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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Nice to see that the beauty school dropout didn't forget everything.
  2. OMG he was asking about proceeds from player sales and how revenue recognition works! RTFQ, as Dave Royston at Kaplan used to tell us.
  3. Haley has dropped out of the race and is still picking up votes in the low teens from Republican voters. Basically the equivalent of spoiling your ballot - they've got to be Never-Trumpers.
  4. Won't take many of these to vote for Biden for Trump to get absolutely destroyed in the election.
  5. Actually Tom, I've just looked there and apparently the Stomp manual says that you should use a momentary pedal. The HX software must cater for whether you have it set to momentary or latching. So I actually think that WOULD work now.
  6. Unless that means it can do both latching and momentary.
  7. I'm not sure it will! Cos it says "momentary footswitch" on, which would suggest that it only engages while you hold your foot down on the switch. Which I'm guessing is not what you're after!
  8. You could have been a whistleblower. As it stands, I'm just gonna have to work this investigation myself.
  9. I don't want to take over from Nefilim as the board conspiracy theorist, but has anyone noticed how much more of a chorine smell tap water has now? It fucking reeks of the stuff, and as a fully certified hipster I make sourdough bread, and I noticed in the last 6 months or so that my starter wasn't as active as previously and was gradually dying after each use. So I switched to bottled water and it's fully back in business now. The sourdough starter is the canary in the coalmine. But yeah I think there might be more chorine in tap water these days. Maybe to solve the problem of our waterways being entirely shit infested. I'm sure there haven't been any post Brexit regulations relaxed that would allow the water companies to bleach all of our insides....
  10. I still enjoy Taskmaster. I thought Clary was funny tbf. But then I'm not a raging homophobe.
  11. That makes their fees all the more egregious though. Last time I moved, the amount of chasing and coordinating I had to do, which should have been the job of the estate agent, and at the end they just walk away with their fees for fuck all.
  12. I mean this is an actual member of parliament ffs.
  13. Aye, this is specifically what they're calling their "retro" model, hence all that shit. But aye, piss take to claim a bit of super modern tech gear is remotely retro - all the retro means here is they've used the same colour as the original MPCs. I haven't even got the retro one but this was the only promo vid I could find that didn't have someone that started the video with a "WHAT'S UP GUYS?!" It is mint though. I've been trying to learn Ableton but this is so much easier to learn cos it's a self contained unit.
  14. He's done another relaunch speech this morning so let's not be too hasty. If I was as rich as him, would I fuck be putting myself through this embarrassment every day.
  15. Sunderland will be a ghost town between 1 and 3 today.
  16. You've got to boycott it lads. Show them what a stupid idea this is.
  17. Gemmill

    Gigs 2024

    Get a chant going. "ONE-FIFTEEN! ONE-FIFTEEN!"
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