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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill


    Scum. Sub-human scum, tbh. 40271[/snapback] I also witnessed this. It was actually the moment I turned against students tbh. 40277[/snapback] Erm, its more a reflection on the type of person he is than the fact he is a student, surely? 40284[/snapback] I agree. He was walking about like he had a massive penis an all. 40286[/snapback] Walking about like he was a massive penis you mean?
  2. Gemmill


    Scum. Sub-human scum, tbh. 40271[/snapback] Sub-human scum so he is.
  3. Gemmill


    I saw this student in the Trent once. He knocked a lightbulb off the light fitting and stuffed it down the pocket in the pool table, knackering it in the process. Pissed the bar staff off good and proper. Then on his way down the street when he left he started a fight with some poor bugger's wing mirror. He was from Belfast, I believe.
  4. Gemmill


    I hated working on student night when I worked in Bliss. It was always a quid a bottle because it was student nights and the little twats would get their NUS cards out and ask for a discount. On a quid. Wankers.
  5. Gemmill


    They all used to do the *mwah.....mwah* airkiss thing on my course. Every day. When I know for a fact that they were in lectures with the same people the day before. I just used to sit there consumed by a psycopathic desire to hurt them.
  6. You took your lass to watch this?? Expect to be dumped by the weekend tbh.
  7. Gemmill


    They're the ones I mean. Mind, I was in Liverpool as an undergraduate, and looking back I can see what a twat I was in the first two years. I even stole a traffic cone once. I can only put it down to immaturity and a willingness to conform, but there were far, far worse than me. 40219[/snapback] Did you wear the cone on your head whilst staggering down the centre of the road, you crazy bastard, you?
  8. Smashing windows, knocking over bins, missing deliveries, hurting people with flying papers. You sick bastard bastard tbh. 40211[/snapback] Aye, howay Mancy, get on your high horse on this one! 40212[/snapback] As a realistic representation of a paper round goes, it could certainly do with some work. Totally disrespectful to the young heros that get on their bikes every morning just so that the rest of us can read a paper without having to go to the shops for it.
  9. Gemmill


    Can't stand the twats. Went to Newcastle Uni and only knocked around with a couple of local lads and my mates from school. Loads and loads of sloaney wankers go to Newcastle.
  10. The only thing I know is that when I had problems burning to DVD, all I started doing was saving the file as a disk image and then burning the image to DVD. If I tried to use the basic burn facility it didn't work. That probably doesn't help though.
  11. Can't believe you bit tbh, Renton.
  12. Gemmill


    Nothing spawny about it my boy!
  13. Gemmill


    6.4 40086[/snapback] So you're in front of most of China! Big deal. (I hate this fookin thing, it makes no sense or should that read no cents?) 40098[/snapback] Aye I noticed you've been making a loss like. *pulls spaz face*
  14. Surely almost unheard of amongst modern day Premiership blingballers.
  15. Oh, the post count thing. I did actually think you meant avatar.
  16. There's optimism for you..... tbh 40040[/snapback] We haven't won anything domestically in 50 years, why start now? 40078[/snapback] He's got a point to be fair. If I wanted medals, NUFC wouldn't be the obvious choice.
  17. Did you get given that avatar like?
  18. Gemmill


    225th in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! That means if you were to travel all around the world, taking in every town in every country, you would only be able to find 224 people out of billions upon billions that are better than me at this. So no shame to be below me in the Toontastic league tbh.
  19. That doesn't alter the fact that she is a dog/mess though tbh.
  20. Righto mate. Jealous Creative Zen owner telling lies tbh.
  21. Let's play Global Thermonuclear War.
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