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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I know. Ugh you've planted a seed now. I'm running through my excuse rolodex. The GREAT CHRISTMAS CRY-OFF might be happening here!
  2. Nah, a range. There's no one super young there. There's some fucking WEAPONS that I can't stand though. I just cannot wait to be walking out of it.
  3. If you think I'm gonna walk around the room saying bye to people, you are VERY mistaken. One or two of them might get a nod as I leave if they play their cards right. Otherwise it's gonna be full on ghosting time by the party ninja.
  4. Probably. I wish I'd cried off now, I FUCKING HATE stuff like this. The best thing that will happen today will be me walking out of this thing. I'll get a genuine adrenaline rush.
  5. I'm already looking forward to the moment that I put my coat on and leave my Christmas do today. Starts at half 12, and I'm targeting 3:30 to 4. It'll take a herculean effort from my colleagues to keep me there any longer than that. I honestly don't think they've got it in them.
  6. It's my work Christmas do today. Last time I went out with these bellends, I came home with Covid. That was only 2 or 3 month ago so I'm hoping I'm still antibodied up. Either that or it kicks in sharpish, and I just between now and Christmas off sick, but am better for Santa getting here.
  7. Unbelievable. I thought we were marrows.
  8. Won't he backdated. So Chelsea have completely taken the piss and got away with it.
  9. If Zathras wins this, it sets a new precedent for the match thread starter to also get a new tattoo. We'll all be looking cool as fuck by the end of the season.
  10. Aye but they'd be in League One if they hadnt broken the rules in the first place. But YEAH, ten points was SO unreasonable.
  11. I think they went for An Audience with Kylie as the title. Snappier than yours.
  12. A message from my armchair: fuck off, thick cunt.
  13. Aye, a nice story as far as it goes, but I've heard the Girona boss has one eye on the Sunderland job.
  14. Feels like the rankings change when you've only got half your squad available.
  15. Aye, it's become like a tory leadership contest of late. Any old cunt thinks they can throw their hat in the ring.
  16. Yeah I'm beginning to wonder if match day food choice isn't a bigger factor. All we can do is continue the testing.
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/dec/09/diana-rigg-assisted-dying-rachael-stirling-mother-cancer?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other A "good" read. Relates to some of what we've discussed in this thread; how there should be an off button when we've had enough.
  18. I put this off once I'd seen that Trippier was getting rewarded with his 4 minute rest. Why THE FUCK are you still watching it now?
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