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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Imagine Leazes in a pair of rose-tinted aviators, man.
  2. Gemmill


    whats the highest you've ever managed? about 2 or 3 years ago I once managed to hit 17th before dropping like a stone within a day! 40650[/snapback] 126th is my highest so far. I've only been playing it since I started this thread - I heard it was a lot easier two or three year ago like.
  3. Well done to the lad. Nicknames for the Wimbledon housewives? Arachnid Andy is as good as I can do.
  4. I'm pretty sure that 3 or 4 months after signing Anelka, Souness would have alienated him and forced him to be sold for a giveaway fee, thinking he was a tough guy doing the right thing for the club. And those who supported the signing of Anelka at the time, would have also called him worse than shite and backed Souness for getting rid of a disruptive influence. While watching Souness's "dyer but model professional" © still at the club.... 40566[/snapback] You got your hypothetical crystal ball lensed specs ® on again? 40570[/snapback] but I'm right. And some things are quite easy to predict, providing you don't wear rose tinted specs © that is ! 40575[/snapback] You think you're right, slight difference 40577[/snapback] Does anyone really think a player like Anelka is suddenly going to become a model pro...I mean under an understanding and sympathetic, motivational "manager" like Souness ......... unless you wear rose tinted specs © 40580[/snapback] Does anyone really think there is any point in talking about at what stage Souness would have fallen out with a player he didn't even sign? 40581[/snapback] But in a parallel universe, Souness did do exactly this. My parallel self saw it. 40623[/snapback] Apparently there is an infinite number of parallel universes, in one of them we even win the Premier League. 40631[/snapback] I heard Renton's parallel self was devastated about it an'all.
  5. Crouch etc. (Is this response mandatory?)
  6. Gemmill


    Aye, this must be how it feels for Mourinho with Chelsea getting ripped into for being the best. I see you've managed to move off the bottom this morning though - I hereby christen you "Sunderland". I've made 120k in the last few hours alone and am about to become a Sportdaq millionaire. I am the Champion! Cha! Cha! Cha Cha Cha! PS Cath, not bad on your placing in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! I am now 126th.
  7. I'm pretty sure that 3 or 4 months after signing Anelka, Souness would have alienated him and forced him to be sold for a giveaway fee, thinking he was a tough guy doing the right thing for the club. And those who supported the signing of Anelka at the time, would have also called him worse than shite and backed Souness for getting rid of a disruptive influence. While watching Souness's "dyer but model professional" © still at the club.... 40566[/snapback] You got your hypothetical crystal ball lensed specs ® on again?
  8. Fiats do more for me. 40525[/snapback] A punto is a Fiat you retard. 40527[/snapback] Fucking hell, top form tonight from me. Meant to say Fiat Uno. My first car, y'see. 40528[/snapback] I had a Panda. Picture Peter Crouch trying to get into a Mini and you're not too far off what a clip I must have looked.
  9. Fiats do more for me. 40525[/snapback] A punto is a Fiat you retard.
  10. Gemmill


    I think that's bollocks personally. To lots of students being a student is taken as an excuse to actively behave like a twat for 3 years. So by definition you're going to come across more twats. 40516[/snapback] I don't think it is bollocks. I've spent 4 years at Newcastle uni where the ones people are going on about tend to be and i never found it to be the case and i also went on nights out to both unis when i wasn't there but had friends who were. 40518[/snapback] Agree with you Papa. In the vast majority of cases, the worst case scenario of a student is being irritating or annoying. In general they are not violent or criminally minded though (other than stealing a few cones), so they don't bother me really. 40519[/snapback] Your handiwork?
  11. Gemmill


    I think that's bollocks personally. To lots of students being a student is taken as an excuse to actively behave like a twat for 3 years. So by definition you're going to come across more twats. 40516[/snapback] I don't think it is bollocks. I've spent 4 years at Newcastle uni where the ones people are going on about tend to be and i never found it to be the case and i also went on nights out to both unis when i wasn't there but had friends who were. 40518[/snapback] Well I spent 3 years at Newcastle and all I can say is that if you went through 4 years and managed to avoid all the twats, you're very lucky because they were pretty much wall to wall when I was there.
  12. Gemmill


