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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Probably didn't have the seasoned cynicism like those of us who watched cricket before we became good 32074[/snapback] Aye, fair play to him though. 32075[/snapback] I think you'll find it was 9/1. 32078[/snapback] Drinks are on you next time I see you then 32080[/snapback] The usual? Babycham?
  2. Probably didn't have the seasoned cynicism like those of us who watched cricket before we became good 32074[/snapback] Aye, fair play to him though. 32075[/snapback] I think you'll find it was 9/1.
  3. Could always move......or find another job! 32066[/snapback] Jobs for high-flying financial whizzkids don't grow on trees you know?
  4. Honestly, Niall Quinn and The Guardian should fuck off 31660[/snapback] Getting rid of Kluivert and signing Owen in the same transfer window - bet you're gutted! 31663[/snapback] Not at all. And I don't think Kluivert is gutted either that he left the current #19 of the Premierleague. But I don't like it when Quinn writes crap about Kluivert's attitude, like he knows anything about it anyway. 31931[/snapback] Oh Christ, who invited Kluivert's boyfriend here?
  5. Maybe you should have considered more than just 1) The salary & 2) The number of days holiday when taking the job 32061[/snapback] Shut it!
  6. As someone who drives a 75 mile round trip daily just to get to and from work, I resent the fact that it's costing me 2-250 quid a month just to get to and from work. And yes, public transport is an option, but the combination I would have to use to get door to door and the number of hours it would add on my day make it an unfeasible one. I don't know whether the protests are right or wrong, but I certainly don't enjoy how much it's costing me to get to and from work. Hopefully I won't be working in Teesside too much longer.
  7. Oh aye, that would be truely beautiful. If the situation was reversed don't think for a second that the Aussies wouldn't be "hiding in the dressing room" too. If they want to point the finger of blame at someone, maybe they shouldn't have taken the light on Friday night when England's bowlers were struggling.
  8. Gemmill


    No surprise to see me sitting at the top of the league.
  9. Good craic from the Aussie team all coming back out with their sunglasses on before like.
  10. Aussies have lost 4 wickets for 82 runs this morning. Canny effort from England.
  11. Such dedication to your art. You really are the wankmeister.
  12. Met up with Cath, Rik, Matt and Alex after the match for a bit in the Trent. Not a big turnout though.
  13. The only vaguely entertaining thing (apart from N'Zogbia's goal and the refereeing performance) was a bloke along from me shouting "Haway Makosi" at Babayaro. Otherwise it was another forgettable day at SJP.
  14. 31327[/snapback] The injury that he picked up against Spain was supposed to be an ankle knock, wasn't it? I don't see how that's related to his hamstring going tbh.
  15. Happy birthday mate. Have a good un.
  16. Nice one Harmison. Langer oot and covers going on.
  17. Wear what you like Pud, there's no dress code.
  18. Jesus, BBC News 24 has Toadfish off Neighbours and a ventriloquist's dummy of St. George doing the analysis on their sports bulletin for the cricket. Fucking hell.
  19. Coleman's man-management skills are rather worrying if that's the case. 31153[/snapback] Random Rodney Marsh story: When playing for England Sir Alf Ramsey was giving his pre-match teamtalk and announced "Rodney, if you're not playing well I'll have to pull you off at half time", to which Marsh replied "That sounds interesting, boss. At Manchester City we just get some oranges and a cup of tea." That was his last cap for England.
  20. More footage there on the BBC of a training session with Luque flinging himself in on a challenge with Dean Saunders and everyone having a good laugh about it. Looks like he might be settling in an'all. Happy days.
  21. Nah, I didn't see that bit. Hopefully it makes a difference though to be playing with a partner up front that you really get on with. Well.....we'll see later I suppose.
  22. A lie in? We're meeting at 1pm you lazy fucker!
  23. Just seen a snippet from a press conference with Owen and Shearer. Owen's going on saying that he thought he'd never get to play with Shearer again to which Shearer pipes up "I'm not as quick as I was 5 years ago mind". Owen's response: a chuckling "Nor am I". Anyway, not the funniest story in the world, but I'm looking forward to this one today.
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