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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Do the pubs not shut really early on a Sunday in England? You`ll have plenty of time to be fit for work.. 41825[/snapback] Aye half 10. Then I've got to be up and sober enough to drive to work 7.5 hours later.
  2. team spirit seems well in order at Blackburn too ..... with the "disruptive" Bellamy on board, and without the master manager Souness...oh and a simple matter of above us in the league too 41713[/snapback] 41716[/snapback] you are on about Souness being a success again aren't you ? I can tell you that I am right as much as you like And you know it. 41717[/snapback] Right about what man? We beat Blackburn 3-0 with Bellamy in the side, and Bellamy went off injured today long before Blackburn took the lead. What's your point about Bellamy and Blackburn? What was the relevance? There was none, you just can't help yourself. 41719[/snapback] you are fast becoming a prize knacker for your refusal to admit selling Bellamy was a stupid act by a fuckwit manager, resulting in inferior performances, worse results and a shitload of money spent for the trouble. I look forward to seeing your excuses for Souness when he is sacked by Newcastle. Although I know what they will be, not enough time, not enough money [!], Shepherd sticking his nose in...you will say he succeeded in kicking out the "bad eggs" ..... turning a blind eye to the performance of the team and the club....lower expectations among you and all your cronies who cannot also bring themselves to admit the crass stupidity and incompetence of this man in charge of our football team The point is the continuing proof of Souness lack of ability as a manager, along with lies that only gullible people like you have allowed yourself to blind yourselves with ..... another thing you won't admit, even when it stares you in the face as it is becoming now, and if we hadn't been lucky enough to have Shearer persuade Owen to come, would now be bottom of the league 41721[/snapback] More amateur clairvoyance. Nice one. What's the point in constructing an incident in the future that hasn't happened and having a go at someone on the basis of what you predict they'll say? You've got a fucking screw loose mate. And I think we've established that we don't agree on who was in the right re Bellamy v Souness. You believe the stories about Souness grabbing Bellamy by the throat and dismiss any of the stories painting Bellamy in a poor light, or try to blame them on someone else (Bellamy texting Shearer was Shearer's fault for having too much influence at the club (!) ). Serious question: when are you going to get over the fact that Craig Bellamy doesn't play for Newcastle anymore? He's injured again by the way. So far this season he's managed 3 and a bit games. And this time you can't blame his injury on Souness. 41725[/snapback] Not amateur claivoyance. A year ago some of us said where we would be today, you and others said we wouldn't. We are saying things won't get back to where we were under Bobby Robson, with Souness. You and others are saying they will, or making ready excuses in case they don't. The Bellamy stories about Souness grabbing Bellamy the throat are true, as are those about him trying to break Dwight Yorkes leg, that information is first hand to myself. If you are truly happy having a manager like this at the football club, who has a proven record of leaving clubs in dissaray and a poor position everywhere he goes, that is your prerogative. However it is not mine. And - I am absolutely confident in how I foresee what will happen. I see you are not so confident of how you do. I would say that myself and the others will go on about Souness when we are proved to be absolutely right and he is sacked. So, it's as I said. Results have proven who has been right and wrong so far, and will continue to do so. Shame you and all the Souness apologists will be wrong, but thats the way it goes. You are still defending him after today, and 40m quid trying to improve a top 4/5 team ? I thought you were an accountant ? 41730[/snapback] I'm away out. I'll reply later if I can be arsed although we're just going to go around in circles. In the meantime, any clue on tonight's lottery numbers, o mystic one?
  3. team spirit seems well in order at Blackburn too ..... with the "disruptive" Bellamy on board, and without the master manager Souness...oh and a simple matter of above us in the league too 41713[/snapback] 41716[/snapback] you are on about Souness being a success again aren't you ? I can tell you that I am right as much as you like And you know it. 41717[/snapback] Right about what man? We beat Blackburn 3-0 with Bellamy in the side, and Bellamy went off injured today long before Blackburn took the lead. What's your point about Bellamy and Blackburn? What was the relevance? There was none, you just can't help yourself. 