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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. How fucking shit is this Boro match? Even the normally over-excitable Chris Kamara sounds like he's had a morphine overdose.
  2. Gemmill


    I doubt it tbh. 40951[/snapback] Not while we've got that useless Australian midget dragging us down.
  3. It's already been established that Alex is just an AI algorythm. Manc-mag is just an old fashioned waster in the Gemmill mould I think. 40942[/snapback] How dare you! (both call me a waster, and compare that mincer to me!)
  4. More like greases himself up with Goosefat, gets out his inflatable shark and writhes around on an old piece of Lino in the middle of the living room floor with it until he blows his beans out of his small pink speargun 40894[/snapback]
  5. What were they though? 40883[/snapback] Bet they involved "tbh" tbh.
  6. Pretty sure it was March - think they were saying Man City was our first home win since March in the League.
  7. It's the other way on. His body isn't fully developed so he's not really ready to play 5 set matches. Same way that boxers aren't ready for 15 rounds as soon as they start in the game. 40816[/snapback] Becker was defending his wimbeldon title younger than Murray is now, he managed 5 set epics, it just requires better training and coaching with stamina work. It may be he's not ready yet, but in other countries their young players always seem way ahead of ours. 40849[/snapback] People's bodies develop at different rates though - look at Nadal vs. Murray. Or look at Rooney in football. The stamina will come but it'll take time. I reckon Gol's got it right, although there may be some work that he could do to help hurry things up.
  8. I agree. But I don't know who that manager is. And more importantly, I don't think Shepherd does. 40845[/snapback] Shepherd knows who it is...its Shearer!!! 40847[/snapback]
  9. I agree. But I don't know who that manager is. And more importantly, I don't think Shepherd does.
  10. I loved the thread where he was saying he love to go cage diving but he's scared of water. 40841[/snapback] Sounds like that living room scenario is as close as he's likely to get then.
  11. I bet HTT talcs himself up, hoys a wet suit on, and watches it from a cage in the middle of his living room floor.
  12. Just basically that Souness was the right man for the job. Fair enough, you specified he needed two years, so specify what a satisfactory finish would be this year (I suggest higher than Robson given the fortune he has spent), and then, if he fails to get it, admit you were wrong. Simple! You're off the hook for another 7 months! I will do likewise. 40814[/snapback] Firstly, I didn't say he was the right man for the job - I said he deserved to be given time to prove one way or the other whether he was or wasn't. And just to clarify: before I admit I'm wrong you want me to make a specific pronouncement that I can be proved wrong for? In other words, you've got nothing that I haven't admitted I was wrong about in the past. I think European qualification through the league is satisfactory. By higher than Robson, do you mean 2nd or 3rd? I think that's unrealistic tbh. 40823[/snapback] Actually, I meant 4th i.e. improving on where we were. Not unreasonable given the funds. For the record, I'm sure I remember you saying words to the effect that he would be good for us - mainly for his disciplinarian skills, but obviously I can't prove this, it being a year ago on a different board. I can't pin you down on being wrong before because you never stated specific aims, that's why I'm doing it now (I think you are saying 6th). But, I would have thought that last years performances and results were so obviously bad that if I were you I'd hold my hands up and at least say it looks like I have got it wrong. Bet you nearly did before we signed Owen. So, that's settled. If we come lower than 6th - Gemmill admits he was wrong. If we get 4th, I admit I was wrong. If we come 5th or 6th, we go into extra time! 40827[/snapback] UEFA Cup qualification would keep me happy, but I'd expect us to push on next season. Is anything outside of the top 4 a sackable offence in your eyes, or would you take that and see how we got on next year? EDIT! PS, I'd say probably 5th rather than 6th. Outside of the established top 3, I think only Liverpool should be good enough to finish above us. If, that is, they get it right - I've got a bet on with a Scouser at work that we'll finish above them though.
  13. Hey Wacky, if you ever fancy a career change you could always try nursing. I think your understanding, empathetic side shines through. 40602[/snapback] "Just looking over your notes here, Mr. Lua Lua, and what's shining through is that you are....well......how to put this.....as thick as fuck. "
  14. Just basically that Souness was the right man for the job. Fair enough, you specified he needed two years, so specify what a satisfactory finish would be this year (I suggest higher than Robson given the fortune he has spent), and then, if he fails to get it, admit you were wrong. Simple! You're off the hook for another 7 months! I will do likewise. 40814[/snapback] Firstly, I didn't say he was the right man for the job - I said he deserved to be given time to prove one way or the other whether he was or wasn't. And just to clarify: before I admit I'm wrong you want me to make a specific pronouncement that I can be proved wrong for? In other words, you've got nothing that I haven't admitted I was wrong about in the past. I think European qualification through the league is satisfactory. By higher than Robson, do you mean 2nd or 3rd? I think that's unrealistic tbh.
