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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Just how southern are you John? We need to have a southern based piss up for us legends in the south? Craig's not far away either, we need a southern piss up! 3453[/snapback] That sounds like a fucking cracking idea.... BTW, you're 'true' forum title has been re-instated! 3463[/snapback] Was that a joint admin decision? I'll be south at some points during the season. Can I go to the pissup? 3494[/snapback] Why don't all of you south-of-Birtley minceboys come up for a game? And we'll all go out for tea and toast after. I hear Rob W loves these sort of social occasions too?
  2. Haway lads, there's nee need to be spamming the bloke's board about this place. Whether you started the thread or not.
  3. Crumpets with blueberry and blackcurrant jam.
  4. oh man why do things have to change??? 2434[/snapback] I love you, HTT! 2860[/snapback]
  5. Don't take it very seriously but I LOVE winding people up that do.
  6. Aye, you can't really see them winning by 6 in the return leg like.
  7. Sponsored by Target? Class.
  8. You've just googled that havent you? 1973[/snapback] It's always the solution on these computer threads. Thought I'd get it in before one of the so-called experts did.
  9. By the way, she's better in person 2191[/snapback] She'd fucking want to be!
  10. So do you not refer to them as teeny-weeny ships, pud?
  11. nah, hes an accountant he just scanned for the pound signs. 2056[/snapback] It's actually true. When I took my last job all I looked for in the contract was: a) Salary Number of holiday days The rest was irrelevant.
  12. Here, I don't have to lend my considerable posting skills to this board you know!
  13. Aye, it was just plain old Chinese Mouse, you cheeky twat.
  14. Well first I get a PM which wakes me from me slumber then I have to click on read then I have to actually arse meself to read it and then I have to click the "Ban Gemmill" button. Now where is that button then... Works good though! 1982[/snapback] Show him the yeller then ref!
  15. You're always galivanting somewhere or other you! GM, report me, I dares ya! 1978[/snapback] You bloody hooligan! It was for the likes of you that the whole report facility was put in place - to deal with you and your outbursts. Any more of your verbal diarrhoea in my direction and I will report you, Aaaaaaannn-o-nnnnnnnnnnneeeeeee! 1980[/snapback] Too late I've just reported you. Haway pud, what happens?
  16. You're always galivanting somewhere or other you! GM, report me, I dares ya!
  17. What are you insinuating, you conceited little fart-sniffer? 1964[/snapback] That you are the spitting double of Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiig. You're an abominaaaaaaaation!
  18. Sounds like a DNS server problem to me.
  19. I know which one of the two you'd be, GM. The slightly unstable, liable to lose it at any time one.
  20. Imagine what you'll be like with the ladies then, given that they're already letting you shag them in the local park. Not to mention the fact they'll probably be happier if you don't leave pastie crumbs in their beds.
  21. Where are you living these days, fatso?
  22. Any chance of a swear filter on here? Only I'm appalled at some of the foul language I'm being subjected to.
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