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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I'm hoping these will flag in ET. Not looking likely atm though.
  2. Dear me, the ball from Miggy there. All the time in the world to roll it to someone.
  3. Oof that is dogshit. What's the story with extra time/replays/penalties?
  4. Nice goal. Just see it out and job done. I'm just gonna ignore the performance. Something's not right at the minute. A season ago we would have just suffocated this lot with the press and for some reason Howe thinks we can't do that anymore. I guess he has the data on fitness etc. Anyway, results are all that matter in the cup, so let's see this out and forget about it.
  5. If they bring this 15 year old on, Miley should get him in a headlock and demand his dinner money.
  6. I was at the Freeman on Monday for an MRI on my defective inner ears.
  7. Depends how much work it'll be. I've definitely reached the point at work where my appetite for responsibility/expectations are maxed out. The next step up is way beyond what I have any interest in doing. I'm just navigating my way to retirement now, hopefully with as few job related issues as possible. Sorry to hear about your family health troubles btw.
  8. Bunch of jockaphobic Lee Anderson types on here. All scrambling to explain themselves. Disgusting.
  9. Aye, a REAL Scotsman. The only one posting on here to my knowledge.
  10. Cos they were SHITEING themselves.
  11. Look at everyone ROUND ON the Scotsman itt for having THE TEMERITY to suggest that anyone was defending Chelsea. Outrageous. It's no fucking wonder they want independence.
  12. Maxi, show this man what his support means to you..
  13. It's true that Ashworth had been handling negotiations and that Staveley has taken them over, but I think that happened before he left anyway. That's been mentioned in other reports. The same thing happened with Bruno - he eventually signed when Staveley took over negotiations from Ashworth. There's a big gap between 43k and 110k though, so who knows where Ashworth was pitching - the tweet almost suggests he was refusing to budge from 43k, which will obviously be bollocks.
  14. The 10 point is the prescribed amount for a breach is my understanding. Which they've now rolled back in by reducing it.
  15. The fact it's taken until the end of Feb 2024 to fully resolve a 2022 breach is ridiculous. They've gained the advantage already by twice surviving relegation when they shouldn't have. And then these idiots reduce the penalty. A breach is a breach surely.
  16. This one was PSR but for the cycle ending in 2022. They've got another breach for the cycle ending in 2023 but the hearing for that isn't until April. They might well get away with just a 6 point deduction for this season given how fucking slow the PL seem to take to do everything.
  17. Ah fuck them. But I'm struggling to see an incentive to stick to the rules if all you get is 6 points knocked off. We would easily be 6 points better off if we'd just ignored the rules since the takeover.
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