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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. If its a direct quote then that is exactly what he's saying. Because he says it was "nothing to do with the fact i didn't get on with Souness" it means that even if that's not the reason he left, he didn't get on with him. 30916[/snapback] You're both making it mean what you want it to mean. Read it for what it is - an unfortunately phrased sentence. It's clearly been put to him that he didn't get on with Souness and all he's doing is saying "No, that's not why I left. It had nothing to do with me not getting on with Souness at all". But you two believe what you want to believe. 30927[/snapback] As i said if its a direct quote then he is saying he didn't get on with Souness, if its because he's unable to use the english language properly its hard for me (somebody who can) to decipher that from here! Personally i couldn't give a shit what he is or isn't saying and i'm not believing what i want to believe. If that was the case i'd have said Souness acted like a child with him and then drove him out the club for less than he was worth, but that happened with another player entirely 30931[/snapback] Seriously though, if that's what he'd said, if he'd let slip to a journalist that he didn't get on with Souness, then the article would make a lot more of it than it does, and he'd have been quizzed a lot further on it - no way would a journo let that one go. The fact that he wasn't quizzed further tells me that that's not what he was saying.
  2. If its a direct quote then that is exactly what he's saying. Because he says it was "nothing to do with the fact i didn't get on with Souness" it means that even if that's not the reason he left, he didn't get on with him. 30916[/snapback] You're both making it mean what you want it to mean. Read it for what it is - an unfortunately phrased sentence. It's clearly been put to him that he didn't get on with Souness and all he's doing is saying "No, that's not why I left. It had nothing to do with me not getting on with Souness at all". But you two believe what you want to believe.
  3. Weather forecaster Gemmill reports as follows: 10AM Saturday: 1PM Saturday: 4PM Saturday: So there's a canny bit of rain all day tomorrow in London. Just depends if it falls on the Oval I suppose. And the Met Office are even saying there's a chance of showers on Sunday at the Oval.
  4. He isn't saying that he "didn't get on with Souness at all". He's saying that his reasons for leaving had nothing at all to do with not getting on with Souness.
  5. I've got three words for you: Men. At. Work.
  6. Away and shite! 30827[/snapback] Thinking of you saying that with your manc accent just doesn't sound right. Is there no manc equivalent you could have used? 30828[/snapback] Shut yer trap I say shut yer trap Ashleh.
  7. I didn't. He really is ruffling the suspect* as we speak. *special legal wank reference especially for mancy.
  8. They've taken it. Soft Australian shites.
  9. Clouds are looking packed with lovely juicy rain and the light has gone all to fuck. Lovely jubbly. Batsmen being offered the light.
  10. Covers going on and it's raining lightly now apparently. Trust it to start at tea. EDIT - might even just be precautionary.
  11. That's mancy's weekend wank material sorted.
  12. Even Hayden's looking fairly comfortable now. Clouds gathering though so fingers crossed for a fucking monsoon.
  13. To be fair there was a few days between them. I'd never wait that long for a bus.
  14. Gemmill


    Look what you have done now. 30781[/snapback] Well you shouldn't nick other people's ideas, should you, tithead? Not to worry, I've changed the name of mine so people can tell the difference. Peasepud, you're in the OFFICIAL one. Disregard the other one.
  15. Gemmill


    Shut your whinging up. You're added.
  16. Gemmill


    Give me your ID and I'll add you, you tit.
  17. Gemmill


    Reet, Matty and Sned added. Should see Toontastic when you go into "My Leagues".
  18. 30648[/snapback] Canny pair on you, LM.
  19. Gemmill


    Anyone fancy signing up to this and starting a league? I've been signed up a couple of days now. The basic craic is that you sign up and get given an imaginary 10 grand which you use to buy and sell shares in sportsmen and women. You make (and lose) money by fluctuating share price (which is governed by supply and demand for shares, as in a normal market) and by dividends that are paid out once a week based on press coverage of the sports person that you have a holding in. There's a few other bits and pieces to it, but that's the basic story. I've been signed up a couple of days now and it passes the day at work quite nicely. Anyone who's been playing it ages and has loads of cash can feck off. Well? Anyone? It's dead easy to sign up. If you do then let me know your user ID (6 digit number) and I'll start a Toontastic league. Link is www.bbc.co.uk/sportdaq
  20. Someone with a more discerning eye than that poofter Craig ( ) needs to have a look through some of the stuff currently categorised as Gold and get it shifted out. Some of it is shite. We should have a nomination thing like on the mackems board whereby threads need to have a canny few GOLD nominations before it can be moved. All threads in the Gold forum should also be locked - Gold can lose its shine if it's pissed about with too much. Anyway mods/admin, you know I'm right, so sort it out - get rid of some of the current tat that's in there and lock what's left. Chop chop.
  21. Personally I think Sven is surviving on a combination of the quality of the players at his disposal vs. the quality of the teams we've come up against at the minute. His inability to inspire players or to change things when England need to will see him found out the first time we come up against anyone half-decent in the World Cup. I don't agree with all the Sack Sven carry on though. Talk of Allardyce being England manager is laughable IMO.
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