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East Stander

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Everything posted by East Stander

  1. And since when has a rule been brought in that it is now an offence to kiss the badge? Papers on the BBC gossip section saying both Barton and Rooney are going to be charged! So will Everton's goalscorer yesterday be up for a charge too?
  2. Box Office said yesterday that they were posting them out on Saturday and any that missed would be posted on Monday. Not sure about your user name though
  3. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/200...15875-20767990/ Click above link, scroll down and you can hear the full rant complete with all the beeps!
  4. According to customer services 2 hours ago, they are still waiting for cheques to be signed by 2 signatories! I'm as angry as you about this, emails to the box office on this topic are now being ignored. However, I'm not yet willing to spend any money to chase this up through other avenues YET!
  5. Bassett's a coming! Gulp, how scary is that thought especially as he was sat alongside the wonkey eyed dwarf at Watford yesterday??
  6. I'm stotting about this disgusting smear campaign from the cockney twats. I'm 49 years old and should be sensible about things that aren't "life and death" but boy am I seething. I'm about to email Richard Bevan to thank him for telling the truth and sticking up for KK Here is a link for anyone else who wants to do so too. http://www.leaguemanagers.com/lma/keycontacts-4.html
  7. Exactly. I know of someone who, very calmly, got talking to Lambias (spelling?) outside the box office before the Bolton game and told him how ridiculous the season ticket fiasco was and that him or someone should at least have the decency to make an apology at halftime about the mess. Lambias just laughed and said "that is a big over reaction" and had no idea how much hassle/worry it had caused fans.
  8. Dead right For someone who was sacked and paid off in full, he sure looked upset the next day when he was interviewed on his drive, the fat git couldn't stop smiling!!
  9. In those glorious times of KK's first managerial spell, Faz always took the training at Maiden Castle and KK and TM joined in with the frenetic 5 a sides. Happy times watching the lads train then with hundreds watching most days. Only a couple of us watching Hartlepool there yesterday though!
  10. Anyone who has already paid for 2008/9, check that you could have been overcharged. I've paid £635 for my central East Stand seat, it is shown as being £598 in the brochure. An email to box office has been replied saying refund sent out in July. Okay, they may be aware of it but worth keeping a note to follow up.
  11. Patrick Collins in yesterday's Sunday Mail had his usual venomous attack at us.
  12. And wouldn't his prime reason for wanting to come here would be better wages/signing on fee considering he has major financial problems in Norway? About time we stopped making average players so bloody rich for nothing in return!
  13. Godber barton cannot play at Anfield because of his bail conditions, phew!!
  14. Today's pics on club site show our esteemed new captain as being the "proud" wearer
  15. Quick, someone check the woodwork, one of them seems to have escaped.
  16. A damn sight cheaper than the £71.43 per month I'm paying by DD already for next season I hope!!
  17. For me, the Blackburn game takes on all the significance of 1992 against Portsmouth, it is THAT vital. David Kelly, where are you when we need you again!!
  18. Their football may be superb but their cheating antics are appalling e.g. Nani in the first half clutching his head after every challenge and Vidic squealing like a manic lass when Owen tackled him
  19. Other interesting points (to me anyhow!) revealed are: As well as paying off the loans for the ground redevelopment (plus an extra £4 mill hit for doing so) Ashley has paid off a loan of £4.5 mill and £1.5 mill on the training ground and £8mill loan on future broadcasting income! These loans had not been detailed in previous accounts. We also find out now that Kenneth Shepherd (spit!!) charged the club £82,000 for consultancy through his company Triple S Sports Consultancy for 2007. This is still outstanding (hmm I wonder why ) And his company still owe £9,000 for office rent. A key point too is that Shepherd received no compensation for loss of office (always shown in previous accounts that 3 years would have to be paid) but Douglas Hall got £1.1 mill and the others (Hall's sister, Revill even Bruce Shepherd) were paid compo.
  20. A very Happy Birthday to SBR for today!!
  21. I was that bored tonight I listened to his interview with Pougatch. Couldn't stop laughing at the sad schizo talking about when WE were at Derby, Man Utd and Middlesbrough.
  22. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/e...v_3/default.stm Really sad to hear Jacko has cancer, wish him all the best to get rid. Happy memories of a fully committed centre half for us plus, on a personal level, contributed along with Beardsley, McCreery and Roeder to a good luck tape set up by best man which was played at my wedding 21 years ago.
  23. In other words the fans don't want it but fuck them, it will make us money. Says everything that is wrong with football right there. Stinks to high heaven this idea. Only reason these stupid 5.15 Sat kickoffs happen is for the Asian market, tough shit to the fans who actually go to the games especially away fans. Boils my piss that I'm having to get up in the early hours to travel to beautiful brum on Saturday.
  24. Is Edgar out on loan? He deserves a few games at left back did alright last year iirc. He is a centre back though. Been on the bench recently. Was Enrique injured on Sun by the way? Enrique shown on .com as being available for Spain thsi week which should hopefully mean he could play at Villa. If not and with Zog being suspended, could be Carr and Beye as fullbacks? Spain U21s: Jose Enrique Tue 05.02.08 Spain U21 v France (Benidorm) FR
  25. And his twat of an agent certainly doesn't help matters!!
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