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Everything posted by magelaide

  1. After reading the Wacky Jnr thread and the 12yo mother one too: So, do you want children? Do you have children? I hope to be lucky enough to have children one day, but only once I'm financially secure and know that I'm able to give them the best in life. The only thing turning me off is the whole concept of giving birth. Watermelons and holes that belong on a sieve don't match.
  2. I was a forum virgin up until posting on Toontastic. I used to think only nerds and those looking for lurve used these things.
  3. Yep, totally agree about the associated risks. Never a decision that should be made lightly, thats for sure.
  4. I'm normally against abortion too - that is away from my working capacity. Being a doctor(well - i will be soon) requires all options and avenues to be explored in relation to patient requests and what is best for the individual and their health. Sadly, this sometimes means abortion is brought up often. If it wasn't looked at in this particular case, then I'd be staggered! First off all, not many 12 yo girls would be able to safely deliver a baby - heck she's just a baby herself! The only thing that does really get me thnking twice about a termination is what I've mentioned earlier - there is lots of evidence that links it to severe and debilitating forms of mental illness (comparable to that of Post natal depression and post partum psychosis) later on in life. Simply put, regardless of the intention and mindset of the girl who is pregnant at the time, there WILL come a day when it catches up with her and regret/guilt creeps in. It's very rare for it to not occur. I don't want to appear to be advocating abortion, but sometimes the situation demands that it at least be looked at.
  5. Congrats! And Max is such an cute name. Hope Mrs and Bub are both doing well. And Dad too, I guess!
  6. Not that any of you will know him...But an Aussie Rules footballer by the name of Michael Gardiner. Trouble lingers wherever he is. Came into ED on my shift at the beginning of the week. Probably more of an infamous 'celeb' now.
  7. Wow, I'm literally shaking my head. It's a horrible situation to be pregnant in the first place...but I wonder if she was counselled on her options regarding the pregnancy. Not so sure about abortion laws in the UK, but in Oz no parental consent is needed for a termination procedure (as far as im aware - ive never encountered a pregnant 12 yo..). I'll probably get shot down for suggesting the consideration of terminating the pregnancy... I suppose it's catch 22 though...the impact of abortion is HUGE and increases the chance of the onset of mental illness. Just a sad and unfortunate event I suppose.
  8. Perth = biggest shitehole on earth at times. Would be a nice place to retire to, but I've outgrown. It's even making home (Adelaide) look appealing atm.
  9. Correct weight. He moved to another state for work. I was going to follow him, but he decided to return back here. Like any relationship, there were a few occasions when we had rough patches and break-ups. They were sorted out fairly quickly. The last one was a forced separation rather than a choice that we made. I have no problems if you choose to be insensitive (I don't think that you are being insensitive).
  10. I've been to Nth Korea. It's horrid, why can't they test it on (and nuke) themselves?
  11. I don't like the idea of making a profit from this scumbag. I could possibly sell it and place a full page ad in a newspaper highlighting what a pig he is. That would be a tad harsh though, right???
  12. I had a very annoying old gentleman on my patient roster lastnight. He is extremely sleazy and I normally endure his company at best when doing the rounds. I heard some muffled sounds coming from his room (egads, that sounds bad..) and went to investigate...he was watching the soccer. I would normally have to tell patients to turn off the telly and rest, but I thought stuff it - I'll let him watch it. I checked on him every 10 minutes after that..No way I was going to miss the match. I was rooting for Germany. I'm over everything Italian - except Italian food, but we don't really need those hairy boffins to make it anymore. I too want to see Italy v France.
  13. Haha, that would be hideous! Fab idea, but I don't think I could lower myself to that. All of his stuff is gone now. Nearly got through it without harsh words being exchanged, but he made a huge point about wanting me to keep the x-box I gave him for his b'day recently. I don't want the stupid thing! Gah. I think I'll be able to focus on starting the grieving process now. Can't believe my hussey of a friend wants to try and keep our friendship. GET LOST. Btw, whats the go with jewellery? Is there a standard procedure - I've offered it back to him but he doesn't want it and I really don't want to keep it.
  14. A tad late, but a huge Congratulations! I've just finished my obstets rotation and the whole pregnancy/birth experience truly is a miracle of life (putting blood and guts aside..). I can't wait to be a Mother, bubs melt my heart!
  15. Thanks all for the advice. He's moving his stuff out of my place tomorrow and moving into my friend's place - not into the spare room either! Guess I was oblivious to it. I'm keeping busy, which helps. Onwards and upwards!
  16. Only someone that will do?? Good grief! It's so true about girls and having to go through the motions, the ex seems to be holding up really well ..like nothing has happened at all. Is it a guy thing to not care or process feelings and emotions? I would have thought that after spending so long with someone (even living with them!) that it would hurt to breakup. Obviously not.
  17. Turds hey? I might find the boy in there.
  18. I'm glad that I'm working 60 hour weeks for the next fortnight. Should help a little bit. Just hard to forget about someone you've spent over three years with. That's life I guess. Plenty more fish in the sea.
  19. That's your problem. 155650[/snapback] By the way, you've said in another thread that you like him and Portugal because you think they have good looking players. Which renders your girly opinion worthless. 155652[/snapback] As always.
  20. Female. Don't do breakup sex. Would probably lead to another relationship and as mentioned, they aren't good!
  21. magelaide


    Not a hobby as such, but I partake in lots of volunteer work. I also read up on body parts etc (more related to my studies in medicine though).
  22. Get back on the horse (so to speak)? Cry for a week? Relationships are shit. I'm never going to be in one again. It does get easier, right??
  23. Where is Dokic these days? And isn't Sharapova 1/2 decent. Best of a bad bunch...but I'd still impale it with my pork truncheon. 154630[/snapback] Dokic is back living, training and playing under the Aus banner. Estranged from her psychotic father (I wouldn't blame her!). V. Williams has been knocked out. Thank goodness for that.
  24. Mountain Dew is tops, and it always reminds me of piss too.
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