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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Yup, because Souness has pretty much proven that he only likes to buy shit players eh?
  2. Gemmill


    Having been a student I've first-hand knowledge of what it's like.... 38 hours a day?? Think you need to start picking up a book amd learning something GF - obviously spent far too much time in the union bar! Expend more effort at Uni than you have done anywhere else?? Fuck me, you're in for one big shock... BTW - what are josticks?? 43700[/snapback] The work I did at university was the most intellectually challenging I've ever faced. I worked throughout my time at university and I'm working full time now and it doesn't compare. It's tiring and hard work, just very different altogether. Certainly not more difficult, but more taxing (and not just the fact I have to pay tax now!) 43816[/snapback] Depends what job you end up doing really though doesn't it (and this is by no means a slight on what you are doing, as I don't even know what that is). I know my first 3 years in my training contract to be a chartered accountant were fucking horrendous and the exams were on a whole different level of difficulty to anything I'd ever faced before - added to the fact that you were working full time whilst trying to study for the exams. University in comparison was an absolute doddle and as much as I get to piss around on here a bit during the day, I'd sharp swap lying in til lunchtime for what I do now.
  3. He's from Bury, you dickslap! 43690[/snapback] It just sounds like a thick manc to me, spunkwad.
  4. lazy admin tbh 43654[/snapback] pro-active admin more like... If I was lazy, I wouldn't have spent half an hour implementing it, would i? 43658[/snapback] I get that a lot at work. If you're pro-active to try and save time in the future, you're classed as lazy. If you're not pro-active, you get told you should be However Craig, you've just been called lazy by a student 43659[/snapback] I know, the fucking cheek of it.... I get exactly the same think at work Mark, we were accused of 'firefighting' issues rather than pro-actively trying to avoid them in the first place. We changed philosphy and started to do things differently and the customers accused us of 'inventing work'.... Tossers - you can't win! 43663[/snapback] Listen to the IT dweebs whining man.
  5. Sounds like manc-mag to me.
  6. Front page of the Star (quality) is reporting that it's a Man United player anyway, so we can now officially stop speculating that it's one of our lot.
  7. Gemmill


    Because people had bought him to try and get the win bonus. But they didn't need to own him anymore after the game started, so they're selling causing his price to drop. Basic economics tbh. 43222[/snapback] Basic economics! Yeah right. At no point did his share price actually go up, either before, during or after yesterday's game - that isn't basic economics, especially when the share is performing. 43407[/snapback] You're wrong mate. His price was going up on the 3rd and 4th before when people were buying him for the win bonus. It plummets on the 5th because there was no longer any need to own shares in him so people were selling.
  8. Tonight! Performing liiiiiiiiive........ 43292[/snapback] Coming at you liiiiiiiive..... would be better.
  9. Now, Im sure thats his plan 42691[/snapback] Bit skinny like. Can be really uncool and ask who she is? 43283[/snapback] I was hoping someone would ask like. Is Matty not the lad who claimed his brother was seeing Rachel Stevens? Apologies if not like, but the photo of them "together" (either side of a security railing) was class. 43284[/snapback] Nope that's not me... I can remember that picture as well but can't remember who it was who posted it! 43288[/snapback] Well whoever it is I wish he'd come back and tell us how the romance is going.
  10. Now, Im sure thats his plan 42691[/snapback] Bit skinny like. Can be really uncool and ask who she is? 43283[/snapback] She's the bass player from a band called The Subways.... She is also my shagging buddy... 43285[/snapback] You've been desperate for someone to ask all week haven't you?
  11. Now, Im sure thats his plan 42691[/snapback] Bit skinny like. Can be really uncool and ask who she is? 43283[/snapback] I was hoping someone would ask like. Is Matty not the lad who claimed his brother was seeing Rachel Stevens? Apologies if not like, but the photo of them "together" (either side of a security railing) was class.
  12. Gemmill

    New Feature

    I wouldn't bet on it Gemmill. There are some disturbingly high scores out there. Like AF getting 50 on Simon. 50 ffs !!!! Plus I don't think there are any accounting games. 43279[/snapback] Shame like cos I am a mathematical genius.
  13. Gemmill

    New Feature

    You nerds better count yourself lucky I haven't tried any of these games yet. Prepare to lose your titles sometime soon.
  14. Gemmill

    George Best

    I wouldn't listen to maggiespaws tbh. He thinks Pease Pudding was invented by Dr. Albert Pea.
  15. Gemmill

    George Best

    Ignoring the rights and wrongs of him wasting the new opportunity he was given, I'm just sick of hearing about the bloke's trips in and out of hospitals. Bit callous and I wish him no ill but I'm just bored of George Best.
  16. It is a scientifically proven fact that excessive alcohol consumption can lead and is a major contributor to muscle injuries. And what muscle is the most used and vunerable on a footballer? (besides that one!) It is also alleged that Newcastle's managers, current and previous, have a relaxed attitude to the party lifestyles certain players have. It's not rocket science really is it? 43148[/snapback] Actually I've heard much less of the "Newcastle players out pissed" stuff since Souness took over. I don't know for definite (none of us do) whether Souness is any stricter in this regard, but all the talk of this one and that one monged on the quayside has definitely dried up.
  17. I suggest we leave that story alone until names are made public (if at all). There's little sense speculating given legal implications etc. Plus I know I wouldn't want anyone bandying my name around in those circumstances.
  18. Quite a good article. And it does put into persepective all the stuff about Ericsson's fantastic qualifying record. The stuff about Crouch makes sense too - I, for one, cannot believe that the lad is getting a game for England.
  19. Gemmill


    I hear manc-mag can bowl a bit.
  20. Gemmill


    Because people had bought him to try and get the win bonus. But they didn't need to own him anymore after the game started, so they're selling causing his price to drop. Basic economics tbh.
  21. Gullible??? Only if I'd believed you. I retracted my slap as I thought you'd not taken it in the playful manner it which it was intended (you soft get). The playful slap was for your humerous reply to my post (which asked for a real answer), the retraction was not because I believed you. So you can take another slap for thinking I'm gullible enough to believe you 42987[/snapback] You blatantly believed him like.
  22. Just out of interest, is it really £15 to stand and watch Torquay? I'm always surprised by how much it costs lower league fans to go to games, everyone assumes it's a fiver or something but I went to see Sheff Wed in League 2 in a fairly normal seat and it cost me £25! 42727[/snapback] Was on the radio the other day that York City are charging 30 quid for a season ticket for under 12s! It's something like 1 quid 40 a game. Not bad like.
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