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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Far as i knew he didnt want to go. He was willing to stay. Im pissed off with 'fans' who slag off ex players, Bellars always tried hard for us and showed way more fighting spirit than most of the lazy gits we have on our books. 35792[/snapback] We KNOW he tried hard on the pitch! No one is denying that. We're just not blind to all the stuff that has happened since either!
  2. Totally agree! Was just about to post very similar as i scrolled down, then read this! I wish we still had Bellers, i do not forget how committed he was for us when practically the rest of the team couldnt be bothered. Some of you have very short memorys thats all i can say. I found it gutting to watch him wearing another strip. 35773[/snapback] Commitment like saying "If we sign Wayne Rooney I'll have to consider leaving the club". Now that's commitment. Not to mention everything else that SLP has mentioned. The bloke is a nasty piece of work and he got a good slating off the away fans at Blackburn and it was thoroughly deserved. Bloke is a prick.
  3. aug 31st "this doesn't sound like your average breaking and entering - this sounds like family & friends to me" it is just so sad and bloody depressing........... it really gets to me that someone could desperate (and stupid) that they would do this 35736[/snapback] Wow well done Rob. Guess what? It didn't sound like your average breaking and entering to me either, on the basis it involved a baby being killed. Of course you omit the fact that your speculation about it being an everyday house fire with tragic consequences appear to be wrong especially given the fact you advised people not to jump the gun on this one. 35764[/snapback] He certainly covered his bases with his constant (yet according to him ill-advised) speculation. Love the way he quotes himself though. "Look at me. I'm THAT good".
  4. take the rose tinted specs off....I think giving a 27 year old who cost 9.5 m quid a year to settle is a no no, he's a senior professional. He's not even a young player like Viana. Luque didn't show much application for me, and that won't change however much it takes him to "settle". Time will tell. The ultimate gamble IMO, by a manager who created a desperate situation for himself. Unfortunately it is 9.5 m quid of the clubs money if he doesn't and I only hope that if he doesn't, people don't demand fred to splash more cash and point the finger at the real culprit instead 35762[/snapback] LM I don't know how you can accuse someone of wearing rose tinted specs for wanting to give a player more than one and a half games to prove themselves. Especially when you seem to be wearing blinkers brought on by your hatred of Souness.
  5. The lad's a twat. That's why he's getting mocked.
  6. Gemmill


    Graeme Dott. I've cashed in on him now though (just before he started to drop I might add ) and have my considerable funds invested elsewhere - with BIG dividends in mind.
  7. On the radio on the way in to work, the talk was of a 75million pound transfer bounty. Thing is though we've spent 50 million and it's hardly turned us into Chelsea. Plus when people know you've got 75 million to spend, you get a lot less for your money.
  8. Gemmill


    only cos you managed to spawn getting flintoff before his price went mental. Moral victory for me as Ive manged to turn it round from a minus and last place to 3rd in a week , so there 35673[/snapback] Ok, but I sold all my shares in Flintoff last week and yet my weekly gain so far this week has been a whopping 201% with yours a paltry 77%. Explain that one.
  9. Happy Birthday Steve me old mucker.
  10. Ahh, the misery of it being dark when you leave the house for work and dark when you leave work for home.
  11. Good point. I put it to you, Optimistic Nut, that this isn't a true story AT ALL. 35552[/snapback] Hmmm, Now you come to think about it, it does sound a bit dodgy. Are you Dan Brown & Sherlock Holmes' love child? 35573[/snapback] More like Gordon Brown and Eamon homes physically 35575[/snapback] Fuck me, I'm getting dissed by Willow.
  12. The added bit on the Politics DVD with Karl Pilkington is fucking hilarious.
  13. Everton can suck the life and entertainment from anyone and anything though.
  14. Is anyone expecting this match tonight to be anything other than a snoozefest? I know it's the fashionable thing to say at the minute, but the Premiership has gone all to shit in terms of entertainment. I hardly bother much with matches on Sky that we aren't involved in anymore because they're invariably crap. Here's hoping tonight is more goalfest than snoozefest, just to prove me wrong.
  15. Good point. I put it to you, Optimistic Nut, that this isn't a true story AT ALL.
  16. Gemmill


