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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Get that 9 points added now and we'll deal with the legal stuff later.
  2. He wears a wasteman's hat.
  3. Gemmill

    Gigs 2024

    Different class of fan at a Billy Strings gig. Spotted three blokes in dungarees and suspect there were more.
  4. Titanfall 2 is mint. Proper fun. Not too hard but the split between playing as a Titan and as the Pilot with the wall running is class. The time travel section is pretty clever too. This is probs old, old news to you grizzled gamers but it's on Gamepass if anyone's not played it.
  5. He's 59. He's not a baby boomer who's built wealth, and in fact he was fucking skint until he won the lottery by becoming PM. He's exactly the sort of person that will benefit from IHT changes, writing an article about how important it is that people benefit from IHT changes.
  6. On the plus side Dave, this has got superhero origin story written all over it.
  7. You want to go to a Toontastic "Scottish" Lads get-together. Got some CCTV footage of PL at the last one here:
  8. Gemmill

    Gigs 2024

    I'm in Glasgow tomorrow but for Billy Strings. Little bit of fucking bluegrass for you.
  9. Take your coat off before you start wanking. Simple fix.
  10. I don't think public do think it's a good idea do they? I suspect we'll see some polling on it over the coming days. This lot don't care anymore - they're not doing this as a vote winner, it's just the last opportunity they'll have in a while to enrich themselves and their friends.
  11. I'd be a bit worried if I was Man City fan given the charges against them and the fact that action has finally been taken for this shit.
  12. Dock the cunts another 10 for the flares and fireworks.
  13. Getting sued by a few clubs as well. Maybe if their fans had set off midnight fireworks outside the independent commission HQ, things could have been different.
  14. The other is Serge from Beverly Hills Cop.
  15. Powerful Harry Enfield "Only me!" vibes.
  16. "Guys. Scratch that stuff I said about the bull market. Didn't work out."
  17. People don't care that much. I hope "something else" includes "jamming their Rwanda policy up their back eye SIDEWAYS".
  18. Supreme Court says the Rwanda deportation shit is illegal. Rishi is having some week.
  19. That's VAR working perfectly. Aye it was much better when, if the ref pointed at the centre circle, it was a goal and you didn't have to worry about it being ruled out 5 minutes later. But if you're gonna have VAR, I want these diligent, sensible, Arteta-botherers in my VAR hut.
  20. She's still trouble for him though. You might not like her but there are plenty loonies that do both in the party and the press, and they're all happy to make trouble for Sunak which he can't afford. The Mail will go big on this tomorrow, I reckon. And she'll have an article either straight away tomorrow or in one of the Sundays to keep jabbing at him.
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