    I think that's bollocks personally. To lots of students being a student is taken as an excuse to actively behave like a twat for 3 years. So by definition you're going to come across more twats.
  13. Can't imagine why...... 38974[/snapback] Because they start paying attention not just 'cruising' up and down in their Punto with the music thumping? 40063[/snapback] So all men drive Puntos do they?? And you haven't explained why women still pay more... 40088[/snapback] Young men tend to drive shit cars like Puntos, but tend to take real pride in them. And use them as a means of pulling women. Or at least trying! Single women pay more because they must be a group at greater risk. Given that married people of both sexes pay less, I also assume that married people are less likely to cause accidents too. As pointed out, women tend to cause more shunts etc, but are less likely to be involved in high speed crashes/fatalities etc. 40514[/snapback] Bridget admitting she finds Puntos a turn on??
  14. Gemmill


    It's the politically-correct idealists who get on my tits. "You can't say that, someoneorother may take offence" We had this one girl who had a campaign to stop 'slave auctions' (charity events where people auction themselves off as skivvies for the night) and rename them 'helper auctions'. She succeeded. Still, she was easy to wind up. The whole idea of Uni is surely to get some kind of grip of reality yet some emerge even further away than ever. 40506[/snapback] I knew a student "wimmin" once who insisted history should be called personstory. It had never ocurred to me that history was a sexist word before. 40508[/snapback] Sounds like the sort of person you just to want to poke in the fucking eye. "Well I think it should be called personsto...ARGH! What was that for?"
  15. Gemmill


    Good question. Normally in a situation like that where you're round a table and there's a few of you I would just put in a quarter (if there was 4 of you) regardless of if I'd had less. If one person wasn't drinking though and blatantly had less then I'd put more in to cover for that but I wouldn't necessarily expect others to do the same. In other words, the onus was on them to cover for you rather than you to pay a quarter of the total, but seen as they wouldn't, if it was me, I just would have hoyed in a $20. 40383[/snapback] Correct. Which brings me to another annoying student habit - quarrelling on how to split a bill, or even worse, using calculators! BASTARDS! 40392[/snapback] I used to know this lad and lass that were going out - they'd been seeing each other for years, and when the bill came they would immediately grab it, work out everyone's share to the penny, and pass pennies between the two of them to make sure they each paid their exact share even though they lived together. It used to wind me up no end.
  16. Now if it had been a combi boiler....... Anything involving gas I wouldn't trust myself fitting it tbh.
  17. Gemmill


    40379[/snapback] I've seen him in there drinking said cocktails. At one point he asked them to turn the music down cos he couldn't concentrate on his poetry.
  18. Gemmill


    Good question. Normally in a situation like that where you're round a table and there's a few of you I would just put in a quarter (if there was 4 of you) regardless of if I'd had less. If one person wasn't drinking though and blatantly had less then I'd put more in to cover for that but I wouldn't necessarily expect others to do the same. In other words, the onus was on them to cover for you rather than you to pay a quarter of the total, but seen as they wouldn't, if it was me, I just would have hoyed in a $20.
  19. I was being sarcy because I thought as a Dylan hater; and in an attempt at humour and denigration you'd changed 'Bob' to 'Bib'. I take it back if it was unintended. Should have known you weren't that childish really. Bobist tbh. 40337[/snapback] My spelling mistake tbh 40343[/snapback] Lied about not using tbh anymore tbh.
  20. Look at the state of Peter Crouch man.
  21. Gemmill


    I thought straight edge meant no shagging. What's all this pulling birds nonsense?
  22. Beaten by Papa Lazaru tbh 40316[/snapback] yeah? 40319[/snapback] If the information I was given is correct, you're a foot taller than him Aaaaand, he's far from being perfectly formed!!!!! 40322[/snapback] Im not sure but i think anyone under 4ft 9" is classed as a midget? 40331[/snapback] Papa Laz falls under "Gnome" I think.
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