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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Leazes forecast: Souness will get sacked, Newcastle will climb the table, but not reach where we were when Bellamy was here, and Gemmill STILL won't admit he was wrong about Souness. 32874[/snapback] Wow. A completely unprovoked "I told you so" post. That's not like you.
  2. Well i am wondering if he will start crying or smash his computer in, then a may feel a touch of guilt.... 32970[/snapback] I will probably go and get some hot chocolate with some brandy in it. Give my wife a hug and reflect upon my good fortune to have such a wonderful woman. I will then come back and continue this banter which, let's face it, you all enjoy as much as I do. 32974[/snapback] "And then oi started anavva fred telling them they 'ad a chip on their showdas!" "Awwwwww you nevva!!!"
  3. Anyone else feel a bit sorry for him? In a "shake your head at the sad man" sort of way.
  4. Here, have a pie. 32938[/snapback] Lavvly jabbly. 32945[/snapback] Oy Gemmill are you turning into some Sounthern poof now or what! 32946[/snapback] "Good lack wiww rab off when oi shakes 'ands wiv yewwwwww"
  5. Here, have a pie. 32938[/snapback] Lavvly jabbly.
  6. Is that cockney cocknose still here then?
  7. ok so your sensibilities must infringe on mine? your ideologies and beliefs are somehow more improtant than mine? if you were truly truly offended by these jokes ask yourself a question, why did you look in the thread? you did so to begin this argument, you wanted to see what would offend you, so that you may be offended. I don't ask Chavs their opinion of me, I don't spit my dummy when other people on this board mock my weight, fashion sense, baldness etc. Each of which are in my opinion, as much as an indication of the man within as colour religion or nationality. My dad always told me "Listen to the music, not just the lyrics". [patronise] By that he meant that to look at not only what is said, but who says it, in what context and in which tone.[/patronise] The jokes in that thread were deliberately put into a specific thread which had clear warnings that you should not look if you're afraid you may be offended, you ignored that and as such can have no legal, moral or pedantic reasons to complain. I wouldn't let a 5yr old child watch a horror movie, then sue the distributor for upsetting the kid, I wouldn't smoke 40 a day then sue big tobacco for the lung cancer I get, I wouldn't wear a Newcastle Shirt in the middle of Sunderland and expect love and hugs from all and sundry! The minute you ignored the warning you gave up your right to bitch and whine. You remind me of all these idiots who come to the fore in this increasingly litigious society, all seeking someone to blame for their inadequacies, it's the companies fault I broke my knee, it's the governments fault I'm overweight, it's your fault my blood pressure increases to much that I have a coronary. take responsibilities for your actions, you looked somewhere you were warned not to. That was your CHOICE, as such you have no right to accuse others of infringing on your sensibilities. You chose to look and risk offence, those that posted jokes did not force them upon you. if you don't like cheese, don't buy pizza 32732[/snapback] How did you get to litigious society from being offended by some frankly appalling jokes? I hate compensation culture as much as you do, don't assume you understand my views on other topics. If I say to you, beware, offensive content and then post a link, and that link happened to be a child being raped, how would you feel? Would you have "asked for it"? 32792[/snapback] Tell us again about the business you run, Mr. Branson. 32795[/snapback] I work for myself. It pays the bills. Now fuck off. 32802[/snapback] How is the pyramid selling business these days?
