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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Aye that's it. They don't want to alienate racists. Pathetic.
  2. Just a bunch of great, honest lads and lasses.
  3. If anyone was wondering what, I dunno, maybe a random web developer (?) thinks is success for Newcastle United this season, this is the video for you.
  4. The three old men De Niro, Pesci and Scorcese watching it back going "Fucking looks alright to me. You look absolutely ROCK." while everyone else is staring at their shoes.
  5. One of his colleagues has been on LBC this morning saying "he was just being a wally". That's a verbatim quote.
  6. Hope trying to generate some controversy on his WhatsApp channel. It does look like the keeper might have taken..... ... he might have taken... ... an extra DUBSTEP.
  7. This is the most passive aggressive apology I've ever received.
  8. Re-read your post, Captain Top-Knot. It doesn't sound like you're just talking about using him there as a sub. "could be a better option than constantly playing Bruno there." It's a no from me.
  9. Has anyone ever looked into why we've only got one active female poster on here?
  10. He scored the other day but he moves like a 70 year old. No way does he have the legs to start games as a DM.
  11. He won't want to mak it too obvious marra, but this looks like a job application to me.
  12. Who are the two championship sides in the next round? I don't fancy Leicester but I'll take the other ones.
  13. Full breakdancing clinic taking place in my living room atm. I'll video it and post it up later.
  14. Nice one Bruno. Thought the dickhead commentators had given him the kiss of death there.
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