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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Any Football Association that takes a player away to play in internationals and gives them back to a club injured should have to pay their wages until they're fit to play again. FACT.
  2. Because he is doing well at one of European's top football clubs? It seems easy to make the bloke from a foreign league the main culprit... 30472[/snapback] Playing the English xenophobe card again, Isegrim?
  3. You see all the trouble you've caused on this thread? I might be being thick, but I have no fucking clue what Gol and Sima are arguing about. 30229[/snapback] Me neither mate. They seem to be talking in riddles that I neither can nor wish to understand.
  4. Isn't that a bit deep and meaningful when the truth is that you were trying to impress some lass by playing it so that you could get into her knickers?
  5. Seriously though, does he live in the real world with the rest of us or what?
  6. 29936[/snapback] Good call. Takes plenty of stick (ooooh err!...here we go again) but never takes offence! By the way, I'm intrigued by this Sima character. Has anyone seen his/her post count? Summat like 100+ posts per day. Thats more than Gemmill in his pomp, when he was discovered by a group of clients hiding behind an overhead projector, posting with scarlet fever. Is Sima brand new or am I totally out of touch and its just a change of username for someone? 30027[/snapback] Not sure tbh 30039[/snapback] It's a genuine question you useless fucking plank. If you've got information let's have it! 30040[/snapback] Whoa! The secret to any good comedy duo is that you go with your partner's instincts. This is a black mark against you, Box, and no mistake. 30044[/snapback] I'm sorry. I just can't share the stage with that wooden gimp anymore. 30050[/snapback] ....he said, flicking his feather boa over his shoulder, tipping his head back, and mincing off stage-left.
  7. 29936[/snapback] Good call. Takes plenty of stick (ooooh err!...here we go again) but never takes offence! By the way, I'm intrigued by this Sima character. Has anyone seen his/her post count? Summat like 100+ posts per day. Thats more than Gemmill in his pomp, when he was discovered by a group of clients hiding behind an overhead projector, posting with scarlet fever. Is Sima brand new or am I totally out of touch and its just a change of username for someone? 30027[/snapback] Not sure tbh 30039[/snapback] It's a genuine question you useless fucking plank. If you've got information let's have it! 30040[/snapback] Whoa! The secret to any good comedy duo is that you go with your partner's instincts. This is a black mark against you, Box, and no mistake.
  8. Just what I was wondering! Someone needing to come out of the closet perhaps?? 30033[/snapback] More of a walk-in-wardrobe with our Luke mate! ...Luke, that was just a joke, you fat jabber! 30035[/snapback]
  9. Is this Luke's roundabout way of asking Meenzer out or what?
  10. Scott, you're teasing my musical taste yet you let Alex get away with liking Morrissey. There is no justice in this world I tell you. 30012[/snapback] Class choon that Toadey! 30014[/snapback] He's right Steve, you metaller.
  11. And Australia to win. 30001[/snapback] I take it you haven't seen the weather forecast then. 30002[/snapback] I haven't because I'm actually in Melbourne right now. Please don't tell me it's going to rain. PLEASE don't say that. 30004[/snapback] At least a day forecast to be lost, my boy.
  12. The principle one being a total lack of musical taste.
  13. Well done to you lot. I bet Belfast was fucking mental last night.
  14. I agree. And the way he completely ignored his captain trying to calm him down and have a word with him tonight was out of order. They should all hold him down in the changing room and let Beckham fart in his face as punishment - if he wants to behave like a child, treat him like one.
  15. I`m glad some on here recognise that rather than just blame the manager. Though as much as i feel its unfair to blame just Sven the overpaid players have to take responsibilty but perhaps it is a similar case to Berti Vogts for us. There appears to be no passion or orgainsation in the team and perhaps a shake up is needed. 29829[/snapback] Mangers have to take ultimate responsibility, thats why clubs/countries aren't just 11 players doig what they want, the manager dictates everything. And when its the formation, tactics, substitutions and management that is causing the problem it has to be pointed out. A top class manager with that group of players and that talent would be hammering the likes of N. Ireland and there is no way the manager can hide from this. 29832[/snapback] Is this not the same thing we hear everytime things don`t go Englands way and you are looking for a new manager? 29834[/snapback] You hear it everytime the manager is doing a shit job, which is the way it should be. Theres plenty of people, not just in England who rate this group of players highly, and he is turning them into a very mediocre team when they should be caning teams like N. Ireland with the talent available. The manager is responsible and he should go. 29837[/snapback] I am not disputing he should go as i posted in my original post i think you badly need a shake up. I do however think that many of the players are not playing to their ability... 29839[/snapback] There is a certain element of the players not beign at their best its true, i just think most of it is down to his lack of tactics, motivation and the like. Under him i don't see Rooney's childish behavious ever improving as the boss exerts no authority about him at all and won't sort him out. When he behaves like a prick bring him off, if he does it again drop him, you'll soon find he grows up fast when he doesn't get a game. 29847[/snapback] Sack Sven and bring in Supernanny.
  16. as I said - its a competitive business - if people spend that sort of money on a night out somewhere else then that's the rate for the footie............................ 29538[/snapback] I don't really follow that. Football isn't competing with the theatre (your example), and even if it was, you don't compete by making your price as high as theirs. Just because you might spend 100 quid in a restaurant doesn't mean you should expect to pay the same to watch a football match.
  17. I`m glad some on here recognise that rather than just blame the manager. Though as much as i feel its unfair to blame just Sven the overpaid players have to take responsibilty but perhaps it is a similar case to Berti Vogts for us. There appears to be no passion or orgainsation in the team and perhaps a shake up is needed. 29829[/snapback] Mangers have to take ultimate responsibility, thats why clubs/countries aren't just 11 players doig what they want, the manager dictates everything. And when its the formation, tactics, substitutions and management that is causing the problem it has to be pointed out. A top class manager with that group of players and that talent would be hammering the likes of N. Ireland and there is no way the manager can hide from this. 29832[/snapback] Agreed. If he'd played 4-4-2 tonight they would have walked it. Beckham on the right, Rooney and Owen as a partnership up front. Instead you've got Gerrard and Lampard not quite knowing what their job is, and totally nullifying their effectiveness. The infuriating thing for me is that Nosferatu treats friendlies like a joke and then pisses about with things when it matters.
  18. Nice little sharpener for Owen though lads. Which is what really matters.
  19. Played out of his skin tonight but he's still not that good I'm afraid.
  20. Exactly what i was going to say, what the hell is he going to do. 29815[/snapback] be annonymous. imo Owen looks/looked on his own, with no support whatsoever. 29818[/snapback] Aye. What price Souness to play 4-5-1 on Saturday?
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