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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Give the goal man. Just for the banter with Klopp.
  2. Obviously I would never do it, horseshoe hair heed! That's why I just have to stop talking to her about it. If I ever go to their Christmas Party again though, all bets are off. It'd be like the game Hitman even down to the cueball heed.
  3. Aye my lass says the same about the covid kids. Don't know how to interact with one another or just in general. They go straight to tantrums if anything goes against them etc. And the whole teacher-parent relationship was broken by COVID. Parents were given a direct line in to teachers cos of the home schooling thing, and they've not relinquished it. They think they should be able to direct their kid's education like a conductor. Someone going into this cold would completely lose patience with these parents within minutes. There's a weird hierarchy thing amongst the staff at schools as well that I can't deal with. My lass will tell me stuff that has happened at school, and honestly if it happened at my place or any where else in the private sector, you'd just tear a fucking strip off whoever said it to you, and it would never happen again. But they're all like "Oh no you can't do that. This is just how it works in schools." Gets to the point where I can't talk to her about it cos all I can think is "either you tell him he's a cunt or I'll call in and do it for you cos it is just radge that this is going on."
  4. My lass has thought about doing supply just cos it takes away all of the politics and non-teaching stuff that you shouldn't have to do. She's currently trying to give up her (unpaid) head of year title cos all it means is that every fucking parent who thinks their kid needs special treatment has a direct line into her to deal with on top of all her teaching. It's a completely broken profession.
  5. If my lass and everyone else in her work circle is anything to go by, teacher would be a really bad move. Every fucker wants out, and the career change people that they get coming in later in their lives hate it just as much.
  6. We're witnessing the moment when Renton flips right wing. He's trying to get us to say that immigrants are lazy.
  7. I failed to get a second interview with Arthur Andersen because when the bloke asked "How do you think you'll cope with working full time and having to do exams", my response was "what exams are these?" I didn't know what I was applying for, it was just the first thing that came into the careers centre at Uni. I certainly had ZERO desire to be an accountant, but when PW offered me a job at the end of my second year I just accepted it so I didn't have to do any more interviews.
  8. Er excuse me. Firstly, ewerk couldn't hack the exams so is actually an accountancy dropout. And the other person you refer to as a "bean counter" is not only a qualified accountant, he also has a degree in Economics. This bloke has got it all. Now that my credentials are established, I don't know the answer to your question.
  9. Hope things sort themselves out. All the flooding and extreme weather we've had here has so far been pretty kind to the North East. Living in one of the parts of the country where flooding is now a once every couple of years event must be dismal. Can't sell up and get out, and it's gonna get worse, not better.
  10. https://m.facebook.com/santanewcastle This lot get presents for kids that otherwise would probably get nowt at Christmas. They work with the council so it seems legit.
  11. Absolutely outrageous this. Minding my own business and come in here to find this. We need a grievances procedure.
  12. Stick a gain block right at the end of your chain on the Stomp for a few extra DB boost, assign a footswitch and just stamp on that when it's time to melt faces. This affable Canadian will clue you in on how the feedbacker works:
  13. Here this might be of interest. There's just been a new Helix firmware release last week and one of the new pedals is the Feedbacker. So you can now get the Helix to produce natural sounding feedback on demand. You just set one of the footswitches up as momentary so it only triggers when you stand on it and you can determine how quickly it comes in, how long it lasts for etc. Pretty clever stuff.
  14. I want a name check for suggesting the HX Stomp when you get on Rig Rundown.
  15. If Everton get bought by 777, they'd have a huge interest in this, especially given ongoing spending restrictions.
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