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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill

    Eddie Howe

    I'll be fucking gutted if they get rid of Howe. It would be a terrible decision. You can't on the one hand talk about how far ahead of schedule we are, but then refuse to accept some backward steps. He just needs time - the CL has completely fucked our season as anyone with a brain could have predicted it would.
  2. I tried that one. Still fucked! Might cycle back through the ones I've tried in case one of them is better than this. The scrolling on the Samsung browser is bizarre.
  3. Aye I think I'm sorted Tom, cheers. The Samsung browser is fucking doggaz, so I'll only be using it for this place but it seems to be holding up.
  4. Just downloaded the Samsung browser and it seems to work fine. This is the best thing that will happen to Toontastic this year, bar none.
  5. When it fucked on my old Samsung, it was the same thing happening (phone crashes, same error messages), but a move to Firefox sorted it. Moving to Firefox hasn't sorted it this time. The odd thing is that when I first got this new phone, I used the transfer utility to get everything from my Samsung across to here, and this place was fine on Firefox. But transferring from a Samsung to a Pixel brought other problems, so I did a full reset over the Christmas, and that's completely borked this place. There must have been something transferred across in my Samsung settings that allowed this place to run ok, but that's fucked now.
  6. Congratulations to Isegrim for achieving the worst xG against in Premier League history.
  7. I can only imagine the fucking crowing you've been doing in your local and your fucking cul-de-sac since the takeover. There's probably no one in the north east for whom this match has bigger consequences in terms of pisstaking.
  8. I took a break from here over the Christmas, but since I signed back in yesterday it's now completely unusable on my phone (Pixel 8 ) - it actually crashes my phone, not just the browser, and it's embedded tweets that are the cause. If there's none the page loads ok, if there's one or two it takes an age to load, and if there's lots, the touchscreen becomes unresponsive, the screen goes black and I get a load of error messages. I've tried browsers other than chrome too - all fucked. This is the only place that's causing it - I'm on my laptop atm. So basically, you're all gonna have to find a new hero to worship cos the G-Man is peace-ing out, except for the VERY rare occasions when I'm on my laptop or tablet. The alternative is that you all club together and buy me an iphone, which tbf you might all actually want to do.
  9. Didn't they want shot of Mowbray though? And today they're chanting his name?! Or am I just wrong about that?
  10. I just watched Quiz Lady and enjoyed it. Sandra Oh, Awkwafina, Will Ferrell. A good bit of amusing fluff. Worth it for the drug scene alone.
  11. Aye. We all said at the end of last season that getting into the CL was class but it was likely to fuck our chances of doing it again this season. We literally had the season we had last year because we had a game a week for most of the season. If knobs on twitter think Howe should be sacked for not getting CL next season, they can fuck off.
  12. Don't speak with your mouth full. And yes, I'd like to qualify for any European competition this season. And I'd like (and back) us to be better equipped to cope with it next season.
  13. One of the three domestic competitions hasn't even started, and the second isn't even halfway through, and the season is a "write-off"? Weird take. We did as well as we did last season because we didn't have Europe to contend with whilst other clubs did. It was great to get back in the CL, but it's completely fucked our season because we still don't have a squad that can cope. Ploughing ahead with the Europa League matches would only have made matters worse. There's still fucking loads to be played for this season. The FA Cup for a start, and 20 league games to try and win. Get some players back and strengthen in the January and we can hope to do both.
  14. There's 20 PL games and the FA Cup to play yet. Plus a transfer window and 4 or 5 players to come back from injury. Calling the season a "write-off" is ridiculously defeatist.
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