  8. ok so your sensibilities must infringe on mine? your ideologies and beliefs are somehow more improtant than mine? if you were truly truly offended by these jokes ask yourself a question, why did you look in the thread? you did so to begin this argument, you wanted to see what would offend you, so that you may be offended. I don't ask Chavs their opinion of me, I don't spit my dummy when other people on this board mock my weight, fashion sense, baldness etc. Each of which are in my opinion, as much as an indication of the man within as colour religion or nationality. My dad always told me "Listen to the music, not just the lyrics". [patronise] By that he meant that to look at not only what is said, but who says it, in what context and in which tone.[/patronise] The jokes in that thread were deliberately put into a specific thread which had clear warnings that you should not look if you're afraid you may be offended, you ignored that and as such can have no legal, moral or pedantic reasons to complain. I wouldn't let a 5yr old child watch a horror movie, then sue the distributor for upsetting the kid, I wouldn't smoke 40 a day then sue big tobacco for the lung cancer I get, I wouldn't wear a Newcastle Shirt in the middle of Sunderland and expect love and hugs from all and sundry! The minute you ignored the warning you gave up your right to bitch and whine. You remind me of all these idiots who come to the fore in this increasingly litigious society, all seeking someone to blame for their inadequacies, it's the companies fault I broke my knee, it's the governments fault I'm overweight, it's your fault my blood pressure increases to much that I have a coronary. take responsibilities for your actions, you looked somewhere you were warned not to. That was your CHOICE, as such you have no right to accuse others of infringing on your sensibilities. You chose to look and risk offence, those that posted jokes did not force them upon you. if you don't like cheese, don't buy pizza 32732[/snapback] How did you get to litigious society from being offended by some frankly appalling jokes? I hate compensation culture as much as you do, don't assume you understand my views on other topics. If I say to you, beware, offensive content and then post a link, and that link happened to be a child being raped, how would you feel? Would you have "asked for it"? 32792[/snapback] Tell us again about the business you run, Mr. Branson.
  9. What a twat this bloke is. Attention-starved winnit-licker.
  10. Anyone else get the whiff of Glasgow Mag gone mental whenever this lad turns up?
  11. Have you been staying there....in the hot'ub with your luvaaaaaaaah?
  12. Gemmill forecast: Bellamy lies about his fitness so that he gets a chance to get one over on Souness. Injured and off the field by half time.
  13. What's the exchange rate for the Aussie peso these days?
  14. You were panic buying and what is more, we all know you were!
  15. Glass of water and a handful of dried lentils for you, eh.
  16. I see some of the press are having a go at them for not behaving like proper role models. FFS! Quality drunken scenes yesterday though.
  17. Never seen the bloke play so have no idea whether he'd improve the defence or not. I suspect the same could be said of most people that will post in this thread.
  18. Jesus wept. Should we all lie and continue to say that he's great, never been better etc. then? We're having an honest discussion based on what anyone can see if they care to take their Alan Shearer glasses off. The bloke is finished. His legs have completely gone. I take no pleasure in pointing it out but it's a fact. 32407[/snapback] I'm afraid you're forgetting the golden rule soem toon fans shall forever live by. That is that any criticisim of Shearer no matter how constructive, well argued and indeed crrect it may be is a sin worthy of damnation! And these people will continue to metaphorically stick their fingers in their ears and go "La la la, I'm not listening" failing to separate the legend he is and ever will be with the player who is struggling badly now. Thoug as i've said elsewhere any half decent manager, withthe pkayers we have and a concept of tactics and football could still make use of him this season. Souness will leave Shearer with an embrassment of a final season and for anybody who loves Shearer for his time here you have to want Souness out or Big Al could see his toon career end very sadly indeed. 32411[/snapback] Not even Arsene Wenger could save Shearer's season. He shouldn't be playing. We might as well erect a Shearer statue midway between the halfway line and the box and just try and bounce long balls off it into Owen's bath. He is that static.
  19. Work meetings in the pub? Sounds class. Aye I think you've got that right. It's certainly there or thereabouts. www.ravenswortharms.com is the website and has the post code if you want to do a route thingy.
  20. Jesus wept. Should we all lie and continue to say that he's great, never been better etc. then? We're having an honest discussion based on what anyone can see if they care to take their Alan Shearer glasses off. The bloke is finished. His legs have completely gone. I take no pleasure in pointing it out but it's a fact.
  21. You could always try fucking looking round shops and websites yourself you lazy twat! You've looked at ONE and now you want everyone else to do your shopping for you. Will you be expecting someone off here to come and install the fucker too?
  22. Nope, I don't work at Belasis Business Park. I live in North Shields so have the pleasure of the tunnel every morning and night too. When I'm having a go at Billingham I'm talking about the bit that I work in which I can assure you is a shithole - just off the A19 with that industrial hum drowning out all other sounds. Fair enough if you live in a nice bit with nice people. The people I work with are local and are all sound too.
  23. Aye you're right like. We should all be out there joining netball teams, you great steaming fairy.
  24. I was thinking about it, but you're a fat bastard when compared to me. 32321[/snapback] I wouldnt mind but I'm like a racing snake me! Scott on the other hand...... 32323[/snapback] Trouser snake more like.
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