    Sometimes there doesn't seem much rhyme or reason to share price movements. I think he's plummetted because he's still massively overpriced from all the demand there was for shares in him around the time of the transfer window closing. Every one had him and he shot up in price and even though he's still in the papers at the minute he's still overpriced so people aren't buying him that much - a lot of people are still selling him I would think, which brings his value down. The same's happening with Flintoff at the moment.
  17. Doesn't Game in the town buy second hand games? Not sure what they pay for them but you might get a decent deal if you're looking to trade for other second hand games.
  18. After losing 4 of their first 7 French League games and failing to reach the group stages of the Champions League. Not exactly a glowing reference.
  19. A bar located on the 30th story of a building? Was it a hotel bar?
  20. Gemmill


    Not to put to fine a point on it, but I am far and away better than all of you. Weekly gain of 159%. Only catmag can get close on 105%.
  21. See you can do it when you try I agree, they looked good for a spell last season until injury unsuprisingly wrecked it for us. I don't think Taylor has made loadsof errors until the last two games, but Boum has definitely not been the same player since the arse game. And believe it or not as i wrote that i wasn't atually aiming for a delieberate dig at Souness in particular for once, it was a point i would accuse most managers of, they invariably favour their big buys over kids who cost nowt and its not good. 35307[/snapback] You mean it's involuntary then? 35313[/snapback] A new strain of Tourette's I believe.
  22. The only time he's looked really solid is alongside Titus last season when Bramble was playing out of his skin. Call me demanding but for the money we've paid, I expect a centre half to be decent in the air, Boumsong never wins a header unless he's marking a dwarf, as he was yesterday. 35252[/snapback] He has to do better than he is, as currently Bramble and Taylor should be the choice at CB but i suspect Souness won't have the balls/brains to do that and will shunt Taylor to RB if he wants to play all three. 35269[/snapback] Souness dig quota maintained. 35272[/snapback] Go on then disagree with it, tell me you honestly think he has the balls to drop his own £8m signing to play the other two centrebacks. Or find me another way to make the point that Taylor/Titus should be playing but won't be without mentioning the person who picks the team. 35282[/snapback] I think he's so stupid and nasty and naughty and horrible icky and pukey and RAAAAAAAR I get angry just thinking about him and......... Can I have a minute please? *sobs* 35286[/snapback] I'll take that as you agreeing with me then, if you want a serious debate tell me otherwise, if not then i think he's satan incarante and is about to sacrifice all children under the age of 3 to bring about the apocalypse and end all life on this world as we know it. 35289[/snapback] The serious answer is: last season Boumsong and Bramble looked to be forming a partnership. This season it's Boumsong and Taylor and both of them are making fairly regular errors, Boumsong more than Taylor. As to whether he'll drop Boumsong and play Taylor and Bramble, who knows? Maybe he will. It's not like Faye plays ever game, is it so I think saying he'll play him just because he paid big money for him is unfair and an unnecessary dig tbh.
  23. The only time he's looked really solid is alongside Titus last season when Bramble was playing out of his skin. Call me demanding but for the money we've paid, I expect a centre half to be decent in the air, Boumsong never wins a header unless he's marking a dwarf, as he was yesterday. 35252[/snapback] He has to do better than he is, as currently Bramble and Taylor should be the choice at CB but i suspect Souness won't have the balls/brains to do that and will shunt Taylor to RB if he wants to play all three. 35269[/snapback] Souness dig quota maintained. 35272[/snapback] Go on then disagree with it, tell me you honestly think he has the balls to drop his own £8m signing to play the other two centrebacks. Or find me another way to make the point that Taylor/Titus should be playing but won't be without mentioning the person who picks the team. 35282[/snapback] I think he's so stupid and nasty and naughty and horrible icky and pukey and RAAAAAAAR I get angry just thinking about him and......... Can I have a minute please? *sobs*
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