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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Oh, I see. No, I'm actually including other forums as well as my work and social life when I say I'm considered moderate. This forum has a really weird undercurrent of aggression and prejudice. I can't think of many other places where defending racist jokes and making fun of the recent London bombings would be held up as virtues of free speech. 32887[/snapback] I dont think thats right, but what i think you miss is this forum has a very different sense of humour from other forums. The general feel i get is that toon forums tend to have a much more sarcastic and ironic humour evident, probably because im a southerner i really notice it, its taken me awhile to get used to this but now i hope i take it as its meant.....very much tongue in cheek. Theyre all (or mostly) a good bunch on here really 33480[/snapback] I think Northerners take the piss more than most. And can be harsher in their pisstaking than most too. IMO.
  2. In accordance with guidelines..... Not "to". B+
  3. I've been to matches at SJP and have had no trouble with an Australian accent. I've been amazed how welcome I have been made to feel even though I'm not English. All the Geordies I've met have all been great people. It must be because I'm not a cunt I guess. 33462[/snapback] Seriously AF, I think this point needs to be taken into consideration.
  4. 33339[/snapback] I haven't as much ballast as some people 33342[/snapback] "Ok it's been two hours since I've eaten. Can I go snorkelling now?"
  5. I've only ever seen 5 minutes of it. I'll give it a go though on your lot's recommendations. If it's shit.....you'll pay!
  6. Marble-wash and Ice-wash jeans. Luminous socks.
  7. One thing that's true of Allardyce is that he's not scared to try out new medical techniques etc. to try and sort out injuries. Didn't he have some Chinese doctor bloke in looking at his lot? We could do with that.
  8. I did, I thought it was the best bit of the programme. I liked the first week he was on in the video shop. 'I'm looking for an 80's movie, starring Steve Guttenburg and some old people. It's called erm...erm....' 'Cocoon?' 'YOU JUST CALL ME A FUCKING COON?' 33306[/snapback] The bit where he was in the butchers and he went into a tirade after being offered black pudding ending with the line: 'Just give me a mother fucking scotch egg!' 33311[/snapback] That was good! And the video one, after raging about being called a coon for ages i think he ended by saying "Fuck it, just give me Police academy instead!" 33315[/snapback] What the hell are you homs talking about? 33324[/snapback] Comedy reciting nerds tbh.
  9. Taylor is a total twat like. As PL says, in any other sport his job simply wouldn't exist as the players themselves are required to take responsibility for their actions. Pathetic.
  10. I recommend we go down the Bryan Robson route of just not turning up for a game at Blackburn on the grounds that we have too many injuries. It worked for Boro.....actually it didn't, did it.
  11. Gemmill


    I always thought it meant "95% certain to be a nerd".
  12. The difference being i`ll only look like one for a couple of weeks where as you on the other hand get to look like one for your whole life... 33238[/snapback] At the risk of reinforcing stereotypes, aren't gays generally considered to be snappy dressers? Thus preventing Gemmill from looking like one 33239[/snapback] At the risk of further reinforcing those stereotypes, isn't it normally gays that check out what another bloke wears?
  13. At the risk of offending AF, you do look like a bit of a minceboy.
  14. The Foreskin and his missus wanted to look their best for their anniversary dinner.
  15. If you think the football's bad to watch under Souness.....
  16. Shane chose the wrong moment to show the lads his Bruce Forsyth impression.
  17. The lad deserved to be sent off. And the referee was entirely correct to give him the second yellow - there are lots of instances of referees behaving like Little Hitlers, but this wasn't one of them. I personally thought it was hilarious - he tried to be a clever shite and he got his comeuppance. Get in there.
  18. Ee! You've travelled! Don't tell the locals, they'll disown you for witchcraft! You may have found Londoners to be unfriendly, I beg to differ. The point is, people up here are always rattling on about being canny and friendly which IMO is fairly far from being true. I have met some great people up here, but in general, I wouldn't say people are particularly friendly. 33145[/snapback] Has it occured to you that that might be a reflection on you?
  19. I was gonna suggest banning him earlier on today but wasn't sure if it would go down well. Get rid of the knobend.
  20. No more than the little arsehole deserves.
  21. Well i am wondering if he will start crying or smash his computer in, then a may feel a touch of guilt.... 32970[/snapback] I will probably go and get some hot chocolate with some brandy in it. Give my wife a hug and reflect upon my good fortune to have such a wonderful woman. I will then come back and continue this banter which, let's face it, you all enjoy as much as I do. 32974[/snapback] "And then oi started anavva fred telling them they 'ad a chip on their showdas!" "Awwwwww you nevva!!!" 32982[/snapback] Howay man divvent mind me. Just having a canny bit craic like. 32986[/snapback] Poor.
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