41719[/snapback] you are fast becoming a prize knacker for your refusal to admit selling Bellamy was a stupid act by a fuckwit manager, resulting in inferior performances, worse results and a shitload of money spent for the trouble. I look forward to seeing your excuses for Souness when he is sacked by Newcastle. Although I know what they will be, not enough time, not enough money [!], Shepherd sticking his nose in...you will say he succeeded in kicking out the "bad eggs" ..... turning a blind eye to the performance of the team and the club....lower expectations among you and all your cronies who cannot also bring themselves to admit the crass stupidity and incompetence of this man in charge of our football team The point is the continuing proof of Souness lack of ability as a manager, along with lies that only gullible people like you have allowed yourself to blind yourselves with ..... another thing you won't admit, even when it stares you in the face as it is becoming now, and if we hadn't been lucky enough to have Shearer persuade Owen to come, would now be bottom of the league 41721[/snapback] More amateur clairvoyance. Nice one. What's the point in constructing an incident in the future that hasn't happened and having a go at someone on the basis of what you predict they'll say? You've got a fucking screw loose mate. And I think we've established that we don't agree on who was in the right re Bellamy v Souness. You believe the stories about Souness grabbing Bellamy by the throat and dismiss any of the stories painting Bellamy in a poor light, or try to blame them on someone else (Bellamy texting Shearer was Shearer's fault for having too much influence at the club (!) ). Serious question: when are you going to get over the fact that Craig Bellamy doesn't play for Newcastle anymore? He's injured again by the way. So far this season he's managed 3 and a bit games. And this time you can't blame his injury on Souness.
  4. team spirit seems well in order at Blackburn too ..... with the "disruptive" Bellamy on board, and without the master manager Souness...oh and a simple matter of above us in the league too 41713[/snapback] 41716[/snapback] you are on about Souness being a success again aren't you ? I can tell you that I am right as much as you like And you know it. 41717[/snapback] Right about what man? We beat Blackburn 3-0 with Bellamy in the side, and Bellamy went off injured today long before Blackburn took the lead. What's your point about Bellamy and Blackburn? What was the relevance? There was none, you just can't help yourself.
  5. team spirit seems well in order at Blackburn too ..... with the "disruptive" Bellamy on board, and without the master manager Souness...oh and a simple matter of above us in the league too 41713[/snapback]
  6. They won 3-2 in the end. 41702[/snapback] They scored two of their three after Jenas was subbed. 41704[/snapback] Aye sounded like Tainio came on and turned the game. Jenas'll be lucky to get a game next match.
  7. Cowardly terrorist arseholes. Killing innocent people enjoying themselves on holiday. Twats.
  8. *dons rose-tinted specs* Ah well, it's an away draw and the third clean sheet in three games. Hopefully we'll have a couple of the injured crew back for Wigan and will pick up 3 points there.
  9. Doesn't sound that way on Radio Newcastle like. Although they are canny biased, but it just doesn't sound remotely like a game where either team is getting a "right doing". 41642[/snapback] I don't know, I'm listening to BBC Newcastle and they are all over us. Well in everyway but upfront where they lack anything finishing wise. 41643[/snapback] I've got my rose tinted earmuffs on.
  10. Doesn't sound that way on Radio Newcastle like. Although they are canny biased, but it just doesn't sound remotely like a game where either team is getting a "right doing".
  11. Jenas still getting a game for Spurs, so hopefully that'll help them get beat. The skinny squanderer as he was called in something I read last week.
  12. Still better than Portsmouth's though. None of their outfield players playing today have scored this season (admittedly not many of ours have either).
  13. Did anyone else just watch his interview? Hard to believe he's only 16 years old when you hear him talk and that. Got his head totally screwed on and seems a really bright, confident kid. Mind he's desperate to play for Chelsea by the sounds of things, so obviously he's not perfect. Nice to hear a 16 year old professional footballer that can hold an intelligent conversation and speak quite eloquently though. It's still beyond Wayne Rooney at 19.
  14. Gemmill

    ASBO MAN !

    Aye ...its not a patch on "Accountancy weekly" like. 41612[/snapback] Monthly actually. I get sent it for free but it gets hoyed out without even making it out of the cellofane.
  15. Yup. Shola and Taylor playing, Bramble out an'all.
  16. Fancy that. Good man-management from Souness with a player that is willing to listen, take on board what he's being told, and realise that he doesn't know it all after all. Shame they're not all like that.....mentioning no names or nowt. He's gotta be lying like because it's common knowledge that Souness is incapable of managing players etc. etc.
  17. Gemmill

    ASBO MAN !

    Loaded Magazine is fucking shite. Just like this doll.
  18. According to Radio Newcastle it's a dead leg and he'll probably still play for England. According to Radio 5 it's a hamstring. According to Talksport it's a calf strain. Somebody is lying. I reckon it's just a knock.
  19. He's through to the final now. What a fantastic achievement for BRITISH tennis.
  20. Where've you been anyway, William? We haven't seen you at one of these for yonks.
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