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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I'm not one for slagging the other board off on here, but I've just seen a classic. Someone's started a thread about the "other striker signing in the next 24 hours" that The Chronicle are reporting. Someone's then gone on to mention the name of Owen later on in the thread, and Phil Craig has warned them not to mention Owen any more in that thread as he's being discussed elsewhere.
  2. I can't quite believe what I'm reading over there to be honest. Being cynical about this move is one thing, but saying that it's a huge mistake and "devastating" is fecking amateur dramatics at its best. Sad as owt.
  3. Have a look on Newcastle Online man. Wullie is going mental saying he's "absolutely devastated" at this news, and every bugger's agreeing with him. People have become so used to being negative and moaning that they can't muster positivity for anything anymore. I'm not saying this deal is going to come off, but I'm buggered if I'm going to be devastated about it.
  4. Is he squatting for a dump on that?
  5. Howay man, have a word with yourself. 16957[/snapback] Wha? 16962[/snapback] You accused Fat Fred of being clever, shrewd almost. Have a word man. 16970[/snapback] Ahhhh, I see. Let you off then.
  6. Howay man, have a word with yourself. 16957[/snapback] Wha?
  7. If it's just a bid by Shepherd to try and price Liverpool out of being able to buy him, so that we can take him on loan instead, then it's a work of genius by Shepherd. Desperate maybe, but a clever business move.
  8. Is this just us upping the price for Liverpool? I thought Real's valuation was 12m?
  9. "It's up to the player and his advisor." So he's still not coming then.
  10. I still don't reckon it'll happen unfortunately. From what you hear it sounds like Benitez is under a lot of pressure from the board to bring Owen back - you can't blame them given their performance in front of goal so far this season. What we need is Liverpool's strikers to get a hatful against CSKA at the weekend to ease that pressure a bit.
  11. Even if you used it in that fashion you were still at the time avoiding providing an answer of a valid, realistic replacement for the bloke you wanted kicked out who we could get and who was guarenteed to be an improvement. So you can hardly knock other people for wanting Souness out without having 100% settled on who we should get and how we 'll get them. 16703[/snapback] Well actually I can because I was using it in a flippant "Why should I if you won't" fashion. I fail to see how that precludes me from ever again asking someone if they have a replacement in mind for the manager that they constantly demand be sacked. 16704[/snapback] Allright then you can ask them, but it makes you a collossal hypocrite 16705[/snapback] It doesn't like, but thanks for the permission.
  12. Even if you used it in that fashion you were still at the time avoiding providing an answer of a valid, realistic replacement for the bloke you wanted kicked out who we could get and who was guarenteed to be an improvement. So you can hardly knock other people for wanting Souness out without having 100% settled on who we should get and how we 'll get them. 16703[/snapback] Well actually I can because I was using it in a flippant "Why should I if you won't" fashion. I fail to see how that precludes me from ever again asking someone if they have a replacement in mind for the manager that they constantly demand be sacked.
  13. Its true, even when we are a mess we have the money and reputation left to pay people that means you can still be surprised as to who we may get. Both Emre and Parker show that as if a smaller, less well known club were in exactly the same position as us, neither would have signed, they signed because we are NUFC. Theres also the argument that Souness is such a disaster that anything is better than allowing him to continue his wrecking job. And i agree with Isegrim, i'm thought i remembered Gemmill using the "Not my job to find a replacement" in the Robert argument when those of us pro-Robert kept asking his haters to line up some realistic and viable replacements guarenteed to do better than him. 16697[/snapback] You'd be wrong too then. It was Wullie that started all that "Not my job" shite with regards to who should replace Souness, saying it wasn't his job to find a replacement. I was the one that was saying (in the same context that I am now), that if you're so hell-bent on getting rid of the current bloke, it's only reasonable to expect that you might have someone else in mind. I probably then did use it in relation to Robert but in a "I think I'm right in saying that the correct response to this is 'That's not my job'" fashion.
