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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. As for Robert, relegation beckons......
  2. Let's see how many games Bellamy plays this season before we get too upset about having got rid of him. One and counting so far......
  3. Let me get this right then. We shouldn't speculate on this one without knowing all the facts.....but it's ok for you to speculate that the police have decided to frame the mother for murder? As for your close shave with CO poisoning - what relevance does that have to your pontifications?
  4. Viduka take a luk at ther stats in the last 5 seasons ther fairly equal only 4 vidukas injury last season an we only paid 4.5mil 4 him a fantastic bargin compared to the 18 mil u paid for the scouse, u got ripped off wen u consider he only left liverpool 4, 8 mil 27775[/snapback] Jesus wept.
  5. http://media.putfile.com/Badparents
  6. Regardless of Kanye West's motives, can anyone defend Bush on this one? The response has been an absolute disgrace from a country with the resources that they have. I can't help but think that if this had happened somewhere other than in a poor southern area that the response wouldn't have been a lot swifter and a lot more sympathetic. Can you see New York being left like that? Or Bush's beloved Texas?
  7. Total cobblers, we'll be out in the quarter-finals - a combination of Sven's unadventurous tactics and uninspiring craic, and the fact that we simply aren't good enough at that level will see to it. The papers have been talking this group of players up for years and we'll have the "Boys of 66" telling us that we're gonna do it right up to the moment that we bow out meekly in the Quarters. Don't believe the hype.
  8. She turn you down or something? 27835[/snapback] If she did, he mustn't have been wearing jodphurs. She'd shag owt in them.
  9. Countdown on C4 of the top 100 films based on British cinema audiences. I love these countdown shows for some reason. Anyway, it's on, so watch it. If Titanic is number one I'll cry though.
  10. I really don't get Sven. He plays 4-4-2 in all the friendlies and then makes a mockery of them by all the substitutions that he makes, then when it comes to an actual qualifier, that's when he decides to experiment with 4-5-1.
  11. Is Dr. Noisewater an MD then? Looks to me like he's spotted the cause and is ready to make a diagnosis here.
  12. If my heart kept stopping, a Toon messageboard would be my first port of call too.
  13. Another dull match. Is there really any point in watching England other than at the World Cup/Euro Championship? And yes, I know they need to play the qualifiers to get there, but they don't need to televise the fuckers. Just tell me whether they got there or not so I know whether to bother watching the finals. Don't even get me started on the friendlies.
  14. Somewhere there is a gay cheerleading troupe missing their songwriter.
  15. Michael Owen was born on my 4th birthday.
  16. It's not a game. I posted a jokey comment with a wink, and you, like the diva you are took the huff again. Maybe your Southern upbringing means you're not as adept at having the piss taken as us Northerners.
  17. So to cut a long story short, it's the fans' fault AGAIN?
  18. Aye best that you stop in and play on MSN under the circumstances. Looks like we won't be hearing from the legend for too much longer. Oh and: WTF?!
  19. I went there a couple of weeks back for a holiday... They're not. 27395[/snapback] Serves you right for holidaying in Liverpool really though.
  20. Good enough? 27335[/snapback] Legend.
  21. That guy's had me in stiches. He thinks he's in the middle of a war zone in 'Outpost Crystal' when his biggest concern is appeals for clean underwear and a hit counter for his site. Has he noticed there's a real disaster area and flooding outside of his building with full heating and internet access? 27295[/snapback] He thinks he's Rambo. He'll be telling us he can eat things that would make a billy goat puke next. "God didn't make him. I did."
  22. I was wondering if anyone had been brave enough to post that on there yet.
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