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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Dan, there's a way to answer this question, and that's not it. 4404[/snapback] Probably Shakespeare. Would nice to have a sonnett written about me. 4423[/snapback] Dan, let me get this right. First you want him to shag you. Then you want him to write a poem about it for posterity.
  2. The rhythmic beat of "In the Air Tonight" keeping you on your stroke eh? 4411[/snapback] Would make my night that. I'd only swap him for you gem yyou know that. 4420[/snapback] I'm not getting Phil Collins' sloppy seconds you cheeky prick.
  3. There must be another Phil Colins, the only one I'm aware of is that horrible dwarf from Genesis. 4410[/snapback] That man is a living legend. 4417[/snapback] In all seriousness, BAN HIM.
  4. The rhythmic beat of "In the Air Tonight" keeping you on your stroke eh?
  5. So what's your answer?! Bottler! 4405[/snapback] I would struggle to go better than Skinner's answer actually. Bit worried about Ali getting rough though. Although if I'm taking I'll have John Wayne Bobbit post snip.
  6. Dan, there's a way to answer this question, and that's not it.
  7. Good use of Skinner's legend theory there. 4387[/snapback] Yep, giving the fattest man alive his only ever shag. I think Thompson and GayJon are just going for the legend status themselves. 4391[/snapback] Now now Isegrim, that's no way to talk about Thompson.
  8. Who would it be? Saw this asked of Frank Skinner in an interview and he picked Muhammad Ali circa '64 or early Elvis - if you're gonna have to do it may as well make it a legend. Haway then. Who's brave enough to answer? And who's the soft shites who'll just go "Eurgh that's sick. You must be bent" whilst mentally drawing up a list.
  9. Theory's proving right then! 4152[/snapback] By the same token, then all men must have gay tendencies. Who's your poison, Craig? 4154[/snapback] Ant'nyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  10. Asked for it to be changed. I'm not a mackem and certainly wouldn't want to be. 4082[/snapback] So what are you then? 4119[/snapback] A southerner and a shots fan. 4127[/snapback] So all that business on the SMB a couple of year ago about how you were STID, and felt the passion for the club as much as anyone born a mackem was a whole heap of shite then?
  11. Not one to take these things too seriously, but I think you're taking the piss a bit with digs like this. You say you want the two boards to co-exist and that there's not supposed to be any bad blood etc. but then you take the piss out of the lad's site. Just my opinion, but personally I don't think there's any need.
  12. I can just see Craig stacking boxes on the dance floor, shell suit on with a couple of glo-sticks.
  13. No mention of porn in his text by the way, but I think we can take it as read.
  14. Had a text off him earlier to say he's been browsing on here. Has he shown his face yet? I expect he's gonna need some help to register.
  15. The story is that when Craig goes to a foam party, he wears.... Wait for it.... A SHELLSUIT.
  16. Ewww, eww, ewww....... 3549[/snapback]
  17. All the Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl stuff. Plus The Three Investigators. Then I got into Agatha Christie (Poirot in particular) and read tons of them.
  18. Just how southern are you John? We need to have a southern based piss up for us legends in the south? Craig's not far away either, we need a southern piss up! 3453[/snapback] That sounds like a fucking cracking idea.... BTW, you're 'true' forum title has been re-instated! 3463[/snapback] Was that a joint admin decision? I'll be south at some points during the season. Can I go to the pissup? 3494[/snapback] Why don't all of you south-of-Birtley minceboys come up for a game? And we'll all go out for tea and toast after. I hear Rob W loves these sort of social occasions too?
  19. Haway lads, there's nee need to be spamming the bloke's board about this place. Whether you started the thread or not.
  20. Crumpets with blueberry and blackcurrant jam.
  21. oh man why do things have to change??? 2434[/snapback] I love you, HTT! 2860[/snapback]
  22. Don't take it very seriously but I LOVE winding people up that do.
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