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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. So at any one time there can only be a maximum of 18 world class players on the planet? Cobblers.
  2. I asked "Is mancy bent?". It came back with "Did you mean: Is nancy bent?". Same difference, Shirley.
  3. Gemmill


    Seems canny wound up by this thread like, no doubt he'll say he wasn't and *whoosh* me though. 44504[/snapback] Well I hope he enjoys his student life while it lasts, because then he's got a lifetime of burger flipping to look forward to... Joke GF, joke. Mind you if you're doing psychology I would think of a contingency plan in all seriousness. 44510[/snapback] He has, he's doing Philosophy too 44511[/snapback] Oh God, even worse. 44513[/snapback] At least he'll have plenty time to recover from all the "challenging and stretching" work he's been doing, while he's on the rock n roll.
  4. you must have got a low score then eh 44420[/snapback] I didn't do it man. I'm no 44422[/snapback] Yes, it's definitely gay. Anyhoo, I got 181 and I'm married...... 44492[/snapback] A "beard" surely.
  5. Jumped before you were pushed, eh? Seriously though, have you another job lined up? 44431[/snapback] They actually offered me more money to stay man. I couldn't believe it. 44433[/snapback] its funny when they do that - if you are so pissed off you have gone somewhere else all they do is PROVE they're lousy at motivation when they try and bribe you on the way out 44458[/snapback] When he said 'stay' he actually meant 'go'. 44460[/snapback] Maybe they offered him more money to "stay away" because they feared he might have a change of heart... 44473[/snapback] Like an Anglo-German Hale and Pace, you two.
  6. Gemmill


    If there's one thing worse than your average student, it's a student that tries to tell you how hard they're working and how challenging it all is. We've all been there man, and we know it's a piece of piss.
  7. Aye 3 months is pretty much standard for what I do unfortunately. I don't have a reference yet, and I signed a contract agreeing to the 3 months so I'm a bit stuck. Legally I don't think they can enforce it because it's outside of European law or something like that, but I don't mind doing it really. 44447[/snapback] 3 months sounds excessive. You cant tell me it'll take them three months to find a replacement calculator jockey! In all seriousness though, despite the strict legal contractual position, the only thing that'd keep me to any notice period where I was desperate to get away would be the threat of not getting a reference if I didnt work it out. I mean beyond that if you leave early then okay you're in breach contract but it's hard to see what an employer would sue for. Mercenary.......moi? 44453[/snapback] Here man, finding someone as highly qualified, and with the wealth of experience that I have is like looking for the Holy Grail. And I can't believe you were having a go at me for having no loyalty and then you expose yourself as the Ravanelli of the legal world.
  8. Got owt lined up mate? 44429[/snapback] Aye and no more driving to Teesside as well. I can't wait. I've got a 3 month notice to work though. 44432[/snapback] that explains everything nah, pleased if its what you want though Gem, is the new job more money 44446[/snapback] Running the Souness fan club doesn't pay too well but it's what he's always wanted to do. 44448[/snapback] LM, it's similar money, slightly more, but taking the commute to Teesside and the tunnel out of the equation means I'll be a lot better off.
  9. Aye 3 months is pretty much standard for what I do unfortunately. I don't have a reference yet, and I signed a contract agreeing to the 3 months so I'm a bit stuck. Legally I don't think they can enforce it because it's outside of European law or something like that, but I don't mind doing it really.
  10. I thought that when I first joined here, but after a brief period of inactivity I got back into the swing of things.
  11. Got owt lined up mate? 44429[/snapback] Aye and no more driving to Teesside as well. I can't wait. I've got a 3 month notice to work though. 44432[/snapback] Well congratulations are in order then. Well done! 44434[/snapback] Cheers, mister.
  12. Jumped before you were pushed, eh? Seriously though, have you another job lined up? 44431[/snapback] They actually offered me more money to stay man. I couldn't believe it.
  13. Got owt lined up mate? 44429[/snapback] Aye and no more driving to Teesside as well. I can't wait. I've got a 3 month notice to work though.
  14. Just thought I'd share that with you all. (attention-seeking tbh)
  15. you must have got a low score then eh 44420[/snapback] I didn't do it man. I'm no
  16. Can't believe a load of blokes are sitting doing relationship tests. Do you all read Marie Claire too?
  17. now matey....I'm prepared to admit if I have made assumptions, with good reason, they may indeed be unfounded, see the above post !! Time will tell because we don't know though for sure do we. I don't know what assumptions about Bellamy you mean though ? Still think he is out of order though insinuating the spirit at Newcastle under Sir Bobby was "not very good", when Souness actual results on the pitch are nowhere near as good as Sir Bobs..not to mention the direct insult to him .... 44029[/snapback] Never said you made the assumptions mate, just that whenever anyone else makes them about Bellamy, you dismiss them as being rubbish and it's all Souness's fault. 44074[/snapback] Dunno Sima..Bellamy was a gobshite..but so is Roy Keane, and Wayne Rooney, to name 2, and while I know as a player he can't compare with those you know what I mean... Alex Ferguson doesn't sell them, he manages and gets the best out of them ... 44081[/snapback] *cough* Jaap Stam *cough* 44401[/snapback] I haven't seen the "My boss is a liar" interviews that Keane and Rooney did either.
  18. On the plus side, the fewer England fans, the less chance we have of being embarrassed by moronic behaviour.
  19. Alreetlike, Is there a layman's program you could recommend for making a website? I have a mate who'll let me have some webspace on his server but I need to make the site myself. Nothing too flash just a place people can download mp3s and maybe some pics. The design part I can do myself as I did it for A level. Any advice would be well appreciated 44306[/snapback] www.chesneyhawkes.com ??
  20. Because you've all spoilt it, I know that there's something coming....I just don't know what.
  21. No, it was a blatant dive. The player actually took another step before deciding to throw himself to the floor. I do realise though that this is classed as fair play in Germany.
  22. I'd rather have the tea lady marking Henry than Craig Moore. 43899[/snapback] I'd rather see Craig Moore get a game for us before rushing to judgements about him. Not aimed at you Isegrim as I know you've seen him play.
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