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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Davina was far too soft on psycho boy. She gave Maxwell such a hard time, then she gets the chance to let Craig know that he's a manipulative hideous arsehole, and she passes up on it and acts all buddy buddy. If you act camp on that show you are guaranteed an easy ride in your eviction interview regardless of whatever else you do in the house.
  2. Followed by you phoning in, saying what a grand job Souness has already made and how he needs more time..... 10017[/snapback] I can never get through cos you're always on with your legs dangling over the Tyne Bridge telling them you're going to end it all if they don't bring Robert back.
  3. Isn't 6 when the Legends start? If so, it'll be Eric Gates reading out one of his hysterically unfunny anti-Newcastle emails from Billy in Sunderland, followed by forced laughter from him and Slaven.
  4. What's going on here? This thread is constantly at the top of the page and on the main page it says alex's post was at 3:09pm when if you come into the thread, it was at 2:51pm. Strange goings-on.
  5. I thought you went to Leeds, not UCLA. 9873[/snapback] Frickin AWESOME.
  6. There`s no doubt he should be captain he has got everything,but i don't think souness will,because all sounesss says when asked about him all he goes on about is that "he is only a kid" 9887[/snapback] Taylor should be allowed to concentrate on his development as a player - he's promising, but people are going over the top and he's not the great player that people make out. One thing he doesn't need is the added responsibility of being captain IMO.
  7. Who'll play instead of them then? Seems like bad planning to me.
  8. You're just blaming Shepherd because it deflects attention away from the blind backing you and others have wrongly given to Souness. 9870[/snapback] I'm almost as responsible for the current situation as both Souness and Shepherd in some people's eyes.
  9. Shepherd and this whole transfer fiasco is really getting on my tits. If August 31 passes with our squad unchanged, we are screwed. Still at least Shepherd will be able to brag about how nobody holds him to ransom for a transfer fee.
  10. "Vanished. Like a wrinkly ninja."
  11. We've had these referral things when I was working for my old firm, and I know you had to make it clear to HR when the other person was joining that you were referring them, and the person in question had to do the same, or else the referral scheme didn't apply. Still though, sounds like wykiki is sorted if the Regional Director has approved it. Do what Rob says - go to HR, if they don't know what you're talking about it, or are dragging their heels, go back to your boss. Send emails to these people though, then you've got a correspondence trail.
  12. Gemmill


    As with footballers and managers you have no bloody clue when it comes to flair. Zinfandel the grafter among wines. Ugh. 9690[/snapback] What could a German possibly know about good taste? You're all sausages and sauerkraut man.
  13. Gemmill


    Someone tried selling alcoholic milk in Australia (unsuprisingly) about ten years ago. Don't know if it ever took off. 9484[/snapback] You can get that stuff here called Mudshake which is an alcoholic chocolate milkshake (I think). I've never tried the stuff though, sounds minging. 9686[/snapback] I've drank Malibu and Chocolate Milk whilst holidaying in the tranquil paradise of Benidorm.
  14. Gemmill


    I like a white zinfandel. Or just white. Red wine is minging. Lukewarm pissy muck.
  15. Gemmill

    A request

    I know Sammy pretty well. He's most definitely a testosterone-filled footy supporter!! 9527[/snapback] I'm pretty sure it's oestrogen.
  16. Handy if you need something fashioning from wood though.
  17. Good point! Though Gemmill clearly does apparently, so we shouldnt laugh. 7738[/snapback] That's enough of the lip, Tim Henman. 7780[/snapback] Says Mr 'Bruce Springstein chic' circa 1985! 7781[/snapback] Advantage, Henman.
  18. Good point! Though Gemmill clearly does apparently, so we shouldnt laugh. 7738[/snapback] That's enough of the lip, Tim Henman.
  19. It's generally $ for pounds I think for Levis. So you'd probably be paying $45 or so if they're 45 quid here. From what I remember anyway.
  20. If we spend the money before the end of August it'll be a good move. If we drag our heels, refuse to up our offers for certain players, and get to the end of August with the money still in the bank, any profit on the sale will probably go in a dividend. Big risk for Souness agreeing to any sale because there is no guarantee whatsoever that his chairman will allow him to use the funds to strengthen. And if he doesn't I think it'd be fair to say that he's hanging Souness out to dry, no matter what you think of Souness.
  21. Oh dear, better shovel some of that humble pie into your own gob, Hobbes.
  22. Thought it would be my fault like. As I've said before, I've stated my position on Souness many times, and I'm sure you've read it, yet it's easier for you to make it sound as basic as this. Fair enough. 7468[/snapback] You've got to stop this paranoia, I never said it was your fault. People are allowed to change their opinions and/or admit they were wrong, or they can be stubborn and look increasingly foolish, your choice! 7485[/snapback] I don't need to change either my opinion or position, as neither are as simplistic as you like to make out. Your position hasn't changed since the day the bloke was given the job, at which point you decided right there and then that you wouldn't be giving him a chance. Tantrums and tiaras in an airport departure lounge if I recall correctly. 7486[/snapback] The tantrum in the airport is a figment of your imagination! You need help! As for Souness, he has had plenty of chances to prove me wrong, he's just never taken them. Every day he makes a bigger prat of himself, like today when he said that Viduka, Owen, and Anelka were all 20 goals a season men, despite only Viduka having reached that total, once. D'Oh! I'll have you eating humble pie out of the palm of my hand one of these days, mark my words! 7492[/snapback] Now you see, a level-headed person like myself would be able to shrug their shoulders and just go "Actually, that's not entirely accurate. Dunno who's given the bloke that information". Someone who hates the bloke beyond all reason would probably sit shaking their head going "There he goes. Making 'an even bigger prat of himself.' by the day. I hate him. I HATE HIM!!".
  23. Thought it would be my fault like. As I've said before, I've stated my position on Souness many times, and I'm sure you've read it, yet it's easier for you to make it sound as basic as this. Fair enough. 7468[/snapback] Scott, you're just like one of those fans JJ invented in that article 7481[/snapback] Love the board, love Souness, love every decision the club makes. That's me.
  24. Thought it would be my fault like. As I've said before, I've stated my position on Souness many times, and I'm sure you've read it, yet it's easier for you to make it sound as basic as this. Fair enough. 7468[/snapback] You've got to stop this paranoia, I never said it was your fault. People are allowed to change their opinions and/or admit they were wrong, or they can be stubborn and look increasingly foolish, your choice! 7485[/snapback] I don't need to change either my opinion or position, as neither are as simplistic as you like to make out. Your position hasn't changed since the day the bloke was given the job, at which point you decided right there and then that you wouldn't be giving him a chance. Tantrums and tiaras in an airport departure lounge if I recall correctly.
  25. Thought it would be my fault like. As I've said before, I've stated my position on Souness many times, and I'm sure you've read it, yet it's easier for you to make it sound as basic as this. Fair enough.
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