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  1. Josh Padley is doing himself proud
  2. All my cockney geezer mates. LAAAVVVLYYY
  3. Don’t care about colour, do care about culture. Unless you’d be happy with a load of gammons moving into a sleepy Northumbrian village and setting up a jellied eel hub you’re the same.
  4. If you don’t want to interact with people who don’t have exactly the same views as you then ban me. I honestly don’t know how you get through your day if you’re that sensitive though.
  5. A guy who raped two women then transitioned to being a woman. He was eventually sent to a men’s prison.
  6. The old “call everything bigotry if I don’t get my way” technique.
  7. Is this problematic to you then? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-64413242.amp
  8. There’s always been trans people and homosexuals. Different folks different strokes. But the pace of change shouldn’t be forced on people just because a minority want it. Let people get used to it, see what works and what doesn’t. Gay marriage is part of everyday life now. It’s not for everyone especially some religious people but by and large people are fine with it. 50-60 years ago being gay was illegal. If you want society to accept new ideas you have to consider both sides not just cancel people for not exactly agreeing with a new idea straight away.
  9. By stirring up ill will you’re making it much harder for the trans community to be accepted by wider society. If women feel threatened it’s not men’s jobs to tell them that they’re “nazis” (sic). I’m much more trans accepting than you may imagine but just trying to bully people into accepting things they’re not comfortable with isn’t going to win the cause any fans.
  10. Of course they exist and should be free to do so. That doesn’t mean that women should be forced to share space or compete against people who were born male. Most people would be happy to have trans spaces and trans sports.
  11. I’ve been here since day one but you chased off all the people who didn’t agree with you.
  12. I wonder if there are any lefty Ukrainians calling those who object “gammons” Islamists (not all Muslims obviously 🙄) have raped thousands of our native girls and women, have murdered innocent civilians and carried out numerous attacks on our soil. They’ve murdered people for DRAWING pictures of their prophet. They’re now trying to bring in blasphemy laws. They regularly call for Jews to be ethnically cleansed from the river to the sea. Nobody wants this fight but it’s ignorant to pretend that the reason it exists is the people trying to do something about it. I hope the government can take the actions necessary (I’m not holding my breath with Labour as there are too many votes at stake). If not it will be violence in the streets and no doubt innocent Muslims will be hurt. I don’t want that and I don’t know anyone who does. What doesn’t work is insulting people for disagreeing with them and the left need to wake up if they want to win people over again.
  13. You have a trans kid or a daughter? Sounds like you don’t even believe this.
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