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  1. Betfair currently Newcastle 5/6, Forest 7/2 Unrealistic odds perhaps, after last week's performance and a final looming... although Fulham were worth more than a 2-1 win against Forest last week
  2. Fuckin hell, steady on!!! But the general points possibly remain...
  3. Full volley from excellent Hutchison headed lay-off... If it hadn't been for Tommy H's headed og on the Saturday there was no way spuds were scoring that day...
  4. Hmm, strange pricing considering current form but I guess influenced heavily by recent seasons...
  5. Who is working on a special reprisal of 'Ernie' for the occasion..?
  6. @LondonBlue, can't see the stadium build (at least the hotel) being nearly as complete as those pics come August, can you? Btw, did you ask about and/or learn of the reason for your BM ban..?
  7. hahaha, in reference to your subtle admonishment of my swearing in first post... Agreed, i don't understand the objection to var just because it may not be available to all fixtures - if it's available a given location, then same for both teams and not affecting other fixtures. I do understand the call to scrap it entirely, but decisions like that idiot's, tonight, make that increasingly unlikely...
  8. what a fuckin joke! that's right @ewerk - a fuckin joke!! stuffy rag cunts...
  9. trafford-leicester shite, btw... and come on leicester!!
  10. Maybe it was using capitals, as above, not lower case which is the site default, or not simply referring to them as the rags...?
  11. Spuds car-crash, i know we were bad but losing 0-4 to them? Fuck! Gonna be manipulated for lpool, if needed, but a last-night performance would still put you in the game at wembley...
  12. None of you feckers bothering to watch/post? vvd already gets away with an elbow to the throat, nothing to see, move along...
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