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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Beto is fucking hilarious. He struts like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Ah baallls equaliser.
  2. Pickford scoring an own goal off his bonce is my summer blockbuster. 2-1.
  3. Pickford hoying a wobbler is my summer jam.
  4. If they lose to Sheff United today, you'll ALL be wanting to get on the prediction train.
  5. My mate was at Liverpool Uni. Into bodybuilding and got followed home by Purple Aki. He's breathing easier today. Easier than Purple Aki anyway.
  6. Shit this looks really bad. 1 hr 11 for the first episode too, wtf. E1 opens with some baddies up to no good in a warehouse. Cut to exterior where a panther is watching them through a window. I've now seen the first instance of him changing into an animal in the back seat of a taxi. He keeps telling the driver to "keep your eyes on the road" whilst panting like he's having a wank in the back seat. It's going off. I'm not even waiting for special guest Ursula Andress to show up.
  7. Manimal's on IPTV. 😬 Firing up episode 1 now.
  8. We should be getting Ciaomanheyman his own YouTube channel and a ticket for both Milan games. "Hallo and welcome-a to de channel-a. My name-a Ciaomanheyman. A-please to know you. Smash-a de like and a-hit-a subscribe thankyouplease."
  9. Mason Greenwood to Getafe BTW. Lock up your daughters.
  10. The thing I remember most about Al Fayed was him doing a rap with Ali G. 1:19 for your enjoyment. "Here come da shopkeeper" "Mohammed"
  11. Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday. If that 19th date is right, we've got Brentford (H) on the Sunday and then expected to play in Milan on Tuesday night. Will Brentford get shifted or is Sunday/Tuesday considered fine?
  12. The visit to Adidas headquarters was a reminder of some of the genuinely honking strips they designed for us. It's exciting to be back with them but hopefully they keep it classic and don't shit the bed next season.
  13. The exchange I read on RTG was: Which one of these players that I've never heard of is the new Zidane? The one that sounds like a sneeze.
  14. This is the kid who's currently having the worst day of his life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adil_Aouchiche
  15. This lad is righting the wrongs of the original Zidane's career.
  16. On RTG there. One of the players they've signed today was billed as "the new Zidane" a few years ago by the Athletic. None of them seem to be grasping that him signing for Sunderland means that that prediction was very fucking wrong.
  17. Lascelles at it again. Wait til he turns up with his blue shirt and his bag for life.
  18. I sent an email in to ask this question and it got published on the site. Mr Howell has so far been unavailable for comment.
  19. What's with the bit of kitchen roll?
  20. ROBERT! Have you tried it just in your browser, ROBERT?
  21. "the Saudi threat" meets the Liverpool weapon.
  22. Absolutely insufferable, but I really hope we get an update on Klopp's integrity from David Howell if/when Salah goes next week.
  23. He's played way more minutes than Cole Palmer who went for the same price! The market is just mental.
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