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East Stander

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Everything posted by East Stander

  1. Aye, the documents sent to shareholders today officially informing us of the Hall deal and takeover, confirm that anyone who deals in 1% or more of the shares now have to publicily declare their buying or selling by 3.30pm of the next business day. So if either Ashley or fatty make a transaction now they have to declare it as they already have more than 1% of an interest. So if they were involved with the 390,000 shares dealt on Friday then we'll know at end of business today.
  2. Don't think the stock market will be open on a bank holiday. Good point. I don't think we will see much action early next week. The written offers will only be sent to the shareholders sometime next week and then more trading in respect the offer from Ashley is likely to be seen. somebody already mentioned this... as a shareholder, will I get a nice letter through the post asking to buy my share? I think I'd quite like to keep a letter like that as a memento You certainly will, towards the end of next week. All shareholders, no matter how many shares they own, will get the offer/letter.
  3. source? This is Money website: link: http://investing.thisismoney.co.uk/cgi-bin...ername=&ac=
  4. FWIW my guess on this is that the board know/have been told that Ashley has been promised already more than 50% of the shares. As an aside, 390,000 shares were sold right at the end of trading today.
  5. In case this was lost in the other thread: 25 May 2007 NEWCASTLE UNITED PLC: STATEMENT RE ST JAMES HOLDINGS LIMITED ("SJHL") Further to the announcement by Newcastle United PLC ("Newcastle United" or "the Company") on 23 May 2007 regarding the mandatory cash offer of 100 pence per ordinary share for the Company from SJHL (the "Offer"), the Board of Newcastle United wishes to provide an update on the situation. The Board of Newcastle United has met to discuss the SJHL offer and has requested an early meeting with Mike Ashley and his team and look forward to discussing the Offer and his plans for Newcastle United in more detail. It is hoped that this meeting will take place next week. A further announcement will be made in due course.
  6. Today's Ronny Headlines, doesn't the bit in bold make you weep!! Freddy gets ready for battle May 24 2007 By Nick Whitten, The Evening Chronicle Battle today erupted over the ownership of Newcastle United as Freddy Shepherd came out fighting against the billionaire businessman trying to take over the club. Chairman Shepherd was lying in a hospital bed suffering from pneumonia and a collapsed lung when he discovered sports shop mogul£ Mike Ashley had bought out the Hall family's 41.6% stake for £55m. Ashley offered the same price of 100p per share to the rest of the shareholders including Shepherd, who owns 29%, valuing the club at £133m. It is believed that Ashley is preparing a transfer war chest of up to £40m. Today Shepherd said: "There is nothing Mike Ashley can do with this club unless he gets a 75% stake. "He can't take full control, he can't change resolutions or the club's articles of association. "He has spent £50m but he will have to spend a whole lot more, as he must now make an offer not just for my shares but the shares held by all the other shareholders." A club source said: "He is saddened by the news. He really didn't have any idea about any of this. The first he knew about it was when he read the Chronicle. "All the negotiations have been done without his knowledge. He feels like he has been stabbed in the back. "He is in hospital with pneumonia and a collapsed lung. He won't be having any meetings about this issue until the middle of next week at the earliest." Ashley is said to be extremely confident he can acquire more than 51% of the club forcing Shepherd into a corner where he would have to sell. An insider close to Ashley said: "He wants to completely take over the business. "The plan is to buy out Freddy Shepherd in a matter of weeks. It is a very strong offer, 19% above the premium. "If Freddy accepts, then there are other shareholders who would have to accept as well. If we get there more quickly, he will then set out his aims and plans. Mike Ashley is a winner. Just look at what he has achieved. It's about building a business and then maximising the brand. "There are opportunities with this club to take the brand more widely." Experts say Ashley's bid to buy Newcastle may be the wisest Premiership deal yet with its biggest asset being the hugely loyal Toon Army. Harry Philip, who has just set up the sports finance unit for global giant GE Money, said Newcastle United was "one of the better investments" of the current takeover crop. Mr Ashley would create a new board of directors if he does gain control of the club. His intention is to give Newcastle a high international profile similar to those enjoyed by the likes of Liverpool and Manchester United. He has also indicated that he will attend Newcastle games, something at odds for a man so private that he has rarely been seen outside his Hertfordshire mansion. The news also came as a surprise to manager Sam Allardyce, who has been at the helm only a matter of days after succeeding Glenn Roeder. The former Bolton boss said: "I'm as shocked about this as chairman Freddy Shepherd. "I didn't know this was going to happen. I will be talking to the chairman to see what it all means and we'll go from here." Ashley's prospective takeover could leave Allardyce with a much-improved summer transfer kitty and the manager welcomed any such cash injection. I don't know anything about the person hoping to take over. But he must want good things for Newcastle if he's spending such an amount on the club," added Allardyce. --------------------------------------------------------- A tempting offer Sportswear mogul Mike Ashley has effectively dangled a golden carrot in front of United's board and it is up to members whether they can resist. When the Glazer family took over Manchester United they borrowed against the club and left it in debt. But Ashley has made an outright cash offer for all Newcastle shares which means the club would not be saddled with any more debt if the £133m takeover went through. Thanks to the Hall family's share, he currently holds a 41% stake but needs at least 50% and one share to take over control. A full 75% share would give him complete control of the club. Current chairman Freddy Shepherd holds a 29% share, institutional investors have 22% and fans account for the remaining 8%. But with Shepherd indisposed while receiving hospital treatment no major developments are expected immediately. Ashley has given shareholders a deadline of 60 days to accept his offer giving him total control, although the deal could be concluded quicker. The offer of £1 a share is a 19% premium on market value before the announcement. Newcastle United's plc is urging shareholders to consider carefully before accepting any offer. In a statement released to the market yesterday, the club said: "The Board of Newcastle United will meet to consider the offer shortly. "Newcastle United shareholders are urged to take no further action at this stage."