  14. I think you`ll find both Jimbo and I agreeing with you on that one. 16684[/snapback] Not a realistic one IMO though. Seems too decent a bloke to walk out on a job he's just started. 16686[/snapback] Considering there is already quite a few reports this side of the border about his not so good relationship with Romanov i don`t think it would be that unrealistic. 16687[/snapback] If he's already having bother with one chairman, Freddie Shepherd is unlikely to be viewed as a pleasing prospect.
  15. I think you`ll find both Jimbo and I agreeing with you on that one. 16684[/snapback] Not a realistic one IMO though. Seems too decent a bloke to walk out on a job he's just started.
  16. It certainly wasn't me if that's what you're suggesting. I have taken part in fee negotiations as it happens, not that that's really relevant. The point is that in our position we have to accept that to an extent we are at the mercy of the seller. I don't think that £1m is a small amount of money, but I think a figure like that can be foregone when you consider the impact being successful in one of these signings could have on our league and cup performance - one extra round of the cup with a sold-out St. James Park would make that money back.
  17. I don't think either are an option as they won't leave their current clubs part way through a season without massive compensation being required, which Shepherd wouldn't pay. I can't believe you would appoint Brian Little just so that Souness wasn't in charge. What then? He wouldn't be up to the job either. That's exactly the sort of decision Shepherd would make and people would go mental about.
  18. What? By next week? By the way Scott, is this thread aimed at anyone in particular? 16658[/snapback] I'm just setting Hobbes up so that I can blame him personally when Souness gets sacked and his replacement is just as woeful. That way every time something goes wrong under the new bloke I think it's fair to say it'll all be Hobbes' responsibility. Nah, just really at those who think that Souness leaving in the next few weeks would be a good thing. I think it would be a fucking disaster personally - what we need is to make some signings in the next 8 days, and then play out the season and make any managerial replacements in the close season.
  19. My mate's dog once ran around the house with a black binliner (which it had obviously previously eaten ) hanging out of its arse. Not surprisingly it went a bit mental when this second tail wouldn't drop off like it normally does when it has a shit. Covered the fucking house in brown stuff, and my mate had to put a pair of rubber gloves on and enter into a game of tug of war with the dog's cakehole.
  20. Just really a quick question for those that have recently found themselves secretly wishing that we'll lose so that Souness will go soon: What do you think will happen in terms of a replacement? Can you see anyone wanting to work for a chairman who will merrily negotiate transfer deals to within £1m before walking away from them? Who do you see as a REALISTIC replacement (bearing in mind Shepherd's aversion to all foreigners)? And never mind responding with the indignant "It's not MY job to find a replacement!" response, because, no offence, but you'll be the first to complain if Souness does get sacked (which is what you've demanded) and Shepherd doesn't have a ready-made replacement lined up, so I'd like to think you've at least given some consideration to a replacement. I can understand people wanting rid of Souness, but I can't understand people thinking this will suddenly mean that things will get better. Shepherd will be working to the same shortlist as he did last time, and just like last time we'll be in the middle of a season and will find it nigh-on impossible to pry managers away from their current clubs.
  21. Depends. Do we need to bring a bib and a playpen for you to stop you wandering off and spilling beer all down your top? 16272[/snapback] Give us your ticket then! (ps I still owe you for the last Man U game at Old Trafford, so get us one for this and we'll call it quits!) 16283[/snapback] I think there's still some tickets left. 16292[/snapback] Sorted! Travelling up with the reds. Fucking marvellous! 16459[/snapback] You've actually managed to ring the box office and sort yourself some travel too!? Jesus! Mummy wow! Sam's a big boy now! 16462[/snapback] Cheeky bint! Didnt imagine for one second there'd be any left on general sale like. Same every time when I order for North West teams though. First they clock the accent - "You are a Newcastle fan arent you, sir?" - then I give them the address for the credit card (Manchester postcode) - "You do realise this is a home section of the ground don't you?" ......make me feel like a fucking leper, so it is! 16467[/snapback] You sure it wasn't the mackem twang you picked up off your dad that was bothering them?
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