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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Is there any need to plague us all with those images so close to lunch?
  2. Agreed. They've fucked a very simple law up by trying to be clever. 42137[/snapback] Nail-on-heed. Definitely offside, tho can't have any complaints of the linesman as you cant expect them to have their crystal balls out once they've made the first judgement call (which in this case was correct as he was walking backwards at first.) 42187[/snapback] Yup. They've taken what was previously a black and white decision (mistakes notwithstanding) and added an element of interpretation to it. A linesman's job is difficult enough just getting a standard offside correct without muddying things like they have.
  3. I sit up in the gods at SJP and whenever the lad plays he stands offside nearly all game. And I don't mean in a watchful sense where he'll bend his run back and be onside when the pass is played. I mean he just stands there. Offside. Paying no attention to the fact and making no effort to put it right.
  4. Wow, you're dead different and original. Write something about it on your schoolbag so everyone knows. 42161[/snapback] Nope, just speaking up for what I believe in. You should try it if you have any balls. Now get on with your dull day. 42167[/snapback] Righto Chesney. 42170[/snapback] No problem Tim 42173[/snapback] Not bad. Surely Brent would have been a better insult though.
  5. Wow, you're dead different and original. Write something about it on your schoolbag so everyone knows. 42161[/snapback] Nope, just speaking up for what I believe in. You should try it if you have any balls. Now get on with your dull day. 42167[/snapback] Righto Chesney.
  6. Wow, you're dead different and original. Write something about it on your schoolbag so everyone knows.
  7. Agreed. They've fucked a very simple law up by trying to be clever.
  8. Gemmill

