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Everything posted by magelaide

  1. Do you have any personality/character traits etc that you conisder to be flaws? I tend to put barriers up far too easily and not let people in. If anyone ever lies to me, they are never forgiven. I'd love to change this. I tend to throw myself into tasks and neglect everything else in my life whilst working on the current task. Some could say supporting Newcastle is a flaw. I just say they haven't seen the light!!
  2. I had the stupidest dream last night. Dreamt that I took a body to the morgue, but when we went to tag it, it was just a skeleton. Aghh. Work is starting to infiltrate my dreams.
  3. It is in memory of my deceased mother, so I aint care if others think it's tacky etc.
  4. Common tbh 165734[/snapback] Not so sure youre serious?? If so, I think my reason is wayyyyyyyyy better than anyone else that has similar.
  5. What would you change? We had a primary school child in emergency today. Had been feeling ill for the past 12 hours, however her family passed it off as the young girl not wanting to go on school camp (started today). She's currently in ICU fighting for her life. Her poor family are beating themselves up over it - we see it so often and try and reassure them that they did nothing wrong and that the symptoms of such an illness are very common for other ailments that dont require urgent medical attention. I for one don't envy their position - they are absolutely heartbroken and feel they are to blame, lots of "If only" and "I wish" being thrown around. I'm sure everyone has things they arent proud of and wish they could change. Todays happenings are my least favoured part of the job. Maybe we should have had those drinks today, not yesterday!
  6. I have my Mother's initials in a love heart in the small of my back. Tiny, simple but means so much!
  7. I just dont wanna be considered blokey. I'll stick to the champers next time.
  8. I've been known to drink guys under the table. Fact.
  9. I'm having the opposite dilemma. It's too cold here. I want summer back.
  10. I naturally went to the pub for a few drinks after work today. My co-workers were shocked when I ordered a beer. Apparently it's considered blokey and a turn off? All hail beer drinking chicks. It's funny how loving sport is a OK, but loving beer is a no-no.
  11. I was always thinking heaven help any boy I bring home to Dad, however it's the complete opposite. He isn't protective at all (well, to an extent - but not as much as I thought). I guess as long as your child is happy, you should be happy for them too. And someone has brought up the birth etc. My Mother had an extrememly complicated birth and in the end, she made the ultimate sacrifice - her life. I went through a stage where I was put off the thought of having children for life. I was terrified at the sheer thought of having to give birth. With modern technology and medicine etc, it's extreremly rare to lose either mum or bub in the birthing process. I like to view the birthing process as a contorlled (as controlled as it can be..) emergency.
  12. I liken it to lads trying to get girls into bed. It's the same concept, just reversed. Seem to spend forever getting us in the sack, and then once in, wham bam thankyou mam over in a fraction of the time. But yes, weekends go by way too fast.
  13. I'm munching on campinos (best sweet ever) and . More of a midnight snack to combat my hunger pangs.
  14. Ugh! My eyes. I only use Toon shirts to sleep in. I wouldn't even sleep in that.
  15. I've had my obstets/maternity rotation and I've witnessed both too. On a side not, we take bets as to how long it is before Mum falls asleep after giving birth. Most times they are out whilst being wheeled to the room. Don't blame them either.
  16. Is it true when they say that the fastest time you fall in love (and one of the most intense) is that moment where the baby is born. I'd imagine its an intense feeling of unconditional love formed within a nanosecond.
  17. There's a toontastic induced relationship?! I'm really outta the loop.
  18. I agree 100%. I'm not overly clucky. I aslo think that sometimes we (girls) get hitched and have babies just because it's what we deem to be the next step in our 'journey' through life. Success aint defined by how many kids you pop out, and nor should it be. If it happens, great. If not then that's fine too.
  19. I'm a chick. I love sex - I'd welcome the 'who's horny'.
  20. How come boys can never be serious?? You must have sensitive sides somewhere.
  21. I'll take the nerd thanks! I can't fathom how people can fall in love over exchanges of bytes.
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