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Everything posted by magelaide
Grate a green apple. Let it sit until it starts to go brown. Eat. Wash it down with a glass of flat lemonade. It won't get rid of your cold, but it will make you feel a million times better, or so my friend tells me.
I saw them at The Corner (in Richmond, Australia) last year. Very impressed.
I was 4 weeks old. I don't remember much. I loooooooooove flying. I do it about 6 times a year.
I've recently been OS (4 weeks, had to cut short my holiday), and I've never looked forward to coming home to Australia as much as I did two days ago. I love Australia. We rock!
Try being a girl and having to purchase tampons...
Is there any way to do this - apart from the obvious? I have some dude that I used to be friendly with and he won't leave me alone. I don't want to get a new mobile number. Does anyone know for sure if phone companies can block a number?
I saw it and hated it. I fell asleep. My Boy said it was OK. I can't stand Naomi Watts.
This gave me a giggle* http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/645/sydbeach4ev.jpg I've had countless text messages telling me to head to Mullaloo beach (in Perth) this weekend. It's starting to make my head hurt. It really is. *Hope that link shows up, if not, I CBF fixing it. I'm a really slack bitch!
Santa has been extremely nice to me this year: *Two month European holiday (including a week in Dubai and a week in the Maldives) *Tickets to U2 concert I think it would be extremely greedy of me to ask for anything more....... If he's feeling generous: *Gucci handbag *Treadmill *Robbie Williams/Lost/Desp Housewives Box Sets
Sorry to drag this up again. But I'm a U2 member and I got my hands on special pre-sale tickets at 12 noon. I'm so happy. After the 24th of March I can die a happy girl!!!
I was out in Northbridge as well. At my usual haunt - The Mustang Bar. I should really be saving the dosh for my trip to Europe, but I can't help being in party mode.
Egads. I didn't expect to generate hot debate. I'm going all ouf for premium tickets $200ish a pop (I think). Will be well worth it. Coldplay and U2 in the same year - the only thing to make it better would be Robbie for the trifecta.
Wooohoo! Roll on March. It's been a loooooooong 8 years. I cannot wait.
Sorry to drag this up, but this has to be said.... FUCKING AMAZING!!! Atmosphere at that game > AFL GF I'm still on a high from it. BTW, Happy Birthday Woodgate27 - must have been some present!
How boring are Telethons? Yes, it's nice to raise money for medical research etc (given my field of study - I'm all for it) however, why must it infect my television screen for 25 hours? Why?? So, I get off my butt and go into the city. I forget that stupid Rally Australia is on and there are car freaks (read: bogans!) everywhere. EVERYWHERE I tells you. /rant.
Fantastic! Was well worth the early start. I fly out to Sydney on Tuesday morning. Bring. It. On!
I think I have confused everyone. We had been together for a long, long time before he got a job interstate, so we kinda called and end to things. We have kept in touch every single day and have both realised we want to give it a go. I'd hate to die with a 'what if'. However, uni is making it almost impossible to get a transfer at the minute.
Can we add James Blunt to this movement? I can't stand him anymore. 'You're beautiful...' He would be fucking smashed to pieces if I ever got hold of him!
You better stay in Perth or Adelaide or Melbourne, where are you again magelaide? 54239[/snapback] Haha! Do I have to go through it again? Born in Melb, moved to Adelaide, now in Perth for University and am currently in the process of arranging a University transfer to New South Wales to be with my ex-boyfriend who moved earlier this year. I get around a fair bit..
I love Robbie, I really do. I'll just back out of this thread very slowly....
I'm in the process of organising a university transfer to Sydney to move closer to the Boy that I once loved and then lost. Call me stupid, I know, but I love him so much that I'm willing to take a chance on us working. Have you moved for love? Would you move for love? No love humbugs ruining my thread either!
Uruguay should be renamed u are gay. Cos they are. I'm off to the return leg game. My ex-boyfriend scored some extra tickets. I may just be civil to him for the duration of a football match.
It's that time of year - for me anyway! I'm counting down the days until exams and uni for 2005 are over. Fairly condensed exam period for me this semester - 6 exams over 7 days! Not looking forward to my Prac exam (dead, chemically bodies - yes please....). It will be all over in 2 weeks! Then it's off to Margs (If you ever come to OZ, you MUST visit this place!) for a week of sun and surf! Hoorah. Goodluck to anyone who has exams etc.
I hate Christmas with a passion. I'm a Christmas humbug. It's just my Dad and I, so our celebrations are fairly low-key. This year we will be having Christmass with my Mum's family in Melbourne and then Dad and I are off to Europe on Boxing Day! I can't wait. What is with department stores being decorated with Christmas shit already?! I wanted to rip the trees down yesterday. I'm not looking forward to the Chrstmas Carols being played either.
The boys had control over our common room TV lastnight. We were forced to watch Neighbours. Funniest acting display I hav ever seen. Hoorah for Neighbours!!