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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. His list of the best albums of 2023 is basically a long list of stuff next to no one will have listened to. I think I'd heard of about 5 of the artists listed. I'm gonna work my way through the list and see, but I smell a musical cork-sniffer.
  2. If her kids are as thick as her, there's a good chance she's wasting £15k a year.
  3. Her timeline is a shit show. All climate change denial and other conspiracy stuff. She can ram all of it and her dopey kids up her hoop.
  4. Like fully deaf, never coming back? Sorry to hear that. And aye, the tinnitus. I went for "tinnitus retraining therapy" which was really just them explaining that it's nothing to worry about and some things like having bird noise playing really low in the background throughout the day or whatever to give your brain another focus. They don't actually do anything to treat it (it's untreatable, I think), but the idea is CBT based in that them explaining it and you understanding it more means you fixate on it less and so it recedes into the background. Worked for a bit but not at the minute.
  5. Sorry I'd just like to distance my medical situation which required hearing tests, CT scans and MRIs from these DIRTY ANIMALS who can't keep their ears clean. Very different. Very very different.
  6. Aye very similar but it sticks with the same people throughout. And it's just done better.
  7. Callum Wilson is having some January.
  8. I'd change my dog's name to Miggy if he ever had to have a leg amputated.
  9. I think it might have been one of your posts in the music recommendation thread that set this whole thing going. The Various Sounds of DIY.
  10. There's chrome browser extensions that will extract audio from a certain page. I'll have a look when I'm on my laptop in a bit.
  11. Cheers lads, as far as I'm aware it's nothing to worry about. If they don't find a neuroma, then there'll be no further treatment. If they do find one, then I think all they do is monitor any growth or further loss in hearing. Annual MRIs or something like that. The consultant that I got the CT off said to just basically forget about it and get on with my life. He was the same lad that set up the MRI just to confirm the CT results (it's difficult getting MRI with a pacemaker so I think I'll be waiting a while for that.) The tinnitus is annoying as fuck, but in the grand scheme of things that can go wrong with you at my age, a bit of hearing loss and tinnitus is getting off lightly to put it fucking mildly. My lass was on about a kid she teaches who has hearing problems and has lost all hearing in her left ear over the Christmas, and now they're monitoring the right and fearing the worst. This kid is 9 ffs. I've done alright.
  12. Honestly couldn't give an informed opinion as to how high functioning they are, but there's definitely a big variety across the show. There's a lass on there who does animation and it's all she wants to talk about - only interested in potential dates who also like animation, etc. She's probably (to my eyes) the highest functioning. She's properly funny and desperate to get her leg over. At the other end, there's a lad called Tanner in the second season. He's fucking lush but he's this combination of seeming very very young mentally but at the same time desperate to find his other half etc. Give it a go and see what you think.
  13. I slept on the middle floor last night, cos sleeping in our bedroom up in the roof is noisy as fuck but also genuinely feels like something is gonna come loose. I'm an ear plug boy as well. I think I'm gonna get some moulded ones made both for sleeping and for loud environments (if I ever choose to leave the house again). April last year, I got a sort of blocked ear like I had a cold or whatever. Took ages to sort itself out, during which time my hearing in that ear was bollocksed. Anyway, when eventually the blocked feeling went, it was replaced by permanent hearing loss at higher frequencies (had two hearing tests to confirm this). Also my dickhead of a brain has decided that cos I can't hear those frequencies any more, maybe I'd like them replaced with round the clock high pitched tinnitus. Been for a CT to check for some neuroma (growth pressing on the auditory nerve), but didn't show anything. Waiting for an MRI to check the same thing, but basically nowt to worry about. It's NOT ageing related cos it's unilateral and happened really quickly which is why they're doing these further tests. Anyway, fortunately my hearing in my right hear is very good, but this was all a long winded way of saying I'm gonna protect what's left on both sides by being the sad cunt in earplugs at gigs etc.
  14. Mid 20s, I was fully done with big boozy nights. Couldn't cope with the hangover and hated spending my weekends completely fucked and being just about right come Monday morning in time for work. It's not a recipe for success.
  15. Love On The Spectrum on Netflix is really good. Absolutely heartbreaking at times but mostly pretty uplifting.
  16. It's not though. We have to sell before we buy means we categorically cannot buy anyone until we bring some money in from player sales. He didn't say that so there's no reason to assume that it's true. You then said "if we need to sell before we buy, why are we turning down offers for players". But nobody every said we had to sell before we could buy. So the specific language really is important and it isn't just semantics.
  17. He didn't say we'd have to sell before we could buy, did he? I thought he just said we would have to trade players like other clubs do.
  18. It would sober anyone up trying to work that sentence out.
  19. Aye makes us immediately worse, and I don't really see how the fee would do anything for our ability to progress. If he goes, I'd assume it's cos an offer has come in and he's asked the club to let him leave. And tbf I couldn't blame him, it's Bayern Munich.
  20. Maybe he's leaving her here, sticking on his Scooter records, and enquiring of the local frauleins "DO YOU LIKE IT HARDCORE??"
  21. Set against this is the fact that they can't meet their monthly running costs atm.
  22. This thread has basically become old man Facebook.
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