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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Just as an example of some of the stuff they have to deal with, my lass has a Ukrainian refugee in her class. The kid doesn't speak English, he's obviously been damaged by his experience, and he's a constant flight risk throughout the school day - as in he will, at a second's notice, get up out of his seat, leave the classroom, leave the building and just walk off school grounds to wherever the fuck he feels like. He's 9. And he has to be physically dragged, kicking, punching, biting and screaming back onto premises and shut in a room until he calms down. And the school has been told there is no alternative for him, so he has to stay in school and just be managed. So my lass is on high alert all day - trying to teach 31 kids whilst also keeping an eye on this lad, and if he so much as twitches or looks like he's about to get up, it's fucking panic stations. That's incredibly stressful to have to go back into every day. That's not teaching. It's not fair on the other kids in the class and it's sure as fuck not fair on the teacher or the two or three that have to leave their classes to chase and drag him back to the building. People don't see this sort of stuff but it's going on everywhere. Imagine all that and then every time you get on social media someone's got something to say about how lazy and greedy you are, and if you put the telly on some cunt politician is there lying about how much you get paid and how much you're being offered. It's a wonder we've got any teachers/nurses/doctors, etc etc left.
  2. All of the above whilst getting paid the same real terms wage that they were getting in 2008 BTW.
  3. Nah you're wrong. This sort of patter is why my wife stays off Facebook atm. It's everything. It's the fact that they're now expected to be social workers, special needs counsellors, put up with insanely entitled parents who just think they can ring up and go off on one cos a fucking 9 year old didn't like the way a teacher said something, deal with growing class sizes, have to actually buy supplies themselves cos the school won't pay for them. It is a fucking gold plated shitshow. And it's getting worse, not better.
  4. Well I don't believe for a second that steve9KS1TV isn't a solid ITK.
  5. Get yourself the Surfers Against Sewage app so you can check whether he's gonna be surfing in turd.
  6. Unsurprisingly, I'm NUMBER ONE.
  7. This was quality. For context, Mhairi Black has just announced she'll stand down at the next election. Dowden will likely find that he doesn't get to choose.
  8. Looks super comfortable doing a double thumbs up.
  9. Left handed, wipe with left. All whilst sitting like a proper big boy.
  10. Whoa is twitter embedding working again. This lad is no gippo if he's just sorted that!
  11. Get your uni places now! Get your uni places now!
  12. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Last-Action-Heroes-Nick-Semlyen/dp/1529058503/ref=asc_df_1529058503/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=641784839678&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14223011052908568056&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006948&hvtargid=pla-1946832082495&psc=1&th=1&psc=1&ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=373b947c-0b22-4a63-b679-f04f0ea36168 @Kid Dynamitethis is gonna be right up your street. Apologies for the gigantic url.
  13. Gemmill


    Aye embedding has been stopped I think. Ties in with not being able to see anything unless logged in. Musk is the same as those idiots who went down in that submarine. Only accustomed to things working out for him and assumed that whatever he did would be a success.
  14. I'm confident Howe could get the best out of someone like Phillips.
  15. I believe congratulations are in order, as that is somehow even worse than the stuff you usually post.
  16. Handy new tool on the Opta website:
  17. One of my mate's cunt wives got sat with a mate from work and his wife st my wedding. She asked them if they had kids and when they said no, she asked why. I don't know the full details of their story but I know he was always desperate for kids. I don't have kids cos I don't want them and I get bored as fuck when you're on a work call and people are giving it the "you know how kids be!" patter for the first ten minutes of the call. Then things get even worse when they all want to talk about work.
  18. Aye as soon as the last wicket went down it went off here.
  19. I hope you all got the chance to listen to Jonathan Liew bring his expertise to the table in the lunch break on TMS BTW.
  20. Was anything said in the presentations post match about the Bairstow wicket?
  21. Given how close they've got, it brings Crawley, Pope, Root and Brook's stupidity yesterday into greater focus. Even half a score from one or two of them would have been enough.
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