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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. The same keeper fucking levelled Ryan Fraser a mile away from the ball and we got fuck all.
  2. Aye, absolute gift. Maybe Arteta can shut his fucking face about Brentford now.
  3. Her fella has been the one saying there's no evidence she ended up in the river. If he had owt to do with it he would have been all over the "she's in the river" stuff as soon as anyone mentioned it.
  4. "Shrinking" had a pretty strong first episode imo. It's AppleTV.
  5. She's taking up the Steve Bruce spot whenever a manager gets sacked.
  6. Where were all these fucking dipshits when we were available for £300m? Waiting for a £3bn bargain.
  7. I don't mind him, I thought he came across really well in the Amazon All or Nothing doc. The real issue here is that I'm just an unmitigated cunt who likes to see others fail.
  8. Be even better if they lost it by 1 point. Arteta would never get over it.
  9. Unreal. He comes across as a proper cunt and then sticks it up for a wider audience.
  10. Worse than Brexit this. It's tearing families apart.
  11. Pickford ffs. What a div that kid is.
  12. If wanting Liverpool to lose is wrong, I don't WANNA be right
  13. It will be special if they get HUMPED.
  14. It is genuinely emotional hearing his voice again. And the energy is still fizzing off the bloke. He must have been quite ill when this was being recorded and he still sounds exactly like the bloke you remembere. When you hear him talking about crawling through mines and then think of the career he went on to have, it's crazy.
  15. "Sunderland or Middlesbrough or anyone else never entered my life. Never entered my life." That's gonna go down well on Weirdside.
  16. Just started this. It'll be good cos it's 0ut together using recorded interviews when Caulkin was working with him on his final book. Theyve not been heard before. It's lovely to hear his voice again.
  17. I'm not as bothered about Everton going down now that Lampard has been binned. So much so that I'm backing them for VICTORY this evening. I hope they fucking RUIN Klopp's Valentines.
  18. I'd do it but I don't know if the world is ready for Wembley's first ever 100-0 scoreline.
  19. It should be noted that that's exactly where it all went tits up, removing my name from the thread title. I've been too modest to say anything, but since you brought it up.
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