  12. Much better to spend 3 million a year on Bramble.
  13. This has been banged out ad nauseum for years. I hope Glenn has the magic wand, but I seriously doubt it. Coo, so he is on a par with Andy O'Brian regarding his suitors. I don't think we have that much of a fight on our hands tbh.
  14. Spot on. /including the 4 for Martins for most of the game.
  15. "...we know we also have to discuss the contracts of Titus Bramble, Nobby Solano and Craig Moore." Maybe the Nobster, but Glenn do you really have to discuss new deals for the other two?
  16. Nope, just noted the same thing on NO. Thought I was going nuts, but thankfully it's only SMac who has completely lost it.
  17. Yoinks, it's not on at Shearers, anyone got a suggestion for a dodgy boozer then???
  18. Man, don't wind yourself up so much by going there then. Easy fix!
  19. Agreed. While I now tend to argue that Shepherd seems to appoint managers based purely on the failings of their predecessors, at the time I was very happy with Dalglish and (maybe just as reactionary as Shepherd) loved the idea of some shexy football with Gullit when he came. I thought like many though that Souness was a joke of an appointment, and as you say his gross incompetence in other areas overcomes much of the sympathy I had for him as a fellow supporter, or his investment in facilities and staff. I hope to God todays comments are bollocks because they are pretty much the final straw. /Seriously. No more socks from the club shop for me. //I might still accept the branded red Italian wine as a Christmas present though as it is pretty damned tasty. ///But by Christ! I'll remove the labels first.
  20. Bugger, sorry for the timewarp, just wanted to add in for Icke that the lad on the TV did not wholly deserve criticism for the flag thing. (fricken 56k) Ok, the dossier was not a work of Shakespeare, fair enough, cannot say I looked at it too deeply. Many here like to think of the N-O crowd as a bunch of kids. If that is the case then can you not at least give them the benifit of the doubt that they want passionately to make a difference to the club and take up the challenge laid down when goatguzzling Freddy said he would listen to fans this time? Just because they are not quite so cynical as some, they don't deserve to be classed as egotists, and however laughable that may seem, some are hurting from the comments today because they believed they were making a difference. Sorry, this comes across as preachy bollocks doesn't it? /Still pissed off with the whole palava though. //Mmmmm pavlova.
  21. Renton, I agree that anyone who goes overboard about a candidate or professes to speak for all fans is too caught up in their fervour and yes that seems to have caused resentment. To be honest though at its height the Chronicle only got 400 emails, so I think it was also the anti-campaigners who were going overboard saying how damaging they were being. Roll your eyes as much as you want but after the first two nights of your on sky sports (no calls, just texts) and maybe two calls on three legends what kind of abuse of the media are you talking about. What kind of prolonged arrogant campaign is that? The lad that went on tv was asked to wear a Newcastle top (he didn't) and the German flag was forced on him by the interviewer. As I said a couple of posts above, no doubt he cannot be done for anything other than being an idiot, but I don't begrudge anyone for feeling insulted enough to suggest the idea. Selectively targeting emails (after an initial random flurry admittedly, but no one had done this before) and a well writen dossier is nothing to be embarrassed about, and certainly not something criminal as the wankmutt Shepherd is suggesting.
  22. Do you not understand that people might be upset when after a lot of effort, a twat of a chairman shows a lack of respect for supporters who want the best for the club, an absolute ignorance of the interests of many who contribute to his wages, and who effectively calls them criminals? No doubt he cannot be done for slander, but he is demonstrably a fuckmuppet in charge of the club. Funny as fuck that like. 97713[/snapback] I think its fucking hilarious ! do these people take themselves SO seriously that they think they can impose their opinion on others ? OK, they've had their 30 seconds of fame, and 10 out of 10 for effort, but its just gone mad ! I think it shows the hight of arrogance and self importance to think that anyone is going to lose any sleep over the fact that their campaign has been dismissed by the chairman, and probably by Hitzfeld himself ! Time to get a fucking grip ! 97715[/snapback] Bullshit. Arrogance would be if if people were demanding an appointment because they think they know better. I don't see any arrogance here. A group of fans, whether they happend to enjoy their media success or not (and I think most if not all were fairly modest in their ability to influence, and had every right to be happy when they started getting noticed) have been shat upon. They have every right to be angry and every right to question whether a club they have supported and invested in emotionally gives a tuppeny shit about them. The only person you should be telling to get a grip is the cocking twatbungie Shepherd.
  23. Do you not understand that people might be upset when after a lot of effort, a twat of a chairman shows a lack of respect for supporters who want the best for the club, an absolute ignorance of the interests of many who contribute to his wages, and who effectively calls them criminals? No doubt he cannot be done for slander, but he is demonstrably a fuckmuppet in charge of the club. Funny as fuck that like.
  24. He is his own man, a mans man, and won't take a telling.
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