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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. It's trivia time! Spurs are away at Luton this weekend.... But can you name the last player to score for Spurs at THE KENNY?
  2. Looking back I enjoyed one of their lads in the first few minutes putting his studs on the ball and backing off basically saying "Come on then, are you gonna try and press us". And we were like "We'll get to that mate. Are you ready?" and then just fucking squeezing them til their pips squeaked for the next 90 minutes.
  3. I liked everything apart from "however the damn hell he wants". That was a bit too Joan Collins in Dynasty for my liking.
  4. Aye this is PL and TP moaning about xG in their car pool Prius, while me and The Fish are doing donuts in our Ferraris in the car park.
  5. Ticket Scientist might be more appropriate than Correspondent. Dr. Tickets. Professor?
  6. He sharp caught up with Dembele when he was free and clear in the box last night.
  7. Right fuck it. I'm in the Southgate is a Cunt club. He's in a very unfortunate position cos I don't actually want him to pick our players, but he can fuck off if he thinks he's not picking our players. The goofy little dweeb.
  8. We were still 3 days shy of the 2nd anniversary of the takeover last night BTW. Less than 2 years and we're pumping PSG in the CL. I don't believe any manager other than Howe could have achieved this. We got mad lucky getting that bloke.
  9. They don't hand the Sela Player of the Month Award out to just anyone. If Southgate can't see that then I don't know what to tell him.
  10. I find it absolutely soul destroying that no matter how well we do, they would always theoretically have done just as well, if not better. It makes it hard to really ever get a feeling of contentment.
  11. Think I mentioned it elsewhere but Callum Wilson has committed to doing the Carlton Fresh Prince dance if he scores.
  12. He would have got away with it at a talk-in up here. You can't trust the people of Bristol not to run to the papers though.
  13. sammynoballs (that's what it stands for) is worried about losing at West Ham. That's what's happening here. He wants McGroin to take this one on.
  14. I just want to watch even the absolute worst match related content all day. Days like this ruin your YouTube recommendations for a month. The algorithm just thinks you're a total junkie for shit football craic.
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