  15. Imagine Leazes in a pair of rose-tinted aviators, man. 40659[/snapback] Imagine you EVER admitting you are wrong ............ about anything ! Actually, ref the post above, you were raving on about how fantastic Kluivert would be weren't you ?? And whats your excuse for last seasons fall from 5th to 14th ???? Where also is everyone who said Ameobi would be our next international flying centre forward that would score 20 goals ????????????? 40736[/snapback] I never raved about Kluivert like. At least not in the real world - maybe I was doing it in the one in your head though. The one where we signed Anelka etc. The thing that you're constantly accusing me of being wrong about is giving Souness more time. Who's to say I'm wrong? Where was the cut-off point where you were proved right and I was proved wrong? I seem to remember you wittering on about how we'd be relegated if Souness carried on. Looks like you got that one wrong eh? It's easy to be right when you create alternative worlds where Souness fucks everything up and then try and use these "facts" ("Well he would have done that though wouldn't he?") to batter people with. The fact that the events you're going on about never even happened seems largely irrelevant to you. Which is a bit stupid, wouldn't you agree? 40804[/snapback] We did have our worst ever year in the premiership last year - that is a FACT that can't be discounted. But true, you did specify that he should get two years no matter what happens, so I assume you will admit you're wrong if we fail to get into Europe in the league this year (minimum), or even the Champions league. Asides from that, I have never heard you admit you were wrong about anything, ever. So even if we do finish below 5th, I doubt you will admit you were wrong. 40808[/snapback] Tell me what I've got to admit I was wrong about and I'll do it.
  16. Imagine Leazes in a pair of rose-tinted aviators, man. 40659[/snapback] Imagine you EVER admitting you are wrong ............ about anything ! Actually, ref the post above, you were raving on about how fantastic Kluivert would be weren't you ?? And whats your excuse for last seasons fall from 5th to 14th ???? Where also is everyone who said Ameobi would be our next international flying centre forward that would score 20 goals ????????????? 40736[/snapback] I never raved about Kluivert like. At least not in the real world - maybe I was doing it in the one in your head though. The one where we signed Anelka etc. The thing that you're constantly accusing me of being wrong about is giving Souness more time. Who's to say I'm wrong? Where was the cut-off point where you were proved right and I was proved wrong? I seem to remember you wittering on about how we'd be relegated if Souness carried on. Looks like you got that one wrong eh? It's easy to be right when you create alternative worlds where Souness fucks everything up and then try and use these "facts" ("Well he would have done that though wouldn't he?") to batter people with. The fact that the events you're going on about never even happened seems largely irrelevant to you. Which is a bit stupid, wouldn't you agree?
  17. Alex you bitch, that's not fair. I started at 7:00am it's 10:05pm now and I'm still here. 40715[/snapback] 40788[/snapback] Even funnier if you read it in a whiny, crying Australian voice.
  18. You're all just jelous because you have to go on your tiptoes to get to the teabags. 40683[/snapback] As opposed to being 5'8" able to control a football and having an average size cock that looks in proportion to the rest of me! Yeah I can see why you would want to be that tall???? 40690[/snapback] 5'8"!! 40702[/snapback] Oh no Gemmill don't tease me because I might be shorter than you, on no you'll make me cry 40709[/snapback] Aye the way you've NOT been biting throughout this thread when other people have posted, you definitely don't mind when people take the piss out of your height like. Not even a little bit.
  19. You're all just jelous because you have to go on your tiptoes to get to the teabags. 40683[/snapback] As opposed to being 5'8" able to control a football and having an average size cock that looks in proportion to the rest of me! Yeah I can see why you would want to be that tall???? 40690[/snapback] 5'8"!!
  20. Gemmill


    Make that shittest thread 40687[/snapback] Jealousy overload tbh. 40695[/snapback] Bollocks tbh 40696[/snapback] Alex is seething!
  21. Gemmill


    Make that shittest thread 40687[/snapback] Jealousy overload tbh.
  22. Gemmill


    ...and a millionaire to boot. I am the beeeeeeeest!!!
  23. Gemmill


    Aye of course that was in the olden days when some of us were pioneers of these things, developing an exciting, brave new world so that the bored accountants of the future can feel like they're high flying city traders. 40662[/snapback] WE. ARE. TOP O'THE LEAGUE.
  24. Shouldn't be driving while you type like.
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