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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. OK, well how do you feel it's going with our best 11 on the pitch? Cos we're 2 nil down, Spurs are fucking cruising, and they're all racking up more miles in their legs. What benefit are we seeing from not rotating the squad beyond satisfying your weird sadism?
  2. Neville man you fucking helmet, we've lost half the squad to injury. This isn't a team that just can't cope with Europe. Little cunt. Still beat your shite club even on half legs.
  3. I would put bairns on if that's all there is. I'm not saying you can make changes and NOT worsen the team. I'm saying you have to accept that these 10 outfield players need a rest. We're getting twatted anyway. You could have done the maths on this before the game and just taken the hit and let some of them have a rest.
  4. I honestly don't understand starting the same 11 today. We're just gonna get beat AND further exhaust the 10 outfield players. May as well take a few of them off at half time.
  5. It's been coming. We could get beat by a few here if it keeps going like this. We still look goosed.
  6. Rashford is banking on TenHag getting peddled. He's not getting that money anywhere else though, so it's either the manager goes or he warms the bench for £1.4m a month.
  7. Aye, full strength I'd have fancied us to knack these. But we're basically limping from game to game at the minute. I'd take a point and no further injuries now too.
  8. It should just be size of loan divided by half the house value, I think. Can't think of another way you would do it.
  9. I guess we just want Arsenal to pump these.
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