    The Match

    Has this thing started then? Is it actually any good?
  9. Get the fuck out of here.... Read the title of the thread those jokes were posted in. Just because people pass on a joke, doesn't mean that they're not affected by events that take place... Get a grip! 42065[/snapback] If you can't understand how idiotic it is to simultaneously make light of an event and then say how awful it is then you're beyond stupid. 42106[/snapback] A sick joke isn't about laughing at the event itself or the tragic outcome of the event. Nobody who laughs at a sick joke actually finds people dying or being blown up funny. This is the 4th time this has been pointed out to you in this thread. How many more times before the penny drops?
  10. What the fuck is Flat Stanley (Crouch) doing in there too? He just shouldn't be allowed to represent his country on the basis that it's a fucking embarassment to advertise the fact that the freak is English.
  11. Because Sven is a clueless prick. And I'm not anti-Sven, but on the basis of fucking what exactly is he picking Jermaine Jenas. The lad is shite.
  12. When Abramovic first turned up I was hopeful that it would be a short term thing and that after a couple of trophyless seasons he'd pack in and fuck off. Unfortunately Mourinho came along and turned a bottomless pit of money into a trophy-winning, totally dominant football side and it now looks like Abramovic might be here for the long term. When you think about it, why would he leave? It's the perfect plaything and he's actually winning things and getting to bask in the reflected glory of his time whilst pissing about on his yacht etc. I think the best hope we all have is that Mourinho gets sick of Chelsea and sick of having all the money in the world to spend on players and decides it's time to look for a new challenge. I think with any manager other than Mourinho Chelsea will still be challenging for trophies on all fronts, but they won't dominate like they are at the minute. Maybe then Abramovic will get restless......
  13. How very dare you! Re Ron Atkinson: Did anyone see Balls of Steel on Friday night? The look on his face when that lass told him she had a present for him, rummaged around in her bag, and produced her middle finger right in his face was priceless. When he then asked what that was supposed to be and she said "It's my finger. Do you like it?" I thought he was going to batter her.
  14. OK, that one must have escaped me. FWIW, we know that Robson had to go, as the team needed freshening up if we wanted to go back up into the top 4 rather than slide a few places, which is what I feel would have happened if Robson had stayed. But getting back into the Champions League is without doubt the absolute minimum for Newcastle now. The club has to make sure that themselves, and us, set our stall out for this all the time, and with an occasional cup thrown in for good measure, because looking at Chelsea today, we have absolutely no chance of beating both Chelsea and manu to the title at least until the Russian gets fed up of his football club. we had our chance in 1996 and didn't quite do it. 42030[/snapback] I don't think we'll ever be in with a chance of the title until Shepherd revises his policy on selecting managers. With Robson we had a one-off - a manager with massive experience who just happened to be a local lad. There's nobody else in the game like that, and it's time for Shepherd to come to terms with this fact and start to find someone with huge experience who is foreign, because the British managers around that would be available to us are all sub-standard for what we want the club to achieve. I include Souness in that assessment, but I think if we got rid of him tomorrow, Shepherd would replace him with a similarly sub-standard man. That's why I'm not calling for him to go - it would just be another costly bit of contractual wrangling followed by further disappointment when it becomes apparent to us all that the new man is maybe half a pace in the right direction at best.
  15. Do you get this yet? I normally wouldn't rub it in when someone ends up looking a bit silly in a thread, but you were trying particularly hard to patronise me before I had to spell out this most simple of concepts to you.
  16. Shame some people will simply never admit they are wrong about a manager, or a player come to that [who exactly did say Ameobi and Kluivert would be the dynamic replacements for Shearer a year ago] they would rather cling to one success story.....however, more to the point, as an accountant what do you think of the money he is spending, and what do you think of our points total last season ? 41902[/snapback] I don't know who said Ameobi and Kluivert would be dynamic replacements for Shearer. I do know it wasn't me though. Are you sure someone actually said it and that you aren't just creating a fictional quote by a fictional person about something that was never going to happen, so that you can tell us all how clever you are because you knew it never could happen? 41990[/snapback] I don't know if you did or not, but I do know that a hell of a lot of people on here said this. Your daft comment about some sort of fictional person saying Ameobi and Kluivert would be top players for Newcastle, also shows that you have an extremely short memory if you think otherwise, or just make things up as you go, as you know full well a lot of people said the above. As far as making predictions, I just exercise footballing judgments, and I'm very rarely wrong, if I am wrong I would admit it, only a complete cock would refuse to admit when they are wrong, wouldn't you agree ? Question. What exactly is your expectations of Souness, and spending 50m quid on a team that was already qualified for the UEFA Cup via a 5th place position in the league ? What would you see as success, given the above advantages over 15 teams who were below us ? At what stage exactly would you be prepared to admit that he has been a failure, seeing as you are still not considering this as an option despite our pathetic performance last season, and so far this one, in return for the massive financial backing and support he has had ? 42021[/snapback] LM mate, I said the other day that 5th would be acceptable to me as a step in the right direction. If we don't get 5th I'll admit that Souness got it wrong.
  17. I have answered the question. Read the post about Billy Connolly. Generally speaking, I think that it is possible to have different reactions to an event- humour is a natural coping mechanism. It's a question of taste though. Posting sick jokes on an internet forum then shedding crocodile tears about the same event is a bit strange in my view. 42010[/snapback] Sorry, but if you can't respond with a simple "Yes" to the question I asked you, then it proves that all you were trying to do was to point-score in a thread in which people are expressing sympathy and upset about people dying. Which is further supported by you now accusing someone of shedding crocodile tears. Hope it made you feel good though. 42011[/snapback] I'll make it easy as you are struggling to grasp the concept. Laughing because someone falls over and hurts their arm, gets up and shrugs it off is one thing. Laughing because someone falls over and cracks their head open and needs hospital treatment is another. Laughing because someone falls over and cracks their head open and needs hospital treatment and then telling everyone how awful they think it is, is another thing again. Do you now understand my point? The people who tell racist jokes here and then try and say how unracist they are, are the most cowardly, ignorant deluded people I can think of. 42015[/snapback] A sick joke isn't about laughing at the event itself or the tragic outcome of the event. Nobody who laughs at a sick joke actually finds people dying or being blown up funny. It's you that's struggling to grasp that concept. Or perhaps you do understand it but you still felt the need to try and point-score to make yourself look clever. Who knows?
  18. I have answered the question. Read the post about Billy Connolly. Generally speaking, I think that it is possible to have different reactions to an event- humour is a natural coping mechanism. It's a question of taste though. Posting sick jokes on an internet forum then shedding crocodile tears about the same event is a bit strange in my view. 42010[/snapback] Sorry, but if you can't respond with a simple "Yes" to the question I asked you, then it proves that all you were trying to do was to point-score in a thread in which people are expressing sympathy and upset about people dying. Which is further supported by you now accusing someone of shedding crocodile tears. Hope it made you feel good though.
  19. OK, I take it all back, this proves without a doubt that Souness is a superb man manager. It really shows on the pitch after all. 41996[/snapback] Finally you've admitted you were wrong about Souness. How does it feel?
  20. When you tell a joke, you are telling it because you think it's funny. Now why don't we wind in the hard talk and try and have a decent conversation. 42001[/snapback] Answer the question. Do you think that someone that tells a sick joke or laughs at a sick joke cannot also be genuinely upset when a tragedy occurs?
  21. No I don't. I found the jokes on that thread deeply offensive and you all rallyed round saying it was fine. I got the piss ripped out of me for daring to go against the herd. If you want to take potshots then fill your boots but it's a bit rich to then accuse ME of taking over a thread. I addressed my point to catmag and not you. You chose to wade in acting like the voice of reason. If you can find a way of tallying jokes about something awful, then subsequently saying how appalling it is, then make your fucking point. If you can't (which I strongly suspect) SHUT THE FUCK UP. 41992[/snapback] Do you seriously think that people that can tell sick jokes, or find amusement in sick jokes, are incapable of feeling any upset when a tragedy occurs? Are you that fucking stupid? Or are you just trying to be a clever shite and ending up looking anything but?
  22. Shame some people will simply never admit they are wrong about a manager, or a player come to that [who exactly did say Ameobi and Kluivert would be the dynamic replacements for Shearer a year ago] they would rather cling to one success story.....however, more to the point, as an accountant what do you think of the money he is spending, and what do you think of our points total last season ? 41902[/snapback] I don't know who said Ameobi and Kluivert would be dynamic replacements for Shearer. I do know it wasn't me though. Are you sure someone actually said it and that you aren't just creating a fictional quote by a fictional person about something that was never going to happen, so that you can tell us all how clever you are because you knew it never could happen?
  23. The last time I missed a off a post, Renton had to have a double session with his therapist. I won't be making that mistake again.
  24. AF, I know you do this stuff to try and get under people's skin and to be a bit controversial, but I can absolutely assure you that you just end up making yourself look like a contrary fucking arsehole every time. People aren't biting or reacting to you because you're clever and you've stumped them - they just can't believe you could be such a cock. EDIT - PS Well done for fucking up a thread about people dying in a terrorist attack so that you could try and make yourself look clever.
  25. Gemmill

    Oh look!

    Who or what are you talking about?
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