  7. Niall Hickman column in the Express today: "The new manager spent four hours yesterday morning talking to Shepherd's son Kenny regarding new purchases and backroom staff changes"
  8. If fatty tries to dig his heels in, then maybe the bit below will be enforced. Taken from page 24 of the last full accounts: Service contracts, notice periods and payments on early termination The Company's policy on the duration of Directors' contracts is as follows: W F Shepherd and D S Hall have service contracts terminable on at least two years' notice by the Company or the Director. In the event of a change in control of the Group or a shareholder acquiring more than 25% of the issued share capital of Newcastle United PLC and procuring the appointment of a Chairman or Chief Executive, both W F Shepherd and D S Hall's service contract become terminable on three months' notice by them and, on expiry of such notice, each is entitled to receive a lump sum payment equivalent to 24 months' basic salary and benefits. I would love to be a fly on the wall at the board meeting they have to call. He'll be frothing at the mouth at the 2 Hall siblings!! Also wonder how they will vote? Obviously Hall and sister will be in favour, Revill could be too since he is Hall's accountant, leaving only fatty and his brother so he could be out voted. Taxi for fatty
  9. Will be interesting to watch the share movements tomorrow despite the club advising not to make a decision straight away. Only other holding over 3% is the unknown Len Hatton with 3.9% who has had his shares for a few years now, no-one really knows if he is friend/foe of fatty.
  10. Wonder if the new PLC Chief Exec Steve Walton has joined yet? He was supposed to start in May sometime. Could be on the rock and roll without even taking his pen top off!!
  11. Not sure if I interpret the first post like you do, it suggests to me that prices will go up after the 15th. Shitty blackmail by Shepherd. I probably will renew but only if I get the seats I want. After the 15th, there is a "surcharge" added if you then renew. e.g. my seat in the East Stand will be £15 extra after the 15th. Full details have now been released on the club site http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/staticFile...78~78286,00.pdf
  12. Any Newcastle United fan renewing their season ticket before June 15 will get if for exactly the same price as last year ... So show your support for Big Sam and his team by getting behind the Magpies as a new era beckons at St.James' Park. This is copied from the club site (including the spelling mistake!) So are we to presume that renewing after the 15th means a price INCREASE will come into effect? If that is the case then the stupid fat twat has finally gone totally bonkers. There was in increase last season, most sensible clubs have frozen, if not reduced, their prices taking into account the extra TV money and drop in attendences. And yet he thinks there will be a mad stampede rushing to buy/renew this summer. The man needs certifying.
  13. Thankfully I cannot see Sam agreeing to any buys suggested by fatty's offspring.
  14. The signing of Bernard, however, proved to be a disaster. The Frenchman, who left the club in acrimonious circumstances in 2005 when he refused to accept a contract extension, was brought back to the club after the close of the August transfer window because he was a free agent following his release by Glasgow Rangers. But the full-back did not play a first-team game with some suggesting Roeder had not wanted to sign the player in the first place. Copied from today's Journal, another example of the influence/meddling in team affairs from fatty and his son?
  15. Yes, according to .com's page on players http://www.nufc.com/2006-07html/squad.html The squad is surely looking thin now after today's cull.
  16. Must be the luckiest bloke involved in professional football. Cannot be arsed to come onto the pitch pre-match and watch the warm ups. I remember the game at Villa this season and as all the staff/subs are walking to the dugouts, he's on his mobile probably putting the bets on. Can you imagine him wired up with a headset? "Er one four for a copy Big Sam?"
  17. Postman pat normally gets to our house at 9 am, I'll post asap. Wor lass knows I'll renew but since I'm incontrol of the dosh, she doesn't know how much I pay.
  18. Well that's question 1 of the reader's poll in The Mag Ican ignore filling in now.
  19. I was a guest of match day sponsor Russell Office Systems and the reception Ned got when he came in for his MOTM award was amazing. Nearly shook his hand off and he was brilliant with us gibbering idiots. He was sorry to miss out with the rest of the team going for a night out as he had to go back to the Midlands but he knew full well that the fans would drink his share and more. Top bloke.
  20. Another example of lazy journalism from Thomson House, obviously been plagarised from KK's 50 minute interview on BBC Scotland http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/sol/newsid_65...bw=bb&mp=rm
  21. Roeder is morphing into Souness more and more it seems.
  22. Physioroom.com site has just changed comeback dates for both Owen and Shola to 21st April
  23. Shepherd, you stupid twat, you have just announced this on Friday and do you SERIOUSLY think you can address this decline after what we have been watching this season? The average attendance for home FA Premier League games was 49,725 resulting in an occupancy rate of 95%. (The first part of the 2005/6 season saw an average attendance of 52,112 and occupancy rate of 99%).
  24. Fatman is the main problem here. For as long as him and his son rule and veto the transfer policy, we'll never get another proven manager to come here. At least the fat git had the bottle to stay in his seat on Saturday and not run away like superfan Kenneth did as soon as they scored.
  25. Also had another go at the East Stand paddock from where someone must have had a dig at him after yet another pirouet and spent a few minutes sulking with carr trying to get him going again. I reckon he'll be away in the summer with the "family cannot settle in the North East" excuse trotted out
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