Now, I've never felt so down or bad about things that I've ever contemplated ending things. But, I have a very dear friend who has just tried, unsuccessfully, for the second time.
As you know, I study medicine, and met this beautiful, fun, happy girl through a friend who is also studying medicine (they went to school togeher and both lived in the same residential college where I later moved to). Here I am, a med student thinking that I have to deal with this sort of stuff when I graduate, but never once did it ever enter my mind that I would be watching this girl do this to herself.
I think we sometimes get a bit cynical of those who want to suicide. What could possibly be so heartbreaking, so hard that you would have to end it all? In this case, its all over a broken heart. Surely a broken heart can't be that bad that you would want to end it? Hell, I've had a few broken hearts in my time, I've been an absolute mess, but never once have I ever entertained the thought of taking my own life. I'm just dumbfounded, and when I talk to her, she just says that nobody could possibly understand, and we don't. She must love this guy so much to even think of doing what she did (and has done before). I didn't meet him, but was a cynic at first due to the fact that they were involved in a long distance relationship - that must have been hard to deal with in the first place, let alone having to deal with the break up of a long distance relationship. It turns out that there is so much to her story that she has just kept to herself, tried to deal with alone. I was shocked to hear of an unwanted pregnancy and all the trappings that go with that. Even hurt over the fact that she didn't come to me at the time - I'm studying medicine and she didn't even think to come to me. I guess her reasoning behind why she didn't makes sense - why would you want to take yourself to someone in such a situation? I think it's a reflection of our society - people are scared of being judged by others, scared of showing any sign of weakness or just plain scared of having people feel sorry for them. I can't even begin to imagine what deep, dark place she is in to want to harm herself.
I just don't know what to do, and that scares me more than this guy not loving her scares her. I just passed it off as an obsession, but now that the unwanted pregnancy and the like has come to the surface - it makes perfect sense. There's so much that they shared that she believes she will never get to experience with anyone else. It's just not true - she's such a beautiful girl that it will happen one day, but she just wont reason with anyone. She must love him unconditionally to still want to be with him - I know that I would never want anything to do with him again.
It's just all too much at the moment. All of her closest friends are sitting back and having to watch her self destruct. I'm just terrified that one day she won't be able to self destruct anymore. That one day she will be successful and she wil die thinking that shes not worth anything. I'm feeling so helpless at the moment. Here's someone I love as much as a sister (I'm an only child, so we have a strong bond), and she's living a life that you think only rings true in the movies.
Just this very moment she pleaded with me to let her email her ex-boyfriend. I couldn't exactly stop her from doing it because I can't even comprehend the magnitude of the love she has for him. I just hope that this beautiful young life is preserved, and that she dies an old, old lady - surrounded by the family she so deeply wants and has been told (medically) that she may not be able to have. Life can be cruel, we all know that, but sometimes we just don't understand how other people feel, think and act. I'm not so sure that I even want to.
I hope that there's something out there for her. That somewhere there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Someone to hold her and love her and appreciate her as much as she deserves to be appreciated.
I'm so very scared and confused and want to do my best to help her. I've had no experience in this. I was prepared to expect to have to deal with it in my career in the medical profession - but never in the prime of my life, our lives, where we should all be happy. She blames the guy for all of this - but I don't buy that. He seemed to be unhappy and she just fobbed it off. She just can't see that what she wants is what will make her happy, and yet he has only done what has made him happy.
I'm so sorry for the rant. I guess having moved here from interstate to study, that the only people I can really turn to are within our cirle of friends - and they are all trying to process the same information.
I know it's such a personal topic, but if anyone has any thoughts/experiences with such matters, your input would be very much appreciated.
Life is such a beautiful, yet speedy gift and I couldn't bear to see her waste it.